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A/n: This chapter will make a lot more sense if you have watched Thor: Rangnarok and I really suggest watching as it is amazing and Loki is so hot in it.
Warning: implied spice
"I'm going check on Thor?" Loki said sending one of his duplicates to Thor.
"Ok." You just sat in the hot tub, fully clothed, reading.
You turned on the jets and put the book down. You put your head under the water, clearing your head. You sat up when your lungs began to ache, taking deep breaths. You wiped the water off your face and used your magic to dry yourself off. While Loki was occupied, you took one of his t-shirts and a pair of your shorts and went into the bathroom to change and put a little bit of makeup on, only some mascara and blush. Its amazing what you can summon from so far away, or just thin air.

When you came out the bathroom, you untied your hair from its pony tail and combed your fingers through it. You put your hair in two French plaits, just a little bit messier compared to Wanda's or Nat's. Once your hair was done, so was Loki.
"He says he's going to leave, something about Asgard."
That's when the flashing images of Asgard in flames came into your mind again.
"What is it, whats wrong?"
"I think you should listen to Thor, trust me on this one."

He nodded slightly.
"Any way, do you know where scrapper 142 might be?"
"Maybe, why?"
"She pointed me in your direction. She seemed pretty cool and would just like to talk to her."
"I don't think thats a good idea, she isn't the friendliest. Especially when she is drunk, which is almost always."
"Ok ill find her later, after we get Thor out of here."

Loki huffed but seemed to agree with you.
"Loki, what are you plotting?"
"Then you wont mind me peeking into yours thoughts."
"My thoughts are always private."
"Fine. Just don't do anything stupid."

He smirked and hugged you tightly. A searing pain through your head almost knocked you out, you stumbled into Loki and he gripped your arms, leaving slight marks.
"Y/n, whats wrong?"
Flashing images of Loki with popped veins and blood trickling from his nose and ears plagued your mind. You covered your ears as a screeching noise affected only you, you keeled over in pain and felt sick.
"Y/n, talk to me. I'm here, your going to be alright." He placed his hands on your forehead and gently massaged your temples which instantly calmed you down.

"Lokes." You managed to say, holding his face in your shaking hands. His nodded slightly and brought your head to his chest while he rubbed circles on your back. Something felt off with Loki, but things also felt off with yourself. Nothing seemed right. Loki lifted you gently and placed you down on the bed and pulled the covers over you.
"You just get some sleep, ill get thor and banner."
You nodded as your heavy eyelids drooped.

"Hey wake up."
You jolted awake to find scrapper 142 above you.
"Scrap, where is Loki?"
"Ill tell you on the way. And you can call me Valkyrie."
"Aren't Valkyrie-"
"Yeah,  female asgardian warriors. I was one of them. I'm the only one left so yeah, I'm Valkyrie."

You nodded and stood up, walking out of the room with her. She brought you to a market looking place where you bumped into thor and Bruce.
"Bruce, how are you here?"
"I'm not sure, i think i was the other guy when I arrived."
"Ok well, where's loki, he said he was coming to get you?"

"About that." Valkyrie said.

She took you to her flat where loki was sitting, chained up.
Thor picked up something and threw it at Loki.
"Just had to be sure."

"Lokes, i thought i told you not to do anything stupid."
"I didn't, its not my fault she has a kink."
"Don't you dare talk like that, especially after what happened with you and the grandmaster." Valkyrie said in your defence.
"What happened?" You shifted your gaze from Valkyrie to Loki.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Where stories live. Discover now