Drawings and hot chocolate

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A/n: nearly 15K three days before my birthday. This will be the best birthday ever thanks to all the reads, votes and the comments. I literally love getting a notification about my story. Anyway this will be really fluffy, I hope you enjoy.

Once Loki had enough strength, she changed into her female form, slowly getting more comfortable. She sat reading in the library with the fireplace quietly crackling. You sat next to her and kissed her cheek before summoning your own book and reading, sometimes aloud at parts you thought your girlfriend would like and her returning the action. She shifted slightly and put her feet under your thigh.
"My feet are cold."
"Put on thicker socks then." You laughed and rubbed her calf slightly.

"Yes, my love."
"Thank you"
"For what?"
"For loving me, truthfully and wholeheartedly. I couldn't ask for anyone better."
"Well loving you is easy, Lokes. Putting up with your freezing toes however, not as easy."
"Sorry, it almost being Yule with the cold weather is making my Jotun form peak out a bit."

"Why didn't you say so?"
"You always said it didn't matter."
"Silly trickster, will you never learn." You said while summoning and blanket and hot chocolate for Loki.
"Wait. It's December. When's your birthday?" You asked looking at your phone for the date.

"Umm, next week I think."
"The 19th?"
"Yep, that's the one." She just went back to reading and took a sip of her hot chocolate as if nothing happened.
"That's not next week, thats in three days."
"Well its Saturday today so technically it is next week."
"Hold on one moment. First of all, you never told me your exact birthday, just that its in December and a couple days before Christmas or Yule or whatever. Second, your not excited that your turning 1060 and you bullied me into being excited for my 20th so I'm getting revenge. Third, I didn't know and I didn't get you anything so you are going to have to give me 24 hours to find or make something as amazing as all the perfect shit you got me."
"Well first of all, take a breath. Second, you dont have to get me anything, just you being there is enough. Third, I didn't tell you because I knew you would want to get revenge."

"Well I'm getting it anyway. Expect nothing short of perfect." You kissed her cheek and pulled out your phone to text Bucky, Peter, Nat and Wanda and Pepper.
"Ok I've planned everything, my thumbs hurt from excessive texting and we have about four hours before your birthday bash begins. So what do you want to do?"
"Crawl into a hole and die."
"My least favourite part of being a girl." Loki whined and held her stomach.

"Well, you are going to like the first part of the birthday bash. Do you want me to get a heat pad?"
"Yes please."
You kissed her forehead before draping a blanket over her and leaving to annoy Bruce.

"Banner, Banner, Banner."
"What do you want kid?"
"I brought you coffee."
"Thanks, but seriously, what do you want?"
"Do you have any heat pads and a Jotun dose for pain killers?"

"Of course let me just open my marry poppins bag."
"Was that sarcasm? You talk to Nat and Sam too much."
"Ive got heat pads back there but not enough painkillers for Loki."
"Ill take what I can get I guess." You opened the box of heat pads and found about fifty in there.
"You hoard this shit." You say picking up two and taking the rest of the painkillers.
"And if you say language i'll kill both you and steve."

You kissed his cheek in thanks and ran back upstairs to Loki.
"Yeah it's me Lokes."
"Good, because sergeant stick up his ass came looking for you."

You giggled and set the heat pad on Loki's stomach and gave her the painkillers. You placed a soft kiss on her temple and went to find Steve. You knocked on his door, when you got no reply you opened the door.
"I'm coming in, so if you and buck are naked, I'm sorry."
You kept your eyes closed tight until you heard Steve's laugh.
You slowly opened your eyes to find Bucky laying on Steve's chest and Steve attempting to braid his hair.
"Sorry, we didn't hear you knock." Bucky mumbled.

"What did you need me for cap?"
"Bucky had a nightmare and wanted to see that you're alright."
"I'm fine Buck, are you still ok to go, we have three and a half hours?"
"Ill be fine, just worried."
You laid on Bucky's chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"Yes Buck."
"Nothing." He kissed the top of your head and ruffled your hair slightly.
"Still here." You said lifting his metal arm and kissing it softly.

"Lokes? What are you doing up?"
"I missed you." She said from the doorway, holding the heat pad on her stomach.
"C'mere." You said with your arms out. She cuddled into your chest and breathed in your scent.

"Hot chocolate anyone?"
"Yes please."
"Give me."

"One for Bucky, with whipped cream and sprinkles. One for Steve, done with water, you psycho. And one for my darling, with peppermint extract (try it, its actually so good), whipped cream, chocolate sauce and chocolate pieces." You handed them their drinks and let Loki shift slightly so she wouldn't spill her drink. You all sat with your drinks and just talked about the most random things.

"What if I were to drink shampoo?" Loki giggled.
"I'd give you 20 dollars." Bucky replied.
"No." You and Steve almost shouted at the same time.

"Loki, we are leaving in half an hour. Are you ready?"
As you walked into the room, Loki jumped and rushed to put something away.
"What, are you writing a letter to your secret lover or something?" You laughed and looked in your draw for a cleaner shirt.

"Yeah. I mean no of course not. I just I don't want you to see till I'm finished."
"Is it another one of those drawings you did?"
"How do you know about those?"
"After the incident, we'll call it, I lost my phone so I looked for yours and found them in your drawer."

"I guess there is no point hiding them then."
She said and reached into her drawer to pull out a massive pile of paper.

She passed them to you and continued to work on the one she tried to hide.
The first one was the same one of you training, another of you in the hospital, one of you covered in paint in the shower.
You flicked to the next ones: one of you mid-laugh, one of you sleeping in Norway, one of you hitting Tony, several ones of you with hickeys and struggling to stand, one with you and all your scars, one with you talking to Peter in the spirit world.

When you saw the next one, your breath hitched and tears threatened to drop from your eyes. One picture has never made you feel so sure about your decision. I wonder what Loki's ring size is?

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