Frost giant???

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A/n: thank you for staying with this story. Suggestions are greatly appreciated.

You blinked your eyes open slowly to a knock at your door.
" yeah, come in." You said groggily.
Bucky came in. He gave you a plate with toast on and sat at the end of your bed.
" what's up." You asked. He looked scared.
" you were screaming in your sleep. I came to wake you up."
" oh. Well I'm sorry for waking you, but I didn't have nightmare this time so, yay." Trying to lighten the mood wasn't working this time.
" y/n. Are you seriously alright?"
" yeah. Just getting used to all this." You said taking a bite of your toast.
" ok. Well when you come out, Thor said he wants to talk to you."
" you didn't tell him anything. About hydra?"
" no. I promise"

You gave him a sad smile. He got up and left, closing the door slowly. After eating your toast, you swung your legs over the side of the bed and saw that all your bruises and cuts were gone. Loki did a really good job.

Walking down the hallway to Thor's room, you knocked gently.
" who is it?"
" its just me. Bucky said you wanted to talk."
He opened the door and gestured for you to come in. His room was messy, but an organised mess. You sat on the end of his bed and he sat on your left.
" so, Loki has taken quite a liking to you." He yawned, still tired.
" Um, i don't think so." Did he like you??
" well he doesn't just heal anyone. Especially when it knocks him out for a couple hours."
" what. Wait. What."
"When he uses a large amount of magic, it tires him out greatly. And that wound on his stomach didn't help."
" oh. How did he get his magic?"

He sighed and looked into your e/c eyes with his blue ones.
" our mother taught him. He learned quite fast. He used it for all sorts of mischief"
" tell me some stories? Please?" You whined giving him puppy dog eyes.
" Well, I'll have to start at the beginning. Don't tell him i told you, or don't treat him any different. He's still my brother."
" it cant be that bad"

He gave you a sad look.
" oh, well spare no detail, and i promise Loki will still be Loki after you tell me."
" well, there was a war between Asgard and Jotunheim. The Jotuns are frost giants. After the war, Odin, my father, found a baby who was cast out. He was too small. Odin took him in and raised him as his own"

Was he talking about Loki.
" that baby was Loki"
Well that answered that question.

" Odin always subtly favoured me, so our mother taught Loki all he knows. When Loki found out about his true heritage, he didn't take it greatly. He tried to kill me, tried to destroy Jotunheim and killed his birth father, Laufey. He disappeared after that. Next I'd heard about him was that he was trying to destroy New York. We caught him and he looked like he had been to hell and back. He escaped, destroyed half of New York before we captured him again."

" i brought him back to Asgard. He could either live out the rest of his days in a cell on Asgard, or help the avengers. He had to wear a cuff like you do. No one but me trusted him. Over time he could take it off. People are still weary of him, which i know breaks him."

" so if I'm listening correctly. He's a frost giant, tried to kill you, destroyed half of New York and is now an avenger. Bit of a roller coaster." You sighed in shock almost.
" as i said before, he is my brother."

" As i said before as well, Loki is still Loki."

His face lit up.
You gave him a tight hug and you rested your head in the crook of his neck.
" thank you lady y/n."
" no problem. Is he still knocked out?"
" i believe so."
You got up, patted his shoulder and left. Sitting in your bed, you just thought.
A frost giant. Well what Thor said explained a lot. But it still didn't explain why he chose to heal you, especially since it caused him damage.
You got out of the steaming shower and put some training clothes on. You made your way to the living room to find nat, Bucky and Steve.
" hey, nat. I was wondering, could you help me get some muscle back. I really want to train with you."
" sure. Get something to eat and ill meet you downstairs in ten." She said getting up, walking towards her room.

You made yourself a sandwich with whatever was in the fridge. It turned out to be pretty nice.
" y/n, you were screaming last night. Everything okay." Steve gave you a weak smile.
" yeah, just getting used to everything."
" that's good. Also, nat can be a little harsh in training so beware"
" alright thanks Steve" you laughed.

You made your way to the training room. Once in there you saw nat on the treadmill.
" hey y/n, come join me." She shouted over to you.
You got on the one next to her and started running.

" have you noticed the way Loki looks at you"
" not really, Thor did say something about it earlier."

She gave you a weird smile and raised her eyebrows.
After ten minutes on the treadmills nat turned to you,
" ok. Nice warm up. Let's spar."
" um ok."
" don't worry y/n, i don't bite. It's against the rules" she laughed.

Steve was right. She did not go easy on me.

After training you had new bruises everywhere.

Walking to your room, you bumped into Loki.
He gave you a wired look and swiftly moved past you.
That was odd.

Another shower. You wore black leggings and a hoodie, when Jarvis called you for dinner again.

Everyone was out there. But Loki was sitting furthest from everyone just reading again.
You grabbed your plate with potatoes and vegetables and sat next to him.
For some reason every one stared at you, even Loki.

You turned to smile at him and ate your food.

After dinner you went to chill in your room.

There was a soft knock on the door. You opened it to see Loki with red and puffy eyes.
" can i come in" his voice slightly breaking.
" yeah, yeah of course"

He sat on your bed and you sat next to him expectantly.

" why did you sit next to me. There was open seats next to Bucky and Thor, even tony."
" because i wanted to sit next to you."
" you wont want to when you know what I've done"
You sighed.
" don't be mad. Thor told me everything this morning."

" then you know I'm a monster"
" no. I KNOW you're just like everyone else. I also did some shitty things."
He stood up sharply and gave you a questioning look.

" want to read with me?" You offered.
" yeah. Thanks"

You got under the covers, Loki sitting next to you, sitting on them. You both started to read.

After what seemed like hours you felt your eyelids drooping.
Loki sat up put your head down gently.
" goodnight" he whispered. He left.

Before you knew it you were asleep again.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Where stories live. Discover now