"Someone's looking at you"

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"Someone's looking at you."


1 week later

"Are you okay? I feel like you have been different lately.", Hermione asked while we were sitting at lunch. I was still wearing my Slytherin scarf to hide the bruises on my neck.

It wasn't the fact that he physically hurt me that was so painful, but the fact that I just started to not hate him. He was so kind that night and I couldn't help but wonder if it was just the weed that caused him to be that way.

Maybe he was right. Maybe he was a bad person.

No matter how much make up I used, nothing could hide the deep shadows under my tired eyes. I couldn't even tell if my restless nights caused them, or if it was the constant thought of him.

"Yeah... Don't worry I just have some trouble sleeping." I assured, since I didn't want her to worry about me. Hermione was the most caring person I knew, she always knew when something was wrong. I was aware that I could've just told her what happened, but I just didn't want anyone to know yet.

"Bloody hell Liv, you look terrible" Ron interrupted our conversation. Usually, I would have been mad, but the fact that I knew how bad I looked made me smile. Fred and Harry laughed at me without hesitation.

I smiled down at the table we were sitting on, still deeply worrying. As all of my friends couldn't stop laughing at me, I noticed that George just kept eating without a change in his facial expression.

I stared at him for a few seconds, before he finally looked up to me.

"Beautiful as always." he said quietly and then looked down on his plate again.

"Liv," Hermione whispered next to me. "Someone's looking at you", her eyes pointed straight at Malfoy, who sat on the table next to us. The way he looked at me was enough to make my knees shake rapidly. His eyes were dark grey and full of anger. There was no food on his plate and he had his armes crossed in front of his chest. If glances could kill I would have been dead by then.

I started breathing heavily remembering his cold rings on my skin as I heard Ginny behind me

"Looks like ferret boy has a thing for her.", then everybody started laughing again. If only they knew.

I couldn't handle that situation any longer, so I grabbed my stuff and left the table. While I was walking out of the great hall I already felt a tear leaving my left eye.

"Wait Liv, you haven't eaten anything." Hermione shouted. I walked as quickly as I could, but her voice became louder and louder- she followed me through the hallway.

"Olive! Wait!" she said in a loud and dominant voice, that had the power to make me stop and turn around. I didn't want her to see me this way, but it felt relieving. I had swallowed everything for so long that her worried face was enough for me to break down. I really tried to control my face, but I didn't have the power to stop my tears from falling.

"Tell me what's going on." She came closer and gave me a tight hug, that made me remember what being loved felt like. All that tension and frustration I carried fell off my shoulders because of her. I didn't know I needed her so badly until then.

We walked up the moving stairs and I told her everything that happened, the words just flew out of my mouth. I told her about George and the kiss, about my nightmares and most importantly: I told her about Malfoy. I even showed her the bruises on my neck.

"Merlin, I am so sorry." was everything she was able to say for quite a while, but it was enough. I didn't want her to help me or to give advice. I just needed her to listen, which was exactly what she did.

"Do you have any idea what you are gonna do about the Malfoy thing?" she asked worried.

"I don't know. I don't want anybody to know." I just said while shaking my head, that was completely red from crying the whole time.

"Are you sure? I'm sure Fred and George would love to teach him a lesson.", she started grinning a little bit, reminding me that there was always a reason to smile.

I have to admit that I would have loved to see George being all protective over me, but I knew that I could handle the situation alone - I didn't want to be protected by anyone.

"Please don't tell anybody okay? Just tell them I'm tired."

"Of course! Thank you for telling me." then she gave me another hug and I heard her gentle voice next to my ear "If you ever wanna talk, I will alway be there to listen okay? Now let's go back."

She offered my a green apple she stole from the lunch table.

"Thank you.", I looked at her with a tiny smile on my face. I was so grateful to call her my friend.

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