He needed help

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Requested by RamenBowl159

Kokichi's POV.

I was about to go annoy Shuichi for the third time today when I suddenly tripped. Bad part about that was that I was about to walk down stairs. I closed my eyes and got ready for impact. When I fell halfway down I heard a crack and felt the need to scream, but my fear kept me from doing so. I could feel blood spilling from my head.

When I finally stopped, I couldn't get up. Everything hurt and I felt weak and light headed. I knew I wouldn't be getting up anytime soon so I closed my eyes and everything slowly faded to black.

Monokuma's POV.

I watched as Kokichi fell down the stairs. He was quickly bleeding out. I wanted to do something but was stopped by Tsumugi. "Don't you dare help him. His death would be funny" I listened to her. His death wouldn't be funny.

Kaede, Kaito, and Maki passed by. They didn't even help, Kaede laughed. It pissed me off seeing them do that. I kept watching until I saw Miu walk by. She didn't laugh, she didn't leave him there. She actually began helping him.

Miu's POV.

I walked down the hall with an annoyed grumble. Kaito was annoying the shit out of me in my lab. I hated that idiot but he can be useful sometimes...I guess. As soon as I got to the steps I could smell blood. Did someone die? I looked down, preparing for the worst. What I saw was Kokichi, bleeding from the head, and a few bruises on his face and arms. Was this another prank?

I quickly walked down the stairs and sat down next to him. "Hey grape bitch wake up!" I shouted. Kokichi didn't move or make a sound. "Wake up~!" I shouted again. Still nothing. I sighed and started shaking his limp body. "Wake up wake up wake up!" I began to get worried and held him there.

Eventually I finally settled on this not being a prank or joke. I sighed and picked him up, "dumbass" I whispered under my breath. I took him to the nurses office and laid him on the table. I grabbed some bandages and some rubbing alcohol then walked back over to him. He was beginning to wake up, stirring and slowly opening his eyes. "What happened..?" he asked. "Donno" I said, "I guess you fell down the stairs?" he put his hand over his head. "Damn my head hurts" he whispered.

"No shit it's bleeding" I put some alcohol on his head after I cleaned the wound. "Ow shit!" he shouted. I huffed and wrapped his head up. then grabbed some water. "Drink this" I said. He thanked me and without second thought, drank it. "You didn't poison that right?" he asked.

"I helped you and wasted my time, why would I do that then kill you?" I asked. He did his infamous laugh then booped my nose. "Just to mess with me~!" I rolled my eyes and ruffled his hair. "be more careful okay?" He nodded and skipped off.

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