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A/n: please let me know if you want to see other fanfics as I love writing them.
"Ugh, how much did I drink last night." Loki said with his hand covering his eyes.
"A lot." You said sadly.
"What's wrong?"
"Last night you told me that you want to bring me to Asgard to meet your mother. I'm freaking out because of how drunk you are so I don't know if you meant it or not. Also your mother is literally a queen."

"Now that I remember saying. I do want you to meet Frigga, but she is great trust me."
"Ok. What else do you remember from last night?"
"I remember how beautiful you looked, and I remember almost throwing up a couple times."
You smiled and laid on his chest.

You traced Loki's name in cursive on his chest with your finger, putting a heart on the i.
You got up and went to the kitchen, leaving Loki almost asleep.
You grabbed a bowl and some ingredients and started making pancakes.
You also made some tea and put raw eggs in a different glass.
You brought the food to Loki and placed it on his lap.

He looked at the eggs in disgust.
"What even is that?" He almost growled.
"Its a hangover cure. Tony taught me it after the last party. Just swallow it quickly."
He reluctantly brought it to his lips and chugged it, making a disgusted face afterwards.
"Norns, that is horrible."

You giggled slightly.
"Did you say Norns?"
"Yeah, the rest of this looks great though, thank you darling." He said taking a bite.
"Your welcome my love."

He cut another piece before offering it you.
"No I'm good, I'm not hungry. I'll probably just have some fruit later."
"If you insist" he shoved it in his mouth.
You placed a kiss on his forehead and went to take a shower, making sure there were towels in there before hand.

When you came out the bathroom, Loki was gone. You quickly got changed and headed to the living room. You saw Thor and Loki talking.
"Hey boys, what you talking about?"
"A trip to Asgard actually." Thor said winking at you.
Loki rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Yep, we leave tonight." Loki nodded.
"Do I need to pack anything?"
"Maybe just a book, they will have clothes for you there and your phone won't work. But there is a pretty huge library that definitely puts stark's to shame."

A rainbow force sucked you into bridge between realms. You buried your head in Loki's arm. When your feet hit solid ground you looked around you to find that you were in a golden dome. In the middle was a man with piercing gold eyes and a sword.
Loki led you towards him and gently squeezed your hand, reassuring you.
"Lady y/n. I am Heimdall, welcome to Asgard."

He knew your name, did Loki tell him?
Just as you left the dome a golden kingdom stood proudly in front of you, a rainbow bridge led you to it. Ten paces onto the bridge, you were met by three men and a woman. You assumed they were the warriors three and Sif. They were on horses, leading three more behind them.

"They expect me to ride that, I'm barley okay with a train."
"Don't worry darling, me and you can share one."
Loki lifted you up with ease onto the horse before getting on himself. You grabbed tightly around his waist and pressed your forehead into his back. He let out a small laugh before getting the horse to move.
After what seemed like forever, you reached the palace.

Loki lifted you gently off of the horse and passed over the horse to a young boy.
"That was torture."
"I'm sure it wasn't that bad."
"No Loki, it was."
He smiled and took your hand.

"You might want to watch yourself with that one." Sif said elbowing Loki.
His jaw clenched, as did his hand on yours.
You rubbed circles on his palm, reassuring him.
You smiled towards Sif tensely.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Where stories live. Discover now