You're ready

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A/n: hey. Will be updating as often as possible. Enjoy this chapter.
Over the next few weeks you had controlled your powers fully, even getting more abilities than you originally thought you had. You had began training with Nat, Steve, Bucky and Sam. You had finally reached a healthy weight.
But the best of all, you and Loki were getting closer. Not massively, but any progress is good.

You had spent the day training with Bucky, as you normally did on a Wednesday. At around 1 in the afternoon, training was over, you had lunch and got dressed into black ripped jeans and blood red top. You softly knocked on Loki's door. He appeared within seconds, opening the door.
You smiled at him but he looked annoyed.

"What's up? Are you okay?" You were worried.
"You really shouldn't waste your thoughts or time on me." He replied coldly. He was in a mood again. When he was in a mood, there was nothing really you could do. However, this time you weren't giving up, he looked like he needed it now more than ever.

" I'm not leaving till you tell me what's got you annoyed" you shot back.
"Then i guess you're not leaving. Just don't be loud." He huffed opening his door letting you walk in.
As always his room was pristine, you wondered if he actually ever used his bed. You sat down gently and tried to get his attention by clearing your throat. He just ignored you and sat reading at his window.

"Come on, don't be such an asshole" you waved your hand in front of his face.
His eyes snapped up to yours and he stood, clearly towering over you. He looked down on you and clenched his jaw. You stumbled back and stuttered slightly.

"Just as i thought." He spat at you, rolling you eyes. He was not going to be let off lightly for this.
You knocked him onto his bed with your magic and sat on his lap.
"As i said, I'm not leaving till you tell me what's wrong."
He sighed. You straddled him and brought his forehead to yours.

"What are you doing?" He breathed against you cheek.
"Comforting you while making sure you don't leave." You whispered pulling him into a hug. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his head in the crook of your neck.
"Thank you." He just about whispered.
"Are you gonna tell me what's wrong?"
"Flash backs to New York." He croaked, his voice raw and holding back tears.

"That was not your fault. You were being black mailed and mind controlled" he had told you this last week while you were reading together.
Seconds later Sam burst into the room, "Sorry to break up what ever this is, I'm sure its really important, but y/n, tony wants you to come on a mission"

You jumped up from Loki's lap and stared at Sam in shock.
"He wants me, on a mission?" You couldn't wrap your head around what he just said.
"Yeah, but you have to come now. Loki has to stay and you have to wear the cuff though."
"But i can control it now."
"That's what i said, but tony has to take every precaution. Now get your ass changed and to the Quinjet."

Tony had given you an awesome suit, similar to Nat's but it had purple highlights. You teleported to the roof where the rest of the team were waiting for you, except Bucky.
"Where's Bucky?" You asked while finding a seat an buckling in.
"He opted out. Were infiltrating a hydra base, he said you would be better suited for the job. So happy first mission, your taking down your home of 14 years, yay." Tony said sarcastically.
"Plus someone had to stay with Loki" Bruce added.

You rolled your eyes.
"Why do I have to keep the cuff on. I can control my powers." You said as the jet began to take off.
"Just in case hydra recognises your powers and tries to kidnap you again, it's happened to Bucky I a few times."
Wanda said, almost sounding bored.

"So you and Loki huh" Sam said nudging you slightly.
"What no, were just friends. And he was a friend that was upset, so I comforted him. That's all"
"Ok. Sure."
"Saammm" you whined.
"Alright, sorry" he laughed.

The jet landed roughly half a mile from the hydra base. Even from a distance, it brought back so many traumatic memories. You pushed down a sob that was rising in your throat as Steve went through the plan.
"Y/n and Wanda, stay away from the fight. Recover the weapons in storage. Try to stay undetectable. Sam and tony take out the drones and any air threat. Me, Bruce, Nat and Thor stay on the ground and take down the hydra agents. Clint, Sam will get you to the top of the building and from there you will shoot anyone who isn't us. Every one got it"
You all nodded in unison and the doors opened and you all started spilling out of the jet. Heading west to hydra base, everyone slowly started splitting up.

Steve opened a side door leaving you and Wanda in the storage room. There were crates upon crates filled to the brim with weapons that were most likely lethal.
That's when it happened.

You felt a sharp pain dig through the side of your stomach. There was a violent ringing in your ears, you slowly looked down to find a bullet lodged in your stomach. The longer you looked at it the more it hurt. A strange feeling pooled at the pit of your stomach. The cuff snapped in half. A ball of energy ready at your hands as you eyes turned a violet colour. Your head snapped up in the direction of where the bullet came from to see at least 10 hydra agents storming the room.

You blasted them back all against the wall with the energy. As they dropped to the ground Wanda had her own energy blast at the ready. You turned to face her. You nodded in unison, both off you knowing what was about to happen. Three agents had escaped. The others slowly making there way back up. Wanda used her energy and pushed them back again, this time knocking them all out. For now you had so suck up the venom like pain and get those agents back.
You sprinted down the hallway they disappeared into. One of them held up a gun and started firing at you, missing every time.

You teleported behind them, a dagger in your hand pressing it to the base of their neck slowly drawing blood.
"Show me where they went and I won't make you suffer" you spat at her.
"They went to the east computer room." She stuttered.
You teleported both of you back to the Quinjet, locking her up tightly before teleporting to the east computer room.

Two male agents stood in front of you aiming there guns at you.
"Aw is the little freak injured" one of them snapped at you.
"You watch who you're calling a freak." Nat said from behind them, kicking one of them to you, disarming the other one with ease.
You could just about kick the agent in the jaw, without ripping open your wound further. He fell to his knees and you kneed him in the nose, knocking him out cold.

"Come on. Ill send Steve to collect that one. We need to get your stomach looked at."
"I'm fine. I need to get the crates of weapons back to the Quinjet." You growled, swallowing the pain.
"Y/n" she could see that your weren't going to surrender.
"Y/n, don't get yourself killed alright?"
You nodded and ran back to the storage room to find a very exhausted Wanda using her powers to lift up several crates at a time.

"Glad for you to finally join me." Wanda breathed heavily.
You opened a crate of medical supplies, grabbed a bandage and quickly wrapped your torso messily before helping out Wanda.
After what seemed like forever, you had finally managed to move all the crates.
You started feeling very lightheaded. Wanda pointed that you were pale and had lost a lot of blood, but surprisingly it didn't hurt as much as you thought it would. I mean its not you would have an experience being shot, that you could remember of course.

That's when you remembered that this was once your home and guilt slowly made its way to your head.
Once in the Quinjet you sat down and Bruce, who had been hulk all of five minutes ago, started peeling the blood stained bandage from your torso.
Your head ached and everything went black.

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