Hail hydra

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A/n: hi thanks for reading, please tell me what you would like to see in this story.
Finally. Your stomach had started to hurt. Wait. It's Monday, you have to wait until after training to eat normally.
CLANG. That's odd. You stood and pressed your forehead to the glass, your bruised ankles barely gave you stability.
CLANG. what th-
The brick wall in front of your cell collapsed leaving a ringing in your ears. A tall blonde man stood in front of your glass cell. He gave you a strange look and smashed a huge hammer into the glass making it shatter against your legs. You gasped in pain as you felt the ringing in your ears subside.
" I'm afraid you will have to be restrained and come with me" he spoke.
" umm, ok. Just promise you'll get be out of here" you whispered, being cautious of your surroundings.
You hopped over the shattered glass only for your ankles feeling shattered as you land. You wince and the man gave you a sympathetic smile.
" I'm Thor, i need you to hold out your hands."
You stepped forward reluctantly and shoved your hands into the bulky handcuffs.
" you're part of the avengers aren't you" you said. You knew he looked familiar, probably from your flashbacks to missions.
" yes i am." His voice gentle.
" if your here for files i know where the computer room is and the passwords to most of them"
" that would be helpful."

You led him past empty cells into the computer room.
" tony, i have located and secured the girl, we are in the west part of the building on the 4th floor in the computer room."
" good job point break, get the girl out and i will take a look"
The earpiece must've been tiny but powerful if it was loud but you couldn't see it.
" i suppose you're gonna lock me up again" you laughed humourlessly.
He nodded sadly.
" will i at least get more than half a meal a day?" you asked searching his blue eyes.
" of course, i will make sure of it. Lady y/n if you don't mind my asking how did you get here?"
" umm. I was taken as a child. Wait. How did you know my name?"
" I read your file" he said and started.
" wow I haven't heard my name is so long. I bet my file wasn't all sunshine and daisies." You followed him down the spiral staircase.
" no. It was not." He laughed.
Once you got outside you saw rubble cover the once green grass.
" how do you feel about flying?" Thor grinned.
" what do you mean?"
Before you registered what he was saying, he wrapped his arm around your bone thin shoulders. He began swinging his hammer and you were hoisted up in the air. The shock and speed knocked all of the air out of your lungs making you light headed. After about ten seconds you landed sharply on the ground about half a mile from the building. Your eyes became blood shot and your veins glowed a deep purple.
Shit. You tried to calm yourself down when a sharp pain made its way up your leg. The ends of your vision went blurry then it all went black.

You woke up to a blinding light above you and in a cell again. At least this one had a bed and a closed off toilet. There was a soft knock at glass. You turned your head sharply to see Thor accompanied by a raven haired man. He had sharp features, dare you say handsome.
Thor opened the glass door after typing some numbers into a key pad. He walked in followed by the raven haired man.
" may i " he said gesturing to your bed.
" umm. Yeah sure." Tapping the spot on the bed next you gently.
Thor took a seat but the other guy just stared at you.
" you can sit too if you'd like"
He looked taken aback, in shock almost.
" no thank you" he said coldly leaning against the wall.
You turned to Thor as he spoke,
" yes that's Loki, he not very social. lady y/n, I'm sorry i had to knock you out. I could see you struggling against your powers and i did as ordered."
" no, i get it. I scare my self sometimes with them. I'm not really sure how to control them." You said softly.
" that's why were here. I sincerely believe you had no harmful intentions, need to take you to a lab to get hydra out of your head. From then you will have to wear a cuff on you wrist to neutralise your powers. You will have a proper bedroom, not some cell."
You stared at him in shock.
" so you're telling me i can get them assholes out of my head, not have to worry about hurting anyone, and have a bedroom. Thank you."
" oh but it gets better" Loki spoke.
" oh yes, since we believe your magic is similar to Loki's, he is going to train you to control them. Under my watch as Loki is quite mischievous."
You laughed. For the first time in years maybe. Loki's eyes snapped up to yours and your laughter was instantly drained.
" ok. When can we start."
" right now. I'll take you to Bruce and hydra will be history." Thor stood up and guided you out of the cell, Loki following closely behind.

You arrived at a large elevator at Thor hit at the buttons but nothing was happening.
" no don't hit it, just press it, gently" Loki said.
" I AM PRESSING IT GENTLY" Thor almost screamed at him.
You gently lifted your bruised hands and softly pressed the button Thor was hitting. He have you a generous smile. You felt a warm feeling pooling in your stomach. You truly believed Thor was going to be a big help in getting you adjusted, Loki maybe not so much. However, he did seem to have a classic sense of humour. After a short while the elevator came to a stop and the steel doors opened slowly. A giant lab that looked so high class and expensive came into view. A man with black hair, slightly greying at the sides, snapped his head up and eyed you cautiously.
" Bruce this is lady y/n. Don't worry she is perfectly safe and even quite gentle." He said turning towards you and giving you a warm smile, his blue eyes meeting yours.
" hi y/n. It's not you I'm worried about." He said shakily.
" i know we don't exactly meet eye to eye Bruce but that one kind of hurt." Loki said, sarcasm thick in his voice.

" y/n. If you could just sit down for me." Bruce said softly.
" sure"
He first checked your pulse.
" that's strange." He whispered to himself but you were pretty sure everyone heard.
" what is it" Thor asked worried.
" her pulse is extremely slow. This happened with Bucky too. We just need to get started soon." He stated matter of factly.
" Bucky? Like the winter soldier, Bucky?" You had crossed paths with Bucky previously and he looked out for you for a while before the experiments began and he disappeared.
" yeah. Why, do you know him?" Thor inquired.
" I've met him once or twice." You lied.

" ok will this will just pinch a bit" Bruce stated while grabbing some orange liquid and a needle. Within a couple of seconds he slowly stuck it into your arm, explaining how it will cut off your connections to hydra. You wouldn't say it hurt it just ached a bit.
He grabbed bracelet looking cuff and attached it to your left wrist. You began to feel drowsy, drunk even. Your thoughts became slurred.
" you need to get her to her room to lie down while she adjusts." Bruce panicked.
" of course" Thor stated.
You began to stand up but the combination of your weak ankles and the drowsiness, you couldn't.
" allow me " Loki said lifting you up and carrying you bridal style.
What the fuck. Did he just.... is he ..... oh shit....
Wait why are you even freaking out. It's not like he's a god or anything.
" actually i am" Loki stated.
" w- what" you slurred.
" Loki its rude to intrude into people's minds" Thor reminded him.
He can read minds. Shit. Was he reading your mind now. That's when you could feel Loki slowly letting you down into probably the comfiest bed you've ever felt. You hadn't even realised how fast you got there. Or how tired you were, how much your body ached and how much you were blushing.
" have a nice rest darling" Loki said softly.
Did he just call you darling. Before you knew it you were asleep.

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