Wake up and watch the stars

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A/n: I hope you enjoy this chapter. Its going to be a short one sorry :(
Your eyes fluttered open slowly, you tried to change into a more comfortable position when you realised you were laying on Loki and Thor.
"Hey, do you want to go to bed or stay here?"
"Stay." You mumbled.

Your eyes felt heavy, so you closed them but you couldn't go back to sleep. Loki started pushing your hair back and moving his fingers in intricate patterns on the side of your head. You sighed and just listened to the conversations around you, enjoying the voices of those in the room. It was definitely the best birthday ever.

"Umm guys what happened." Bruce's voice echoed through the room.
You opened your eyes to find that all the lights had been turned off.
"I don't know. J.A.R.V.I.S what happened." Tony asked the A.I.
"There has seemed to be power cut, I am currently running on my emergency back up generators."
"Ok, well its late anyway. We should get to bed and if it isn't dealt with by morning i'll have a look at it."

"Loki?" Thor questioned.
"You go, I'm going to stay here."
"Alright, good night both of you." Thor said, lifting your legs off his lap cautiously.

"Night." You sleepily. You sat up slightly so that you could cuddle into Loki.
While every one trickled out of the room, being cautious in the dark, you rested your head on Loki's shoulder and he rested his head on yours.
"Y/n, are you awake enough to talk."

"Ok. When we were watching that file earlier, in the cinema, I realised something."
"What is it my love?" You answered, his tone of voice worried you.
"How long are we going to ignore the inevitable and just push it away as if it doesn't matter?"
"Lokes, what are on you on about."

"Sooner or later, I really wish later, you are going to leave me and this world. And I am just going to have to move on with my life. I don't know what I would do if that happened but I know it won't be civil."
"Lokes, I am not leaving you anytime soon. Do you remember when I first came here and Bruce said my heart rate was abnormally slow?"

"Yeah, I thought he got it under control."
"He did, but my heart rate was slow because like Bucky, I age a lot slower. When he got my heart rate normal, nothing changed, apart from my blood flow. I probably wont die after you, but I'm going to live a lot longer than a human. Trust me, we have all the time in the world. And even if that wasn't the case, I'm still only twenty."

"Ok, that makes me feel a lot better. But still, forever will never be long enough for me."

"Do you think the black out is all of New York?"
"I'm not sure."

You stood up and went to the window and saw that all of New York was pitch black, which made the stars visible.
"Loki put a jacket and shoes on." You said grabbing a blanket and pillows.
"Why? Am I going to regret it?" He used his magic to get a jacket and shoes on.
"Absolutely not." You grabbed his hand and teleported the both of you onto the roof.

"Wow. Ive never seen so many stars here before." He looked at the sky, with awe in his eyes.
You set the blanket and pillows down, looking at the stars.
"Why do we always end up here when something big happens?"
"Lokes, why don't we make this our spot. Whenever something important happens we come up here. We take a picture and we put it in the scrapbook."
"I like that idea very much darling."

You took your phone out of your pocket and stood it up against the pillows, you set a multi shot timer for ten seconds.
"What now?"
"This." You said as you crashed your lips against his, your hands resting on his chest and his hands around your waist, inching you closer. You pushed Loki onto his back and continued kissing him, you leant on your fore arms and he pulled your thighs over his, making you straddle him.

"Y/n, I think the pictures done."
"I don't care." You replied breathlessly, reconnecting his lips with yours.
Loki reached for a pillow and hit you over the head with it.

"That's not fair." You grabbed the other pillow and bashed him multiple times, making him laugh.

You spent an hour looking at the starts while Loki told you about the constellations.
You fell asleep in his arms again and he carried you back to bed.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Where stories live. Discover now