The dance

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"I think you have got it my dear." Loki said twirling you around.
"Thank you my love." You placed a kiss on his cheek and hugged him, burying your head in the crook of his neck.

"I think we better leave. They would've started already." Loki said, he kissed the top of your head and took your hand. He led you to the ballroom that was filled with people, most of them turned to face you and Loki, looking surprised.

You brushed off the stares and danced with Loki.
"Loki, I really don't know what I would do without you."

"Y/n, I assure you I'm not going anywhere, my dear."
"Good." You said resting your head on his chest.
You moved your bodies in synch to the music.

When the music came to an end, Thor came up to you.

"Is it alright if I dance with y/n?" Thor asked Loki.
"Sure. Y/n, I'll see you in bit." He said with a wink and made his way over to Frigga.

"So y/n, I didn't know you could dance."
"I cant, Loki literally taught me half an hour ago." You laughed.
"Well I'm impressed. Loki hasn't danced in years."
"I guess I'm just really special."

"Loki isn't the only one who thinks so. Father was actually impressed that you stood up for Loki. Mother loved you straight away and you are like my sister. I truly believe you bring out the best in Loki, his mischief still continues but now its more fun for everyone. Thanks to you y/n."
"I'm just doing my job. Wait so Odin doesn't want to kill me?"

"No of course not. He's angry with you, but he's not going to kill you. He knows you are the only thing that stands in between Loki and self destruction."
"That's a lot of pressure, but I promise to love Loki for as long as I live."
"Good. I had a feeling you would say that."

"So Thor, got your eye on anyone?"
"This one maiden on Midgard called Jane. She smart and beautiful and one hell of a fighter, she hit me with her car once."
"Sounds like she really likes you." You said sarcastically.

"Yeah thanks. Look." He nodded towards Loki and Frigga dancing.
"That's so cute."
Loki's eyes caught yours. He blushed furiously and turned his attention to the dance.

When the dance came to an end, your legs were aching but you were happy, so it didn't really matter to you.
"Loki, you and Frigga looked so cute dancing together." You winked at him.
"Can you please drop it?" Loki said holding your hand.
"Come on Loki, y/n has a point. You and mother looked just like old times. When mother used to teach you to dance in front of the fireplace." Thor added.

"I remember you kept tripping over your little feet." Frigga said in thought.
"Aw. I can just imagine little Loki running around." You said raising your eyebrows.
"Ok that's enough, clearly all of you are delirious. Let's go my love." Loki said dragging you from the conversation, clearly embarrassed.

"Loki come on. You have got to admit that you are happy seeing me getting along with Frigga."
"I am, but I don't like her sharing embarrassing stories."
"They're not embarrassing my love, they're cute."
You just noticed that Loki had led you out of the ballroom.

"Lokes, where are we going?"
"I want to show you something."
You went outside, the sky almost pitch black. A shallow moon hung in the empty sky. You walked past a magnificent garden, where all kinds of flowers bloomed delicately. You were led past the golden gates into a heavily wooded area. As you went deeper into the woods, a crashing sound became louder. Loki stopped at a clearing where a grand waterfall stood.

"I used to come here to read a lot, or just to think."
"Lokes it's beautiful."
"Just like you."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Loki waved his hand and a flash of green covered you, the dress had disappeared and you were now wearing a hoodie and shorts.
Loki had also changed out of his armour.
"Thank god, that dress was so heavy."
"I can imagine. Would you like to swim?"

"Now? What about my clothes?"
"I can just get you more afterwards."
"Ok. Why didn't you do that when you needed the towel?"
"Um. I must've forgot."
"Sure okay."

You both teleported to the bottom of the waterfall.
You slowly walked into the water and let yourself relax. You dipped your head under the water, making your makeup smudge. You washed of your makeup and stood, admiring the rippling water. Loki came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. He kissed down your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You wrapped your arm around the back of his head, pulling him into a kiss.

You slowly turned around and send a wave of water, crashing into Loki. He sent one back, making you laugh hard.

Loki's face instantly dropped.
"Lokes, what's wrong?"
"Dark elves, they're at the palace."

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