Melissophobia (Fear of bees)

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Melissophobia is a fear of bees, also known as apiphobia

Miu's POV.

Me, Gonta, Kiibo, and Kokichi were having a picnic. Gonta suddenly brought out a bowl that had bees in it making me tense up. I hadn't told anyone I was scared of bees and I didn't plan on doing it any time soon. I tried to remain calm, that was until he took of the lid.

"Shit shit shit shit..." I whispered to myself quietly. Kokichi was sitting beside me and could probably hear me. He tapped my shoulder, "Are you Alright?" He asked, I nodded, knowing he'd make fun of me for being scared of a small insect. Though he did sound genuinely concerned.

The bees started flying from the bowl and one landed on me, making me shriek and catching everyone's attention. I started flailing my arms trying to get it off.

Kokichi's POV.

I watched as fear struck in Miu. Just because of a small bee? I looked at everyone who seemed just as concerned but didn't do anything.

"Iruma-san it's just a bee you're fine!" Kiibo exclaimed, "Gonta is sorry!" Gonta shouted right after. I sighed and quickly swatted the bee away from Miu's arm. She held onto me tightly and I could see she was still trying to not cry. It might be from embarrassment.

I rubbed her back and shushed her, "You're okay" I whispered quietly.

"Gonta is terribly sorry! He didn't mean to scare Miu!" Gonta exclaimed, Miu just nodded but continued to bury her face into my chest.

"Can I tell you why bees scare me?" Miu whispered, I nodded, "Promise not to tell anyone?"

"Yeah" she sighed, "So, when I was seven I was bullied a lot for how I looked, one of the girls hated me so much that she threw a bee hive on me and watched as they all started stinging me. I actually could have died from that if it weren't for a teacher. I had woken up in the hospital with my father worried sick" she explained. I clenched my jaw.

" I'm going to kill that girl" I said quietly, " You don't have to, she got expelled" Miu said, I huffed and kissed her forehead.

" Uh guys, we're still here" Kiibo said, " The up robot you're ruining our moment" I said. He rolled his eyes at my robophobic remark.

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