Angst, just angst (Unhealthy Pregame)

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Requested by AnUnholySimp

TW: Death, murder, gore, smoking, mention of suicide

Man's asked for angst with no context so I'ma go far asf 😌

Kokichi's POV.

I ran as fast as I could, there was no way he could have done it. Dammit Kaito you jerk! I banged on the door until Miu's father, Mr. Hanamura opened it.

"Oh Kokichi! What do you need?" He asked, "Is Kaito here?!" I exclaimed making him give me a confused look, "Why yes, why?" He asks. I grab his hand and bring him up to her room. I heard a scream then silence.

"Miu?" Mr. Hanamura said, I opened the door to see blood splattered all over the walls and bed. There was a bat with nails on the floor. I saw Kaito outside the window before he jumped. I heard a crack and ran toward the window. His neck was bent at a right angle, I knew he was dead but didn't worry about that right now.

I heard a thud from behind me, "My baby..." Mr. Hanamura said quietly. I sat beside the crying father and rubbed his back, "She was so young..." I nodded and felt some tears fall down my eyes, "She was also my girlfriend" I said. I soon realized we couldn't keep the corpses here and I got up, "I'll call the cops, you call one of your friends okay?" I said, he gave me a quick nod and slowly left the room.

I called 110 (japanese police number) and told them what happened. I then sat down in the living room with Mr. Hanamura and Mr. Souda. I sat next to Miu's dad and gently forced his head onto my shoulder. He was still silently crying. I wasn't, I couldn't, I just felt numb. Miu was the only person who actually believed in me here. If I'd gotten here sooner I could've prevented this. As if Mr. Hanamura could read my mind,

"Don't blame yourself for this, it's my fault. I should've known he was trouble" he said, I shook my head.

" You shouldn't blame yourself either, if you'd known I know you would have prevented it" I said, he nodded. We sat in silence for a while before two other men came in, Kiyotaka and Mondo Owada.

" I can't believe my son did this to you two, my deepest apologies. " Taka said, Mr. Hanamura stood up and glared at the couple.

" If you'd raised your son better this wouldn't have happened! Now both of our kids are dead! " He exclaimed, the Owadas gave him a surprised look, " K-Kaito died? " Taka said. I nodded, " He jumped out the window and broke his neck" I said quietly. I heard Mondo and Hanamura start fighting over who was in the wrong.

"Please stop fighting you two!" Taka exclaimed trying to calm down his husband while Mr. Souda tried to calm down Hanamura.

Soon the police show up along with cleaners, Shuichi's mom, Kirigiri walked in, "Where are the bodies?" She asked, "Ones in Miu's room, upstairs first left room. The other is in the back yard" I explained. She nodded and headed upstairs while another police officer went outside.

"How about we all just settle this at my house?" Mr. Souda asked, we all agreed.

Miu's funeral

There was crying, lots of crying. Mostly from Mr. Hanamura, it was understandable, she was his only daughter after all. Well besides some other sister that left with her mom. I sat there and comforted him the whole time. The viewing of the body was sad. I began to cry as I looked at her. She had her prom dress on, it was still as beautiful on her as ever. I smiled slightly as I looked at her. I wanted to hug her, hold her tightly just to feel her warmth again. I knew it'd never happen though.

Kaito's funeral

I sat there in silence, I don't even know why I was invited to his funeral. We never got along, infact, he hated my guts. The viewing of the body was nothing other then his body. I felt no saddness for him. I looked down at his body angrily. But still, I couldn't help feeling bad for his parents. They'd done nothing wrong.

I left the funeral early and sat in my car, "Fuck this universe" I told myself as I pulled out a cigarette and smoked it.

"Enjoying yourself?" I heard a voice asked, it was my ex, Shuichi. I chuckled and looked at him, "Care if I join?" He asked again, I rolled my eyes and opened the door for him.

"What do you want?" I asked, "You just seem lonely" he said as he took his hat off and put it on the dash.

"Okay?" I said, it sounded more like a question. He chuckled, "At least that asshole, Kaito is dead right?" He said. I nodded and blew smoke out.

"But Miu, she was a nice girl. I kinda wish it was that maniac, Maki. You know her and Kaito hooked up before he did what be did" Shuichi said as he took a cigarette from my box and lit it.

" Damn, must be hard on her" I said in a dull voice. Honestly, I felt nothing for the other students, they were all just assholes who liked to fuck with you. Well, all but Angie, but she killed herself months ago.

We sat in my car for a while before I drove Shuichi home and drove back to my place.

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