The date

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A/n: Hi, i hope you like this story so far.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
"Are you shitting me? Of course."
"Ok well I'll be out side your room at 8. Right now I need to plan it. I'll see you later my love."
"Ok." You bit your lip to try to keep the smile off of your lips. You failed miserably.

He walked off, leaving you looking like a madman.
You teleported to your room and checked the time on your phone. It was almost 4. That gave you 4 hours. This was going to be fun. Wait. You don't know where you're going so what do you wear?
You were going out at night, so you needed a jacket. You pulled out an oversized leather jacket out of your wardrobe and laid it on your bed.

You had a cast on so a dress would be less restricting. Pulled out a black dress that had a full skirt that fell around your knees and yellow dress with sunflowers on it, that was flowy.
It was Loki so the black would probably better.
You laid the dress next to your jacket, they looked good together.

Ok, you cant wear heels for obvious reasons, so you got out a pair of black vans. It was ok if your were going to a restaurant, the movies, even the funfair. Oh shit. You worked out earlier today so you really needed to shower.
You brought all your clothes into the bathroom and hung them neatly on the door.
You took off your cast and your clothes and got into the shower.

The hot water cleaned all of the sweat off you. You grabbed a sponge and a soap that smelled of blackberries and washed yourself down. You rinsed off the soap and grabbed a razor you have never used before. You had only done this once before the night of the party, but then you had help.

Ok this is gonna be easy. You put some soap on your legs and started shaving delicately. You had done a pretty good job. You got out of the shower and dried your self down. It was 5:30. Ok that's 2 and a half hours. You grabbed deodorant and a perfume that had a weird fluffy thing on it.

After using it you got black nail polish and you realised you didn't know how to do this. You put on a dressing gown and called for Nat and Wanda. They walked in a minute later.
"Guys, Loki asked me out. And I just realised I don't know what to do."
"Omg I knew you two were going to be a thing." Wanda squealed.

"As cute as this is Wanda, the girl is desperate. You do her nails and hair, I'll do her makeup." Nat ordered.
Wanda picked up the nail polish and grabbed your hand, she started filling in your nails while Nat started putting all sorts of stuff on your face.

Within half an hour, you nails were a shiny black, you had black eyeliner and a soft red lip. Your hair was put into two French plaits.
"Wow thank you so much. Let me put my clothes on and I'll show you the finished product."
"Ok." They said at the same time and hurried out of the bathroom.

With everything on, you looked quite nice. You limped out of the bathroom, your cast wrapped securely around your leg.
Nat and Wanda admired there good work and each gave you a hug.
"Ok its 7 now. He said he'll pick me up at 8. We got an hour to kill. What do we do?"
"Tell us everything that happened." Wanda said demanded.

You sat them down and told them what happened at the party and on the mission you told them about how you told him you liked him and what he said back, they were more than furious. Then you told them how he made it up to you and how he asked you out. By the time you finished it was 7:50.

"Ok ten minutes. I'm kind of nervous." You said.
"Don't be. He already said he loves you and he asked you out."

You sat around just waiting.
"Five minutes." Nat said checking her watch.

"Two minutes."
"One minute."

There was a knock at your door. You opened the door to find Thor.
"Good evening. Loki has asked me to escort you to the roof."
"The roof?"
"Yeah, I'm so excited for you guys."

Thor took you to the roof. It was so dark, you couldn't see anything. Then Thor cleared his throat and fairy lights came on. They lined the roof. In the middle was a blanket, some pillows and a basket. Loki walked up to you and took your hand. Thor went back down stairs.

"So, what do you think my love?"
"I think it's perfect." You replied.
"You look ravishing my dear. Black suits you."
"And you look amazing in a suit." You said tugging at his tie.

He led you to the blanket and helped you sit down.
"Why didn't you bring your crutches?"
"Cause it would ruin my whole look. And plus, I'm kind of used to being without them."
From the top of the tower you could see the whole of New York. You could also see a few stars.

"Lokes its beautiful up here."
"Not as beautiful as you."
You kissed him and wrapped your arms around his neck.
"Darling the food's going to get cold."

"You didn't tell me there was food." You laughed.
He opened to basket for you to find your favourite food.
He pulled out some plates and utensils and gave you some food.
"I already know this is going to be one of the best nights of my life." You said with a smile.

"Every night with you is the best night of my life." Loki said softly.
The rest of the night Loki told you stories about growing up in Asgard and you told him what you remember of your parents.

You pulled out your phone and played almost home by mxmtoon.
"This song always made me think of you. Care to dance my love?" You asked him.
"I would love too, but what about your leg."
"It doesn't matter."
"Are you sure?"

"Shut up and dance with me." You pulled him to his feet.
He placed one hand on your waist the other holding one of yours, your other hand resting on his shoulder. You swayed back and forth together. Your leg didn't even bother you.
"I love you so much, Lokes."
"I love you too." He said planting a soft kiss on your cheek.

The rest of the night was full of kisses, laughs and even a few tears.
Loki read to you until you fell asleep in his arms.
He carried you to bed, where you had the sweetest dream of you and him.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Where stories live. Discover now