Sick (Kokichi) /Rewritten/

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This was inspired by one of  monaShinguji's stories go check them out they make cool things!

TW: throwing up forcefully and by reflex

Miu's POV.

Kokichi hadn't come out of his room in days and everyone was getting worried, hell even Maki was. Kirumi and Ryoma were the last ones to die at the moment and were like parental figures for him. I thought for a second before getting up and walking towards our dorms.

"Where are you going?" Shuichi asked, "To get the lying gremlin obviously!" I exclaimed. I apparently didn't have to get to his room because he was holding onto the wall while shakily trying to walk where I just came from.

He spotted me and tried bolting off, he failed to even move from the place he was and began to fall. I caught him and picked him up, he was a little too light.

" We're getting you something to eat alright. " I said, he shook his head, " Can't... Don't deserve... " Was all he could say before his eyes started closing. I shook him awake, "Hey, stay up!" I exclaimed. Wrong move. He flinched and covered his ears, apologizing. I sighed and brought him into the dinning room.

The others looked at him with either concern or shock. Now looking at him closer, he had almost black eye bags, was paler than usual, and over all just seemed sick.

I carried him to the kitchen and sat him on the counter, I grabbed some fruit and washed them, putting them in a bowl. Damn I wish Kirumi was still here to make soup. I gave him the fruit bowl and he pushed it away.

"Wh- Kokichi eat the damn fruit." He shook his head. I huffed from annoyance and picked up a raspberry, shoving it into his mouth, he gagged and wobbly ran out of the room to the bathroom next door to the dining room. I followed him out.

"What happened?" Tenko asked, "I shoved a raspberry in his mouth and I guess the taste must've upset his stomach." I said, everyone face palmed.

"You can't force someone sick to eat you dummy" Himiko said I looked at her confused, " Why? " I asked.

" Because you gotta go easy on them. " Kaito replied. I sighed and went after Kokichi. I saw him leaning over the toilet gagging and throwing up.

" Hey, I'm sorry I did that. " I said, he nodded and flushed the toilet. I sat behind him and he leaned against me, groaning in pain. He clinged onto me trying to find any source of warmth.

" 'm sorry... " He muttered barely above a whisper, " Why? " I asked.

" Because I'm making you take care of me" I chuckled, " you're not doing shit now let's get back to your dorm and I'll get a wet rag and water okay? " I said, he nodded.

I picked him up and brought him to his dorm room, laying him on his bed.

" I'll be back with things! " I said before closing the door.

I came back to the little abortion working on finding the mastermind again. I dropped everything and scooped him up.

"Stay the fuck away from that thing right now, you're sick and need assistance. You fucked yourself up pretty badly, dumbass. " I mumbled the 'dumbass'. He shook his head, "Mastermind... " He whispered. I sigh and lay him on the bed, "No, Kokichi. Rest" I grabbed the thermometer and put it in his mouth. He began to fall asleep.

"Hey, stop, stay awake for a little longer okay?" I said, he nodded, struggling to keep his eyes half open. I heard a beep and took it out. 102°F it read. I was about to give him medicine when he bolted to the bathroom.

I waited for a moment before I heard gagging. I walked inside to see him leaning over the toilet and heaving. I gave him a sympathetic look and crouched next to him, rubbing his back.

"Let it out 'Kichi." I said, he shook his head. He's so damn stubborn. I held to fingers infront of his mouth, "please forgive me for this and don't bite me." I said before forcing them to go into his mouth.

He gagged and I quickly took my fingers out, washing them. I sat behind Kokichi and rubbed his back while playing with his hair. It had been about twenty minutes before he finished. He slumped against me and soon went limp. I put him against the wall and grabbed a paper towel, wet it, and washing Kokichi's mouth. I grabbed the medicine off the counter and shook him lightly.

" 'kichi you gotta wake up" I said softly. His eyes half opened. I grabbed a pill from the bottle and put it at his lips. He held it in his mouth trying to swallow it. I grabbed a cup from the sink and filled it with water. I carefully poured it into his mouth and he swallowed.

'I've never seen him so vulnerable before.' I thought to myself. I look back at him and realized he was falling asleep.

I picked him up, careful not to wake him, and brought him to his bed. I dipped the rag into the bowl of water sitting on the nightstand. I squeezed some of the water out and put it on his forehead. Just as I was about to walk away he weakly grabbed my hand.

"Stay.... Please" he said. I nodded and sat next to him, rubbing his back and playing with his hair.

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