*First time

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A/n: 2.5K reads already, that's literally the greatest news I've heard in a while. As promised, a spice/smut chapter and it will be a bit long, lol. This was really awkward to write but I hope you like it. Xxx
Warning: cat-calling, smut/spice and slight cringe.
Thursday. That's tomorrow. Shit that's tomorrow. Is he taking me out or am I taking him out? Where would we go? I think there is fair up north, he will like that ,right?
You paced your room thinking about Thursday. On your 19th lap, Loki came into your room and cleared his throat, letting you know that he was in the room.

"I didn't mean to rush, if you're not ready. I just thought that it was something we both wanted to do. That is not a proper apology and I'm not great at them. I'm just sorry-"
"Shut up."
"Quiet your rambling?"
"I feel like I have done something wrong."

"No you haven't. I'm just stressing about something and you talking about rushing things is just making me think you are the one changing your decision."
"Absolutely not. What are you stressing about darling?"
"Tomorrow night. Not like that, but what we will do leading up to that, like the date. I just want it to be perfect cause your perfect in so many ways I'm not. So making it perfect is going to be hard. Like are we going to a restaurant or back on the roof. If so then what time, what do I wear. Like lingerie underneath or like just underwear. And what colour." You whined and fell face first onto your bed wailing.

"I just want to make you as happy as you make me and it feels like it's impossible because I am the happiest I've ever been." You sighed and continued wailing into your mattress.
"Shh, darling. Just maybe stop that dreadful noise and breathe." He sat next to you and rubbed circles on your back. You stopped sounding like a dying whale and sniffed before turning to face Loki. His cute little smile made you want to wail more but just flopped onto his lap.
"Y/n, if I knew earlier then I would've told you but Bucky told me about this fair thing called Coney Island near Brooklyn I think. To be honest I wasn't really listening. And Midgard has strange names for its places."
You just grunted and pinched his leg.
"Ow. Steve and bucky are going too, though when we get there we will be as far away as possible. All those two do is kiss. They barely have time for anything else."

"I think they are cute." You protested and sat up facing Loki. He wiped a tear you didn't even know had fallen and kissed your forehead. "Thank you." You sniffed but still shot him dirty looks. He laughed slightly and raised his slightly messy eyebrows.
"So, Coney Island? Yes, no or shut up before I slap you again?"
You thought about it for awhile, which made Loki's face slowly drop. You slapped him and then shushed any sound he could make by kissing him gently.
"Its a yes but you still deserved a slap. You probably liked it you masochist."
He just smirked and kissed you again gently then it slowly faded into a 'why do we have to wait for it to be perfect, just fuck me now' kind of kiss.

He slowly leaned foreword and you leaned back so you were laying on your back and he was above you. Bucky walked in like it was his room and started going through your draws.
"I swear to Valhalla I am going to impale him one day."
"Buck, you wanna tell me what your looking for?"
"This." He said pulling out a notebook.

"I forgot about that." You said softly.
"What exactly is that?"
"Its a journal I kept of the experiments."
"I have a few too. Me and Steve were gonna throw them in the water at Coney Island. I thought you might like too aswell."
"Actually, I've got my own idea. Meet me on the roof."
You took the journal from Bucky and teleported you and Loki to the roof.

"You got a light?"
Loki summoned a lighter and passed it to you. You held the lighter under the notebook and threw it in a random metal bin that you summoned. The fire seemed to make the sunset brighter. You sat next to loki and leaned your head on his shoulder, breathing in his sweet, cool scent. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you closer.
You closed your eyes and melted into Loki's cool touch.

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