Lady Loki

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A/n: Am I dreaming, we got 4K reads already!!!!!!!
I think I might cry or scream or both.
Aaahhhhhhhhhh, anyway. I hope you are enjoying the story so far and enjoy this chapter.
Also, this chapter really brought out my gay side.

Your eye slowly fluttered open. You immediately closed them at how bright it was in the room and memories of what happened the night before.
"Nope, nope nope." You said, burying your head in the covers, facing away from Loki.

"Shit, was he always this goddamn hot?" You muttered, trying not to look at him.
"I heard that, darling."
"No you didn't." You rolled out of the bed, landing with a thump on the floor. "Ow."
You tried to stand up but your legs wouldn't respond. You smacked your thigh, hoping for some kind of movement but still, nothing. The green shirt you wore, hung off your shoulder, exposing all the hickeys and bruises.

"I would apologise for the marks, but I'm really not sorry." You didn't even have to look at him to know he was smirking. "Also, you may want to take a look at the inside of your thighs."
You lifted the dress like shirt up to your underwear and your eyes widened.
"Loki, I'm literally purple and green. Like some mutant grape. Wait, we didn't use-"

"I used magic, darling. Can you stand?" He was now at your side wearing nothing but boxers. "Hey, eyes up here."
"Don't act like you wouldn't stare if I was just wearing a bra or something."
"Fair enough." He picked you up and placed you on the bed before disappearing into the bathroom.

"Are you sure the magic worked, cause kids are icky."
"Loki, what did you do?"
"I did the magic, but we cant be 100% sure since I was distracted just a bit."
"If I could walk, I would throw you out the window."
"Worst case scenario, you are pregnant. There are plenty of people to babysit. We'll make Stark pay for everything, Morgan will have a friend."

"If I am pregnant, I don't-" You stopped yourself from talking, just in case it started an argument.
"Lokes, I-I don't want kids, not for a good while anyway."
"Me neither bu-"
"No buts, I not ready at all. You will make a great father, but I just don't think I can deal with that."

Loki came out of the bathroom, dressed in his armour.
"I've only heard how much work it is, I don't intend on finding out any time soon."
"So thats just it. You would just get rid of it, as if it never happened."
"Stop being such an asshole."

"Whatever, I'm going to train with Thor."
He walked out and slammed the door. You sunk back into the pillows and let a tear roll down your cheek.
This is your fault. Why don't you want kids, like any normal girl?

The was a knock at the door before your two favourite redheads walked in.
"принцесса, whats wrong?" Nat said sitting next to you.
"English, please."
"She said princess. Who hurt you?" Wanda nudged you slightly.

"Do you guys want kids?"
"Eventually." They said in unison.
"I cant have biological children but I guess so. Why? Is it Loki? We ran into him, he looked upset. I'll hurt him if I have to." Nat kissed your cheek.
"We both said we don't want kids anytime soon but I said that if I was pregnant I would take the pill you know. He didn't seem to agree with me. He slammed the door and said he was going to train with Thor."

"Its probably just cause he's ancient. But I'm like 90% sure that Thor will knock some sense into him." Wanda cuddled into the other side of you.
"But Thor is older than Loki and is the god of fertility too so I'm not so sure."
"Ok thats not so good. But me and Nat support you no matter what."

"I swear if Loki continues being an asshole, I'm just gonna become a lesbian."
"I'm ok with that." Nat said a little too eager.
"Why, is the flirting with Bruce not going well?" You hugged Wanda tighter when Nat landed a playful punch on your arm.
"Ahh I'm so hurt." You laughed before squeezing Nat into the hug.

You woke up to see that you were still in Loki's room but no Loki. Was that a dream? You rubbed your eyes and stood up, your legs aching and wobbling slightly. You looked in the mirror to find your neck and thighs painted with the same bruises. That's odd.

You walked to the kitchen to find a women with raven hair wearing shorts and a t-shirt looking in the fridge.
You sat down at the counter and felt an odd connection.
"Are you Sam's special friend." You tensed up at the last two words.
The lady laughed, it sounded so familiar.
"Norns no. I hope not anyway." She turned around to face you. She had sharp features and emerald eyes.

"Glad you caught on darling."
"A woman, I figured."
"I was gonna say hot, but that works too. May I ask why?"
"I saw the dream you had. I just wanted you to be comfortable and know I would never do anything like that. Plus if I did, Thor would be the one to throw me out of the window."

"I feel equally comfortable as either, sometimes I just have slight preference. I've never shown you because I thought you wouldn't react this great."
"You can tell me anything my love." You stood up to try and walk over to her but your legs gave out. Loki rushed to your side and lifted you onto the counter.

"You really are the best girlfriend."
She smiled brightly at the use of the word 'girlfriend' and kissed you sweetly.
"Your also really gorgeous." She laughed and hugged you tight, never wanting to let go.

"I love you." She said, sniffling quietly.
"I love you too. Remember what I said, i'll love whether your blue or a baby unicorn or the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

"Let me run you a bath, to help your legs maybe not be so broken." She smiled before kissing you again and walking to her room.

"Now that really made my day." Bucky said from the sofa.
"Shut up."
"You hear that Steve, we're not the only ones."
"I may not be able to walk, but I can still kill you."

"You ready my love."
"Yeah, but you might have to carry me."
Loki rolled her eyes and carried you into her bathroom.
"Do you want to join me?"
"Of course."

You both stripped and got into the bath, with bubbles up to your chins. You sat with your back against her chest. She tickled up and down your arms and placed small kisses on your shoulders.
"Would you ever get the tattoo removed?"
She traced the numbers on your rib cage.
"I don't think so. Its not like anyone but you and me are going to see it anyway. Its kind of special in a way. Like a battle scar."

You turned your head to meet her lip with yours.

You pulled back to catch your breath. You rested your head in the crook of her neck, breathing heavily.
"You're so perfect." You muttered, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

Loki's POV
I don't know what I've done to deserve her, but I know I will spend the rest of my life repaying the love she gives me.
I have never met anyone like her and I wish to marry her one day.

*cries in lonely bisexual*

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