Long distance

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A/n: I'm so sorry for not posting anything for 3 weeks. I broke my finger (which is still recovering) and I lost my IPad (which Iuse to write). It happens a lot more than you think it would. Anyway, thank you so much for 9k reads. I had a little celebration with my family. I know 9k doesn't seem like a lot, but it means so much to me and you gotta celebrate the small victories. I also wanted to shout out my friend who really encouraged me and has an amazing story of their own, Similafamilia . Anyway, on with the chapter.
Warning: little bursts of spice, very fluffy (might need tissues).

"Loki friggasdottir, get your ass here right now!" Your shout scared Bucky on the counter and Thor who was on the verge of tears.
Loki walked round the corner with a smirk on his face.
"Sorry, friggason." You said calmly.

"Whats wrong darling?" He failed to hide his growing smile, which just made you more mad.
"Don't act like you don't know."
"I have no idea what you mean."

"I'm only gonna ask you this one time, where are Thor's pop-tarts?"
"Why should I know? Its not like I eat them. Maybe the oaf ate them all and forgot." He reached for your hand, tracing circles on your palm. You grabbed his hand and twisted it behind his back, making a moan of pain escape his lips.

"Ah, ah. Alright fine, they're in the cabinet under the sink." You let go of his wrist, making him rub his arm in pain.
"She's made you weak." Bucky coughed which earned him a glare from both you and Loki.

You watched as Thor opened the cabinet and pulled out his pop-tarts with a childish smile on his face. Just as Thor left with his pop-tarts, Peter walked in looking at the floor.
"Whats wrong kid?" Bucky rested his metal arm on Peter's shoulder, which made him smile slightly.
"Nothing, Mr Jesus." Peter smiled at the nickname he had given to Bucky and sat next to him on the counter.
"I told you not to call me that."
"But you do kinda look like him."

Loki was now behind you with his arms around your waist and nuzzling his nose into your neck.
"Peter, whats wrong?"
"I was texting Shuri earlier."
"That's panther's sister right?"
"Yeah, anyway, we were talking about visiting Valkyrie, but Mr. Stark, Aunt May and T'challa said we can't go without an adult."
"I'm an adult." You shrugged.

Peter's eyes widened and his smile became so big, it looked like it hurt.
"Can we go next week, I have a two week break from school since there is a flu outbreak."
"You can't, we have a mission." Loki said into your neck.
"No, you have a mission. I was only tagging along so you don't get lonely and kill someone. We'll be gone a week at most. I'm sure you'll be fine."
"I won't be, I'll miss you too much."
"If you can't survive this, then I promise I wont leave you for so long again. Is it a deal?"
"Fine. But no more than a week."

"Peter." You called out to him, zipping up your suitcase. He walked in your room with Shuri and their luggage.
"Shuri, do you really need all that equipment?"
"Of course I do."
"Alright, fine. You guys ready to leave?"
"Yeah." They said in unison.
"Alright, go say goodbye to everyone then meet me on the roof."

Pulled your suitcase off of your bed and rolled it into Loki's room. She sat on her bed, looking at the floor.
"Oh, come on, darling. Don't sulk." You left your suitcase at the door and walked over to stand in front of her. You put a finger under her chin and lifted it until her beautiful green eyes met yours. Her eyes were slightly teary and she bit her lip.
"Promise me you'll stay safe."
"I promise. I'll be fine and so will you."
"I know, I just want to protect you from everything."
"Me too, but you can't. And I can handle myself, I'm a big girl." You smiled slightly.

You sat next to her and kissed her cheek, just as a tear fell.
"Gods your perfect." Loki said before kissing you hungrily. Her hand cupped the back of your neck and she swung her leg over your lap. She laid you back on the bed, her hand supporting your neck. Her lips never left yours as she ran her hand on the rim of your jeans. Your hands snaked under her shirt and massaged her boobs through her bra. She moaned slightly into the kiss and undid the button on your jeans. As she slowly pulled down the zip, you heard giggles coming from the door.

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