Im not sick

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A/n: when I first started writing, I only planned to write 20 chapters. Then I realised that I wasn't finished and planned to 40. Now I'm on 40 chapters I definitely know that this story is nowhere near over. I am just going to kind of wing it, posting new chapters weekly instead of daily so I have more time to edit and it ends up being a  better read (and so I can sleep more, lol). Anyway, happy 40 chapters, 1.3k reads and Easter, I hope you are enjoying reading this story as much as I enjoy writing it. Sorry for the long note but I am so excited. Suggestions are greatly appreciated. Xoxo :) (also this is going to quite long in apologies for all the short chapters.)


The poison was not of earth so neither you or Bruce could do anything. Loki was half conscious and muttering something about books.
Oh shit, he brought some books back from Asgard the first time we went. He might have something is his room.
"Bruce, please get him to the medical wing. Keep his fever down."

"Since when were you the medical professional?"
"Since this idiot always gets himself hurt." You kissed Loki on the forehead before teleporting to his room. You scanned the bookshelves, trying to find anything on medicinal herbs or poison and its remedies. You found 17 books which you thought would help, 9 of them being from Asgard. Your hands were sweating and your chest ached.

"Y/n, calm down. Your panicking."
"No shit Thor. You look through these lot and i'll look through that pile."
"Fine. But you cant help anyone if you pass out, so try to steady your breathing, ok?"
"Fuck you." You took a deep breath and smiled sarcastically at Thor.
"I think you and Loki are turning into the same person."

"Very funny, now read."
You picked up the first book from your pile and skimmed through the pages. You could've set the book on fire at how fast you were turning the pages. Nothing.
You picked up the next book and found something on rare poisons.

Frost nightshade
Located on Jotunhiem
Causes fever, unconsciousness, vomiting and in extreme cases, death.
No known cure.

Shit, that is just great.
"Thor, how much poison did Bruce say was on the dagger?"
"He said it had only been lightly coated."
"Ok. So your brother could live." You started chewing on the skin around your nails, making it bleed slightly.
"That's... bleak."
"Loki said himself that he's not going to die, so maybe he knows that it wasn't enough to kill him. I just need to see him."

"He will be fine."
"You cant be sure." You hugged him tightly, crying into his chest and soaking his shirt.
"Come on. You go see him, I'll try and find something else."
"Thank you." You sniffed and a teleported to Loki's side.

His pale skin was glistening with sweat and his eyes were shut tightly. His right arm was covering his stomach and he was hissing in pain.
"Y/n, he has an 80% chance, but it wont tickle."
"I can do 80%. Can I try something?"
"Anything if it helps."
"Thanks Bruce."

You gently lifted Loki's arm from his torso, making him wince more. You gritted your teeth and cut his shirt off.
He shouldn't be in this much pain. It should be you.
You concentrated on the wrong thing and a part of Loki's pain shot through your body, making your spine feel like it was splitting in two. He relaxed for a bit, while you took the full brunt of his pain. He woke up enough to know what was going on and he pushed you off of him. As soon as your hands lifted from him, he let out a scream of pain, shuddering and shivering even though he had the highest fever you had ever seen.

His cries made your heart ache. You attached your hands to his torso again, but before you could take his pain you felt hands on your stomach pulling you back.
"Y/n. Y/n. Sshh its okay. He's going to be alright." Peters voice calmed you slightly but you still tried to push him off you.
"He is in pain, please let me help. I can take it, he can't. Spidey please just let me help him." You screamed at peter while trying to help Loki again.
Peter tripped and pulled you with him onto the floor. He sat with you in between his legs, sobbing, kicking and screaming.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Where stories live. Discover now