Is this the end?

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A/n: if you like this story so far, please vote and share. It means the world to me. Also there are more chapters to come. So don't worry.

What would you say to him?
You were now outside his door, preparing yourself.
You knocked.

There was no answer.
"He went out some where with Thor" Nat said.
"Oh okay."
Shit. This was just great.

"I was just coming to get you. We have a mission."
"Ok. Let me get changed."
You walked into your room and put on your suit. Tony had to fix the bullet hole in it, so he added a tracker and a bullet proof mode. You know, just in case.

You teleported to the Quinjet and saw that only Nat, Clint and Steve were there. I guess this was going to be a smaller mission.

When you got to a warehouse, the jet landed. The warehouse was empty. Why were you here?

"Should I check for heat signatures?" Clint asked facing Steve.
"Guys, either its really hot in here, or we are surrounded."

Clint kneeled over like he had been hit.
Oh shit.

He did get hit.
Were they invisible or something?

Yep definitely.
You triple tapped your earpiece and and a pair of projector glasses appeared in front of your eyes. You were definitely surrounded.
"This will be fun." You said summoning a dagger.

A person lunged at you. You backflipped and slid your dagger through their knee cap. Shrieks filled the room as the others started fighting the invisible figures.
The one you sliced open appeared before you. They had some device attached to their temple.

"Guys. Aim for the temple." You said crushing the device in your hand.
Another figure ran towards you, kicking you ankles, sweeping you off of your feet. Literally. You landed flat on your back, shots of pain riding up your back. The figure pulled what looked like a gun and pointed at your stomach.  

They fired and you just tilted you head and smiled. The bullet bounced off of your suit. You got up quickly, landing a kick on the figures temple. Which destroyed the device and knocked the figure out.  There were twenty bodies on the floor. There were only two figures left. They picked the devices off and pulled out bombs.

They ran to the roof, only you followed. They disappeared again, this time with no heat signatures.
The bomb went off. The roof collapsing beneath you. You stomach dropped before your body did.

Your body felt like it had snapped in several different places.
There was a violent ringing in your ears.
Screams filled the room.
Your head felt like it was being torn apart by an ice pick.

You could feel your magic spilling out of you.
"Y/n. Nat. You need to get out. We need to go now." Steve screamed from the jet.
You knew there was only enough time for one of you to escape.

You looked to your left to see Nat unconscious, blood trickling down from her temple. Her leg was wedged under a large piece of concrete.
You gathered all your strength and projected as much power as you could into Nat.
You teleported her and her only to the jet.

"Get her out of here" you screamed to Steve.
"I cant leave you y/n"
"You have to, i'll be fine. Trust me." You just about got out as a chunk of concrete dropped on your stomach.

You winced. You couldn't move. A trembling pain made it way through your body.
You smiled slightly hearing the jet fly away.
The pain was too much. It was the kind of pain that knocked the air out of your lungs and made you forget your own name.
You let your eyes close, happy that you finally felt like you did something right.

Everything went black.
You woke up in a dark void, feeling at peace.
Is this death? If it is, you had to admit it was kinda boring.

A figure appeared in front of you. It was you.
Other you was crying on the bottom bunk, on a bunk bed.
Bucky appeared.
He hugged other you.

They disappeared and Thor came into view.
He was smashing down a wall.
You were on the other side of the wall.

They disappeared and Loki was in front of you now.
"Oh but it gets better."
You turned around to see yourself and Thor sitting on the cell bed.

They disappeared again.
Were these your memories?
At the time they were probably the best moments of your life.
Now they just seemed to depress you.

You felt a tugging on your arm. You stumbled backwards into the void and fell.
You fell for what seemed like forever. Your head aching and your limbs feeling heavy.

The void was sucking you in.

A wave of pain shocked your body.
You were in your body.
But where was your body?

It wasn't in the remains of the destroyed buildings.
Was it raining?

You slowly opened your eyes to find that you were sitting in a chair, your hands tied behind your back.
Where were you?

"Hey, get up." A voice called.
A woman stood in front of you with a bucket. She had just dumped water all over you.
"What do you want?" You said, blood trickling from your mouth, lifting your head slightly.

"Water, block, pin."
"That won't work on me." You smiled.
She slapped you, causing more blood to slip out of your mouth.

Your eyes turned purple and your hands burned through the rope.
You stood up and blasted the woman back with a ball of energy.
You teleported behind her and held her throat, squeezing the life out of her.
She fell limp at your feet.

You just realised what you had done. And where you were.
You teleported to the street outside the avengers tower.
It was the longest distance you had teleported, so it left your body weaker than it had ever been before.
You stumbled into the tower, and went into the elevator.

As soon as you got in you pressed the button for the common room and fell to the floor. You used all the strength you had, barely keeping consciousness.
Had you died or were you hallucinating?
The elevator doors opened and someone screamed. It sounded like Wanda.

Thor had heard the scream and came running to see your limp body, bleeding out onto the elevator floor. He picked you up and started towards the medical wing.
That's when it all went black again.

If this was the end, at least you were home. Surrounded by your team.
You did have a couple regrets though, ones that made you feel sick as you stood silently in the black void again.
You didn't thank Bucky for being like your brother.
You didn't thank Nat and Wanda for making you feel safe.
You didn't thank Thor for bringing all these amazing people into your life.

You didn't tell Loki how much he meant to you.

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