Cuts (Kokichi angst)

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TW: Self-harm, self-loathing, anorexia

This has some pretty fucked up angst so if you're sensitive please don't read this because it's probably worse than the one where Miu died. Also remember that if you're suffering PLEASE get help. You can message me if you want because I'll do it free if you don't have the money for a therapist.

Kokichi's POV.

I looked down at all of the deep cuts on my arms and legs. I was sitting on the ground of my bathroom.

Shit, did I go to far this time?

I sigh and start making my way to the bathroom sink to wash off. I get a rag and wet it, putting it on the cuts. I sigh, "damn it."

The blood kept coming out. I bandaged the cuts so they wouldn't bleed through my clothes. Unfortunately it started bleeding through the bandages.

"Fuck it, let's hope it doesn't bleed through my clothes..." I get off the ground and looked in the bathroom mirror. I look at my stomach.

"Why am I so fat?" I ask myself, tears starting to fall down my eyes. I end up falling against the wall from lack of sleep and food. To be honest I was exhausted.

After a few minutes I gain the strength to pull myself up and walk out of the bathroom, slightly limping from the pain in both of my legs. I walk over to my drawer and put on my normal suit.

I walk out of my room and put on a weak facade as I open the doors to the cafeteria. I could hear some people groan as they saw me, others just glared. The only ones who smiled and waved at me was Miu and K1-B0.

I start walking over to her trying to hide how much pain I was in. I sat down next to her and  Tenko.

"Hey Kokichi! Why were you so late?" Miu asked. I started panicking trying to think of a good lie.

"I-I um... S-slept in" damn it I stuttered! I laughed nervously, staring down at the table. Miu looked suspicious but I think she brushed it off by the way she shrugged.

"Aren't you gonna eat degenerate male?" Tenko asked. My eyes widened and I felt as if I'd vomit.

"M-maybe later!" I stuttered again. I began to zone out. I think it had been about fifteen minutes before I was snapped back into reality by Miu.

"You're bleeding!" She yelled. I looked down and saw that my white clothes were now turning a bright neon pink. Shit! I felt the stares of everyone.

I started trying to run out of the room but the pain became unbearable. I fell to the ground trying to hold in a scream which ended up sounding like a yelp. I tried to get back up but my body was too heavy to do so. I had no choice but to just lay there, beginning to black out. I could hear panicked voices of everyone, mostly Miu, Shuichi, and Kaede. I could feel someone rapping their arms around my body before I let the darkness consume me.

Miu's POV.

I wrapped my arms around Kokichi's body. His body was surprisingly light, too light. Now that I look at him closer he had really dark eye bags and he looked like just skin and bones.

"Can someone open the door for me??" Is said in a panicked voice. K1-B0 immediately opened the door for me and followed me to the nurses office.

I laid Kokichi on the bed. The rest of the class came in and started crowding him. K1-B0 backed them all away a little bit as I took off Kokichi's clothing.

He had blood stained bandages on his legs and arms. I took the bandages off and saw how small his body was. You could see his ribs. I quickly took the bandages off him and got some warm water and a rag. I then placed it on his cuts which stopped the bleeding slightly.

I asked Kirumi to get more bandages. She quickly walked to a drawer and pulled out some bandages, handing them to me. I put the them on him.

Some of the classmates sat down in chairs and on the floor, others were standing.

After a while Kokichi's eyes finally fluttered open.

Kokichi's POV.

I opened my eyes and immediately closed them because of the bright light. I tried to sit up but was gently pushed back down.

"Hey, stop you're not in condition to move yet" I heard Miu say. I then felt a presence of more than just a few people. I began to panic once I started remembering what happened.

"I-I'm sorry..." I say, tears threatening to spill. I heard a sigh, " It's fine... I guess" Miu said as she put her head on my chest.

"I'm going to refrain you from using anything that could hurt you... I'm also going to have to have someone watch you twenty four seven or at least when you're not sleeping. " My eyes widened.

" What do you mean? I'm fine!" I said laughing nervously. Miu put her hand on my chest.

" You're losing the ability to lie, Kokichi. And it's obvious you're not fine, you have cuts all over your body! Self-harm cuts! " My body shot up, causing pain to go through me I lay back down.

"...You saw?" I say. I realize everyone was in here and I started to panic again.

"Shit... No no no no no no they all saw" I whispered to myself. I think Miu could see my discomfort because she asked everyone to leave except K1-B0 who she knew I felt most comfortable around.

Miu walked away for a moment and came back with some pills.

"Here's some pain killers." She said as she took one out of the container and popped it in my mouth. I swallowed it. She than whispered something in K1-B0's ear, he nodded.

"Since K1-B0 doesn't need sleep but just needs to charge he's gonna watch you at night, okay?" I nodded, " Okay."

Miu picked me up and brought me into the cafeteria. She sat me down and grabbed an apple for me.

I looked at the apple in disgust. I looked at Miu and she looked back.

"Eat it, Kokichi." She said. I sighed and picked up the apple, I bit into it immediately feeling like vomiting. I held onto my stomach, slowly chewing and eventually swallowing it, starting a coughing fit. Miu gave me some water and rubbed my back.

"Again." She said. I ended up eating half of the apple before I couldn't continue. Miu picked me up and brought me to her room. She fiddled with the key for a while but eventually got it open.

She sat me against the wall so I could lean on it as she fixed the bed.

"Are you able to walk?" She asked. I took a step then another and nodded.

I laid on her bed and stared up at the ceiling. Miu kissed my cheek making me blush.

"You're my boyfriend and I care about you. We all do, they might not show it like me and K1-B0 but they do. " Miu said as she moved closer to me, her body pressing against my arm but not enough to hurt it anymore.

"Oh also you know how I said we'd take everything sharp away from you? K1-B0's doing that right now, he'll be in here in a moment. " I nodded and closed my eyes. I finally felt safe with Miu with me.

1342 words. Again if you're struggling you can contact me if you don't have the money for a therapist. If you don't wanna talk to a stranger I completely understand but I think and hope you get help from someone. Remember that there's people care for and love you. If you don't think so well I'm here!

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