Happy Birthday

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A/n: this is the second last chapter and I really adore how much attention this story has been getting. I mean, I'm just a gay girl (she/they) from London who has a crush on a fictional character. But luckily I have found people who relate. If you want to do anything creative, just believe in yourself, which I know can be hard. Also, find a friend or a partner who supports you. I know I have the most supportive friend. She would send me screenshots of how many views my story got every day, she would FaceTime me screaming at my 500 views. And now that I have 24k, she couldn't be happier for me. amber2drippy aka my bestie. (Ok sorry for all the soppy 'believe in yourself' stuff, lets get on with the story.)


To say that you had a lot to do was an understatement. You had to plan Loki's party (almost done), wrap everyone's Christmas presents (no way near done), plan an engagement party (just got the invite list) and plan a whole fucking wedding (not even properly thought about yet).

However, the next two days are about Loki. Your one and only. You had spent the next day cuddling in the hotel bed with Loki, not moving further than the bathroom. You had room service ordered to Nat's room so she could bring it over, because Loki wasn't comfortable with other people coming in. You both took turns reading and playing with each other's hair. You had never seen him so happy or relaxed, just in those moments there with you.

Unfortunately, you had to leave sooner or later, and while Loki preferred later, you dragged him into the car so he could see his birthday present.
"Why are we leaving so early?"
"Because I have a surprise waiting for you at home."

"Did you two have fun breaking the bed last night?" Nat smirked.
"I miss the tower's somewhat sound proof walls." You and Bucky said at the same time.
"We did not break it, we may have loosened a slat or two." Loki smirked right back.
"There are somethings that not all of us want to hear." Bucky whined and turned the radio on.

"Exactly Nat, we don't want to upset virgin wonder boy's boyfriend." You giggled and hid from Bucky's glare in Loki's arm.
Loki placed small kisses on your ear and neck making you shiver slightly. You squeezed his hand and brought it to your lips, kissing his palm, then behind his thumb, trailing to his wrist. You held his hand between both of yours and twiddled with the gorgeous ring.
"I can't wait to marry you."
"And I, you, my queen."

"Y/n" Loki's soft voice called to you.


"Wake up bitch." Nat's voice was accompanied by a harsh tug on your arm.
"Always a pleasant way to wake up Nat." You groaned, sitting up properly.
"Always a pleasure."
"Whatever." You took off your seatbelt and Loki removed the shields across both of you.

"Thanks, love." You leaned forward to gently kiss his cheek. You all gathered your bags and made your way to the elevator, you giddy with excitement. As soon as the door opened, you abandoned your bags and grabbed Loki's hand, running to his room.
"Calm down, love. It's 11 at night, we don't want to wake anyone up."
"They are not asleep trust me."

You got to the end of the hallway, it being shorter than usual, with both yours and Loki's doors gone and replaced by a single one at end.
"Are you ready to see our new bedroom?"
"Yes, open the door now."
You opened the door to find almost an exact replica of Loki's room on Asgard, only slightly smaller and stocked with less books.

Loki wandered in, not saying anything.
"SURPRISE!" Everyone jumped out behind the bed or from the bathroom, making Loki draw two daggers.
"I guess, surprise parties aren't the best idea for a tower full of heroes." Wanda laughed and handed Loki a key.
"Why would I need a key?"
"So you can lock the door properly." She answered and winked at you. Loki took the key and vanished it along with his daggers.
"Thank you, Wanda."
Wanda did her little nose scrunch and patted Loki's hand.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Where stories live. Discover now