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A/n: thank you so much for 850 reads. It might not seem like a lot, but every read makes me so happy.
Warning: medium spice
Bruce removed the tubes from your throat, making you gag and Loki wince.
"How do you feel?" His grip tightened on your hand.
"Sore." You croaked.

"Right well i'll leave you two. I'll be back in ten to check your vitals." Bruce said before leaving.
"What happened to him? He's green, but not hulk."
"I'm not exactly sure. He just managed to combine himself with hulk. Best of both worlds I guess."
"Yeah, he seems happy."

There were childish shrieks down the corridor and peter burst through the door, dragging tony behind him.
"Hey kid." You said to peter, while tony said to you.
"I'm not a kid, I'm twenty Tony."
"Not exactly."

Loki tensed, " she doesn't need to know about that right now."
"What? How long was I out for?"
"Umm, y/n. We were in the spirit world place for five years. Then you have been in a coma for 9 and a half weeks." Peter said, digging through his bag.
"So I'm 25. I can legally drink now. Sweet."

"That's what you focus on?" Tony seemed disappointed.
"Well yeah. We won didn't we? I'm awake aren't I? Am I supposed to be mad that it took 5 years?"
"No my dear." Loki gave Tony a death stare.
"Well y/n, I made you this." Peter handed you a bracelet.
"You see if you press that button there, it turns into a shield. Tony has been teaching me some engineering."
"That's awesome kid."

Its been a couple days and you are almost fully healed. You had a few scabs on your arm from the burn, but they would go away. As for you and Loki, you were still together but you wanted brutal honesty, no matter how hard it would be to swallow.

"Full honesty." You nudged the shot towards Loki before pouring your own.
"Are you sure drinking is a good idea."
"I am of legal age, my king. Now suck it up, and drink." You downed the shot, waiting for the fuzziness in your stomach to start.

"Ok. We will start of easily. What did you first think of me, when we met."
"I thought you were gorgeous, but annoying. Still think it." His face scrunched at the alcohol.
"Fuck you."
"What did you think of me?"
"Handsome, scary, cold but in a 'don't touch me or i'll stab you' kind of way."
"You were right."

You poured another round for the two of you.
"3,2,1." You both swallowed at the same time.
"Ok, do you regret saying yes to the promise ring?"
"Never. Its beautiful and I always had faith that we would work out. Do you regret giving it to me?"
"Absolutely not. I only regret the way I gave it to you. I wanted to do it on the roof, but I didn't know how to get you up there, without it being obvious."

"I think the way you did it was so romantic."
"Well it's me, of course it's going to be great."
"Your ego really swells when you drink. Another."
"God you sound like Thor. He might be rubbing off on you."
"I have never been so insulted in my life."
"I'm getting deja vu."
"Same, but drink."

Another shot was down.
"What really happened on sakaar?"
"It was an illusion. I couldn't think of another way, but I didn't want to dishonour you."
"Oh, well sorry for freaking out."
"Its fine, you had a right to. What do you think of my Jotun form?"
"I would say hot but that might be rude."
His gorgeous face lit up in a smile, making your own appear.
"No but seriously, I love you all the same, whether your blue or a baby unicorn."

"What if I was a blue baby unicorn."
"Than I might love you a little more." You smirked.
After a couple shots, you and Loki got along really well.
"So, Loki. Do you really loooovvveee me? Or do you loooovvee someone false? I mean else."
"I love you m-more than anything my queen." Loki said with a hiccup.

You crashed your lips to his, making him stumble off his chair and stand up, with your legs wrapped around his waist. He knocked the shot glasses out they way and put you down on the counter. You kept your legs tight around him, pulling him closer. He broke the kiss and whispered into your ear.
"Darling, I may be rude or distant but never doubt that I love you." His voice was raspy and sexy. It sent shivers down your spine. You grabbed his jaw and lifted it up. You worked on giving his neck multiple hickeys. He sighed in content, gliding his hands up your thighs. He attached his hands to your waist, gripping them hard enough to leave marks. His lips met yours again. His tongue glided against your bottom lip, asking for an entrance which you gladly gave.
You moaned slightly into the kiss, which made Loki's stomach get butterflies. His hands slid under your shirt, pausing for a moment.
"Is this okay."
You responded by biting your lip and guiding his hands up further. You worked on unbuttoning his dress shirt while he undid your blouse. He was topless before you were. He became inpatient with your buttons and literally ripped your shirt on.
"I liked that shirt."
"I'll buy you another one."
His lips pressed against your collarbone, before his bit them slightly. You moaned again in content. You reached down and slowly undid his belt buckle, driving him mad at the little speed.
"Please stop the teasing, love." You yanked his belt off quickly, giggling slightly. You set it down on the counter. His cold hands ghosted up your back, undoing your bra. He slid it off your shoulders with ease and threw it to the other side of the counter. His hands once again ghosted up your back before snaking round to your boobs.

"How many times have you two had drunk sex on my counter at 2 in the afternoon."
Loki rolled his eyes and covered you by standing in front of you with his back to Tony.
"Seems those two can't ever get past 2nd base." Bucky said, joining the conversation.
"Seriously the base system. What are you 13?" You teased.

"Well its been a lovely chat, but darling we have to get going." Loki said before teleporting you to his room.
"Not that I wasn't loving this, but tony had a point. We are both drunk. Let's just have a cold shower to sober up and update the scrap book." You said to an annoyed Loki.
"I know you are right but I don't want to stop."
"Me neither but we have to." You pushed him off you and went into his bathroom, running a cold shower.
You undressed with Loki standing in the doorway practically drooling. You smirked at him and got into the shower. You shrieked slightly at how cold the water was, but slowly got used to. Within minutes the cloudy feeling completely dissolved.

"Loki, you wanna join?"
"Have you sobered up because we both know that if I join and you are still drunk nothing will stop us."
"Yes I'm sober."
"What's the square root of 81?"
"9. Now hurry up and get in or you will miss your opportunity."
Loki appeared in the shower faster than you had ever seen him teleport before.
"Eager are we?"

"Desperately." He placed a soft kiss you temple and joined you under the cold water. Loki was sober twice as fast as you were but you could tell he still wanted you.
"Loki, lets go on another date. We never went to Norway, we can visit new Asgard."
He smiled widely and kissed you softly.

Once you got out of the shower, you grabbed one of Loki's shirts and put it on, hoping he wouldn't notice his favourite shirt going missing.
"Y/n? Have you seen my shirt? The green one with the buttons."
"Nope." You said from the bathroom, brushing your teeth, trying to the taste of stale alcohol out of your mouth.
"Oh really?" He was now in the door way, looking you up and down.
"Its not just your favourite, I like it as well. And you ripped my blouse."
"Fine. But don't get used to wearing that one all the time."
"No promises." You kissed him on the cheek, walking past him to his bed.

You spent the rest of the day printing and sticking.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ