Chapter 11: In the Night

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                                                               - Two Years Ago -

      Today is October 25th and it's mom's birthday- well not exactly.  Mom's actual birthday is February 25th but she wanted to have the masquerade party before... weird right? But anywho, I'm super excited! I've received good news all week which has me super pumped up. First, I made captain of the BHHS Cheerleading squad and Jazlynn made Co-captain. We were super excited about the news and so were our parents. We are the best dancers and tumblers on the team so it was only right. Next, my boyfriend, Troy is already starting to get college offers regarding football and I am so proud of him! We've just made a year a week ago and I love him. Oh and how can I forget about my dad, he's moving to Fiji for a while to focus on a movie he's been excited about. I personally can't wait until the party tonight. Troy and I have been talking about taking our relationship to the next level which he's been asking me for a while and I think tonight is a good time. We have been having a bit of a rough patch recently. He says he loves me and I love him also but he wants me to open up to him, which I feel I do so I don't understand what he means by it. 

    It's party time! Mom looks amazing in her dress and dad looks nice in his tux. For once I can get them to both be civil in a public place without arguing. Mom invited pretty much everyone. From the mayor to major celebrities, I think I have just seen Robin Thicke! But anyway, I have invited my own guest to basically keep me company from boring conversations with people my mom knows like; Jace, Jazlynn, and Troy of course. Troy brought his father Mr. Evans who I find very intimidating. Not really sure why he is here so I pay it no mind. "Hi Karmaa" Troys says. I kind of wish he was more affectionate but he says his dad raised him not to be soft, which sounds completely idiotic now that I think of it. Jazlynn looks at me waiting for me to respond to Troy but for some reason, nothing comes out. " I see you want to start some shit tonight... " he says angrily. " Troy, no I just- " I answer. He raises his hand as a signal for me to shut up. Jazlynn lets out a little laugh and I look at her strange. " Don't look at me like that Kar " she says. I roll my eyes and Troy puts his hand on my lower back. He didn't even compliment how I look, he's so focused on getting to the point. " Let's go find something to drink babe " he adds as he leads me towards the kitchen.

 Approximately 45 minutes have past and both Troy and I have been drinking. We snuck some whiskey from my mother's cabinet and Troy is pretty wasted. I look around because I can't seem to find Jazlynn and Jace, they were just here 10 minutes ago and now they are nowhere in sight so I assumed they may have left. " Hey babe it's time " he says while grabbing my butt. I'm not too sure about this idea so I tell Troy but he insists on grabbing my hand and leading me upstairs. As we walk down my hallway I try to stop Troy from pulling me but he has a hard grip on my wrist. " Troy, Troy. Your drunk this isn't the time. " I said softly but he doesn't listen. We make it inside of one of the guest rooms in my house and he throws me on the bed. I sit up and look at Troy for a moment before he jumps on top of me. I try to get his attention but he ignores me. He kissed my neck aggressively and gropes my breast. " Troy stop, I don't want this. Troy, please stop. " I said. He covers my mouth as he works his hand up my dress. I'm putting up a fight but it's not enough. He won't get off of me and I'm starting to panic more and more. He takes my panties off and starts to unbuckle his pants. " Troy! Get off of me! " I scream. Just as I think he is sitting up to stop, he does it to just reposition himself. As he repositions, he grabs my neck to choke me to the point of not being able to breathe. As I beg and beg he doesn't hear me. " TROY! PLEASE! LET ME GO! " I cry to him. He laughs and spits in my face. " Shut the fuck up bitch and take it! " he demands. He holds my waist and suddenly jams his penis in me. I screamed endlessly and he just wouldn't stop no matter how much I hit him. " STOP! YOU'RE HURTING ME! PLEASE! " I screamed. I managed to then remove my hands from under him to claw out his eyes, but as soon as it happened he punched me in my face multiple times. As he continued to thrust, I continued to scream and cry. Why is he doing this to me?! I need help!

  I managed to take a glimpse at the door and I see someone standing outside of it so I let out a big scream. " HELP ME PLEASE HELP ME! ". Soon after I scream, they walked away as if they were scared to come in. I feel it, I'm bleeding and it hurts! I cry and cry and just wish for him to stop. 

  He lets out a loud moan and finally stops. My body completely fails me as I lay there completely lifeless. He gets up to fix himself and grabs my body off of the bed playfully. I realize him touching me once more so I knee him in the balls. He yells and pushes me into the nightstand next to the bed where I hit my head hard. He hurries and runs off. I wake up from the fall and I know I'm losing a lot of blood from both injuries. I try to walk to the light but my legs are like noodles. I turn on the lights and the guest room is a complete mess. Broken items and a bed full of blood as if I murdered someone. I cry and try to make my way to my mother. My dress is navy blue so you can't tell if I'm bleeding. "MOM! PLEASE HELP ME. TROY FORCED HIMSELF ON ME AND I'M BLEEDING " I cry to her. She looks at me like I am crazy. " Karmaa I can't deal with this, not to mention you look a mess.".  She laughs and walks off. My heart sinks because she completely ignored me. I begin to walk out of the front door to find Jace. But instead, I fumble into Jazlynn. " Jaz I need your help! I was looking for you. " I cry. "I was looking for you too but Karmaa there's blood coming down your legs... ew go put a tampon on and I'll meet you around, okay?" she says as she runs upstairs.  As I watch her run away I quickly call Jace but he denies my call. I wanted to give up on everything. Life especially. The person I cared for and trusted has broken me, I couldn't help but stand and cry. My dad notices my face bleeding and runs to me. " Bebe what happened?! " he asks. I cry and tell him I need help. He wastes no time and carries me to his car. As he climbs in the car he notices blood on his white shirt and looks at me concerned. I turned to him and told him I need to go to the hospital and so we went.

" Hey Matt, she's been looking for you " says Dr. Rosie. Dad walks into the emergency room and starts to cry and I can't help but cry. The worry on his face breaks my heart. He walks to my bedside to sit next to me and hold my hand. " Karmaa are you ready to tell him what happened? " she asked. I lay back scared to even speak about it especially to dad. I take a deep breath and try to stop crying. I explain to him in detail what happened. He becomes angry but tries to hide it from me. " Matt, listen... this is extremely hard for her. This will probably be the last time she will ever speak on this for a while, this is a kind of trauma no one understands" she says. I cry harder this time but dad rushes to me and holds me. "I will always have you bebe. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to protect you, but I will make it up to you I swear on my life ".  As he holds me I cry in his arms. I let go of his grip and ask him a question, " Dad, please take me with you... mom abandoned me when I needed her. Please let me move with you " I beg. He looks at Dr. Rosie and she nods her head so he can agree. " I wouldn't have it any other way " he says and through the night I've had I seem to let out a smile when deep inside I was becoming filled with hate by the second. I hated Troy for what he did. 

   After staying the night in the hospital, Maria grabbed some clothes from the house for me. She brings Moira and I give them one last hug before dad and I head straight to the airport. I decided to call Jace but he doesn't answer so I leave a voicemail of me leaving for a while and potentially never returning and throw my phone out of the window as we drive off. 

POV.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora