Stop Working

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Miu's POV.

I was trying to sleep but it was difficult. Kokichi was still doing work as a leader of his organization.

"Kokichi, baby, go to sleep" I say, earning a grunt in response, "I can't I have to get this paper work d-"

"Stop working. You've been doing that for a past two days, hell, you even pulled an all nighter last night and it's eleven PM! I didn't get any cuddles from you! " I whine earning a groan in response. Kokichi probably had a headache from staring at papers, writing, and focusing all day and night. I apologized.

He didn't have any sleep or food in his system. I sigh and get up, putting my hand on his and start to rub it, making him stop. He tried to lean into the touch and I stopped, hearing a whine. I smiled, "You liked that huh? You probably have cramps don't ya?" I asked, he nodded, "Welp, come to bed and I'll do it again".

He thought about it for a second and got up then laid on our shared bed, "Come here!" he whined making me laugh. I get under the sheets with him and he wraps him whole body around me.

Damn, you're a koala I thought to myself. I begin play with one of his purple strans of hair making both of us sleepy.

Next thing I know, I'm awake...and Kokichi's at his desk again, working. Damn abortion. I get up and put my hand on his shoulder making him jump, "Oh, good morning!" he exclaimed.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" I asked, he nodded keeping his eye on a piece of paper. I groan out of annoyence and take the paper away, making sure I didn't mess it up.

"Ya little abortion, stop. What would happen if those ten found out you weren't getting enough sleep because of this? They'd be worried." I said.

"I know, I just want to get them finished. The others ran out of things, well, other than number two, she's obsessed with puzzles. I'm filling out papers to get a pack of each thing that the others like and it should last at least four months" He said laughing.

So that's what hes been doing

"Well you can do it later, right now we're going to make breakfast for them!" I exclaim grabbing Kokichi's hand and taking him downstairs and into the kitchen.

Sorry it was short, I have hel- I mean school.

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