The snap

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A/n: I have a surprise coming up in a few chapters. Again this isn't the end, so please don't lose interest.
Thor spotted you shook his head, blood trickling from the side of his mouth like he had been tortured. You waited in the shadows, frozen in shock while Thanos left.
You slowly made your way over to the brothers, only being one left.
You knelt down next to them, pushing down a sob rising in your throat.

"Hey Lokes, I told you not to do anything stupid. This isn't how this was supposed to happen," you held his cold hand, "he's cold, colder than usual. Why is he so cold? Loki, we were supposed to talk, get back together and spend every possible moment with each other. We are supposed to go to Norway in two weeks, remember Wanda and Vision's presents. I printed out all our pictures, you were meant to put then in the scrapbook. I still have Nat's vodka, we were supposed to get pissed," you laughed through tears, "I'm so sorry. I don't know how I'm supposed to go on, but I promise i'll try."

"Y/n, we have to go. You cant drift away again." Thor, held your hand.
"I promise i'll try." You repeated before pressing a kiss on his forehead.
"Where's Valkyrie, Bruce and the other half of Asgard?" You said through sniffles.
"Hiemdall," he looked over to Hiemdall's body, "he used all his strength to get Bruce on Midgard. And Valkyrie took an escape pod with Korg, Meik and whats left of Asgard."

You stood up and stretched your hand out to Thor to stand up. He took it and stood.
"Right, well none of them would want us to self destruct, so promise me Thor, you'll fight and I will too."
He nodded and smiled.

A bomb went off, throwing you to side and Thor out into space. You got whacked into wall, feeling like you had broken several bones in your already frail body. You fell flat onto your stomach, knocking all the air out of your lungs. Its not like there was much anyway, with a gaping hole in the side of your ship. You gasped for air that was thinning out quickly, your lungs feeling like the blazing core of a star. You felt the warm, throbbing trickle of blood down the back of your neck and nose.

You tried to wiped the blood from your nose, but just ended smearing it all over your face. You ran to find that there was only one escape pod. You took off, looking at the bigger ship one last time and letting a silent tear roll down your cheek. You sighed in gratitude and took off, charting a course for earth. You led your eyelids close, not wanting to endure the physical and emotional pain.
But you stayed, reliving the moment over and over again until your throat was raw from screams and your face withered away by tears.

You woke up, startled to find that you were on earth, surrounded by rubble and debris. You sat up in a cold sweat, trying to steady your breathing. You climbed out of the ship, with the sun beating down on you. You concentrated on the tower, teleporting there. You stumbled and felt extremely light headed, no one was in the tower. You walked to Loki's room, leaning on the walls for support. Once you got to Loki's room you were hit with a sudden wave of sadness, that made you sink to your knees. You again pushed down the rising sob in your throat and gathered all your will to stand up. You started looking around for your phone. You looked in a draw on Loki's bedside table expecting to find your or Loki's phone ( anything to call stark on) but instead found several drawings of yourself.

You picked up one that was you after training, with each sweat droplet, perfectly defined. You flipped to next one of you in the hospital, with connect to tubes and wires. The next was one of you covered in paint in the shower. Each strand of your hair or tiny wrinkles from your smile were greatly realistic. Only when you picked up all the drawings to get a better look did you spot Loki's phone. You picked it up to find a picture of you two eating pancakes together on your birthday on the lock screen.

You sniffled quietly as you typed in Tony's number. After three rings an automated voice informed you that he was not in range. You then tried Bruce's number, he picked up after two rings.
"No its y/n, umm Loki's gone."
"I'm sorry. What about Thor?"
"He umm, I don't know. I hope, I think he's okay. Bruce can you please tell me whats going on."
"You know Thanos."
"Yeah, Loki said he believes in balance."
"You may want to sit down if you are not already. Thanos is a titan, he didn't want there to be not enough resources anywhere so he went around killing half of the planets population. These infinity stones: reality, time, power, space, mind and soul, if he collects all of these, he can wipe out half the universe with just a click of his fingers."

"How many has he got now."
"All except the mind soul."
"Where's vision?"
"With us, Wanda too. Almost everyone is."
"Where are you?"

"I'm on my way."
"Y/n, don't."
"Ill see you in a minute."
You hung up and prepared for battle.

You grabbed your guns, daggers (even the special two Loki gave to you), swords and a bracelet that enhanced your powers. You focused on Bruce and teleported to a destroyed battlefield in Wakanda knowing you were too late when your legs gave out and slowly turned to dust.

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