Mastermind Kokichi AU (Different & Post-Game)

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This one was requested by PigeonBoiii ! It's a different AU where it is a simulation and Miu is watching from the hospital.

I think I abandoned almost all my headcanons at this point lmao

Miu's POV.

I watched as Kokichi revealed himself. I couldn't believe it, he was the one behind all this. I fell for the mastermind.

I watched as Kiibo fought, then explode,I watched how Kokichi and Monokuma got crushed under a big rock. I could feel tears in my eyes and realize he would wake up soon. I began running towards the pods where the survivors, Kiibo, and Kokichi laid.

The whole thing had ended by now and everyone was about to wake up. I stared down at Kokichi's pod, glaring from sadness and anger.

Everyone woke up at the same time and all immediately went to try and jump Kokichi. A doctor came in and stopped all of them.

"Hey, hey! It was a simulation! That's the role he was given he didn't actually want to hurt any of you!" The doctor shouted. Kokichi refused to make eye contact with any of us.

He pulled himself off the pod and walked out of the room. I followed him. He inhaled a shaky breath and turned to me.

"I'm so sorry Miu I'm so sorry. I fucked anything and everyone up I-" I cut him off by giving him a hug.

"Shut up it's fine. It's not completely your fault. It's whoever decided to make the game." I said, he snuggled and started crying into my shoulder.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but why're you hugging the fuckin' mastermind?" Kaito said, "It wasn't his fault." I said, knowing fully well he didn't believe me.

"Ha like I'd believe that!" He grabbed Kokichi by the hair and slammed him against the wall making him yelp.

"Kaito stop!" Maki yelled. That's new, never thought she'd stand up to him. Kaito rubbed his neck, "sorry Maki-roll" he said then they went off Kaito giving Kokichi a glare.

I helped him up, "We've gotta tell the others that it wasn't your fault before they kill you" I said in a sorta sarcastic tone. Kokichi laughed nervously and we headed to the cafeteria where Korekiyo, Angie, Tenko, and Himiko were.

"Hello Miu" Korekiyo said, putting down his book. He had his hair cut to his shoulders and was getting better by each therapy session. He turned to Kokichi and seemed nervous.

"I wanted to apologize for what I did and the role I played..." He said, "It's okay! We all know it wasn't the real you!" Tenko shouted, "Atua told me!" Angie exclaimed.

We sat down at another table and stared talking.

"So... What did you see me as when I was in the game?" He asked, "Well, a lying abortion, a cute one" I whispered the last part under my breath.

"It did piss me off when you said you were the mastermind though and how you killer Kiibo and all that." Kokichi looked down.

"I need to apologize to Kiibo and Gonta." He said, I nodded,
"we can do that later though."

I hope this was to your expectations!

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