Chapter 25: Karmaa Is Such A Bitch

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* One Year Later *

" Hey Jazlynn, it's time. I'll see you when I land in the morning. " I said.

Pretty sure she must be around people that's why she isn't answering. I really can't believe it's been a whole year since I have graduated. Since then I left Beverly Hills to live in Houston, Texas. I worked for a while at a Starbucks to help pay my rent and other bills. I told Jazlynn not to tell me any kind of news as far as back home, because I would probably become depressed here. I decided to change things up so I cut my hair and it actually looks amazing.


"Kar? Hey! It's been a long while since I last spoke to you. I cannot wait for you to return! " she screams. I missed this crazy ass girl oh man. " Hi Jaz, can you somehow make Jace come pick me up and you go to my dad's house... I have some shit up my sleeve for months now. " I replied. She doesn't say anything which means she is curious about what I have planned, but it will be revealed soon. " Okay! See you then. " she says and we both hang up the phone. 

A knock on my apartment door comes, and it's my neighbor Christopher. We became good friends when I first got the job at Starbucks, where he picks up his coffee every morning. " Hey Karmaa... what's up? " he asks.  I explain to him about me leaving tonight and I don't really know when I am actually coming back and I can tell he is disappointed about it. 

" Damn, do you really have to leave? " 

 I nod yes slowly while walking across the room to get my suitcase ready to be packed. He watches me pack and decides to help me after a while. We talk all night until it's my time to leave. " Alright, thank you so much for being my only friend here. I really appreciate it " I add. He smiles and hugs me and I do so in return. He walks me down to the cab and helps me get inside safely. He smiles at me one more time and I blow him a kiss as I drive away. I'll miss him, but I miss my family and friends at this point. 


" Jazlynn why am I sitting at this airport this early just so they can give me your ID? " Jace says angrily. I walk up to the car and can't help but laugh at Jace arguing with Jazlynn right now. " This ID actually says Karmaa White " I add. His eyes widen as he jumps out of the car and swoops me off of my feet. He swings me around and kisses my cheek like crazy. " Karmaa! What the fuck?! Where have you been Kar? You have been missing for a year " he says. He puts me down and then I notice what he says. " What the hell you mean missing? I explained I would be gone for a while in the letters ". Jace grabs my suitcase and puts it in his trunk and I decide to save the conversation in the car. 

" We got the letters, but between Mr. White and Zane, shit was hectic for months. " he says. I suddenly feel guilty about leaving but maybe they'll understand when I explain later. " I'll take care of that later, but right now... take me to Karen's house " I demanded. Jace looks at me curiously as I pick up my burner phone to call some people. " How has everyone been? " I asked softly. " Well, your dad wasn't good for a while, he and Rosie almost called off the wedding because he started to stress drink. Milo is almost 1 in three more days, and Zane cut everyone off except your father " he says. I know I told Jaz not to tell me anything, but damn... the wedding would've been off, my father turned to a baby alcoholic, and Zane cut ties with everyone. 

" What do you mean he cut everyone off? "

Jace takes a deep breath and spills the tea, " I shouldn't be telling you this but, Jace blamed Jazlynn for you leaving, he was in her face and I intercepted and we kind of had a fistfight. After that, I never saw him again. I know Jaz has done a lot but she is still a female. But nonetheless, last I heard was he took the offer from the 49ers, and now he's doing his thing in San Francisco ". I look completely confused and wonder why Zane even flipped out like this when I clearly explained everything in the letter. But before I can ask Jace anything else we are around the corner from Karen's house. I turn on my cell since I know she has a tracker on me. " Drive in the driveway and sit in the car, don't come out... just sit tight " I said. We drive in and the five guards run towards the car to see who is inside. I step out of the car slowly and call out Karen's name. 

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