Chapter 7: Troy Evans

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            " Karma! Karma! Karma, I need you to wake up." said Jazlynn. As I open my eyes I realize I'm on the floor and I sit up confused. " Jaz, what happened? " I asked. She helps me on my feet and wipes my skirt for any dirt. " You passed out. Are you alright? " she says. I nod and continue to walk to the gym and try to forget what just happened. Jazlynn calls my name and I try to ignore her until she yanks my arm and demands me to answer her question. " Do I look like someone you lie to? Are you okay Karmaa? I answer to get her off the topic, " Yes Jazlynn I'm fine, I didn't eat and I'm fresh off of a plane. I think I just crashed, but I'm fine now." I answer. She folds her arms and continues to walk.

        We finally make it into the gym where all of the girls are, everyone looks nice in their uniforms and I'm ready to kill this performance at the Senior pep- rally. We practice our cheers and stunts and this suddenly feels like my therapy. It's helping me get my mind off things that I desperately need right now. As we are on break, I quickly run to the bathroom to use it. As I come out I slam into someone, Oh jeez why did it have to be him of all people? Why Troy!? 

     " Woah! Watch were you going alright! " he yells. I looked at him with anger as he realizes who I am. " Karmaa? Karmaa White? " he says. " You know exactly who I am Troy " I reply. Before he could say anything else, Zane comes up and talks to Troy. I don't get it, How can anyone talk to this piece of shit. Not a moment more I walk away. By the time I'm almost at the gym, someone grabs my arm, and my reflex made me swing. But somehow Zane ended up catching my fist before it hit his face. " Woah! Calm down Muhammad Ali it's just me " he says. I feel extremely bad because he isn't the exact person I would like to punch right now. "Sorry, but truthfully you shouldn't grab anyone like that again " I reply after he releases me. He raises his hands and apologizes. " I'm sorry, you seemed like you weren't liking the conversation, so I had to interject " he says. I couldn't help but look at him. He is- Jesus Christ! He smiles at me and suddenly made me forget all about running into that idiot Troy. " Well I have to get back to practice, I'll see you around " I add. " Yes you will " he replies while watching me. I walk away with a smile, he got game I see. 

I know you may wonder how things started with Troy Evans, so let me fill you in...

I know you may wonder how things started with Troy Evans, so let me fill you in

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    8th-grade year, I was starting to blossom more socially that year. Jazlynn and I were the " IT " girls in school- yea I know it was only 8th-grade, but thanks to Karen people wanted to be around us due to all of the awards shows we went to at that time. One day we decided to attend the school's pep rally where we saw all of the different things going on in school. I must admit, we were so focused on being " IT " girls we wasted time not being kids. We saw the school had a cheerleading squad and we fell in love. " Thank you girls, And now we will have our reigning champions, The Knights Football Team! " said the principal. As the football team began to run onto the field, all of my classmates went crazy from cheering to jumping, I think I might have seen a few girls run onto the field as if they were celebrities.  I didn't really see the excitement they were seeing but I just watched. As our principal began to talk he was describing a star athlete who he believes will have big plans in the NFL one day, " Here is the team's quarterback, the rising star himself, Troy Evans! " as he finished the crowd responded as if they knew exactly what he was going to say. As he runs to the stage everyone and I mean everyone went completely bananas for him. The crowd began to chant his name as if this some cult bullshit, " TROY! TROY! TROY!". 

      As the pep rally starts to come to an end, Jazlynn and I decided to leave before everyone, just to avoid the big crowd. As we walk to meet Karen's driver, I hear footsteps and I turn to see it was Troy. He's a little tall for being in the 8th-grade but he is extremely cute. " Hey, I'm Troy " he says while giving me a handshake. I stare for a while like a complete idiot. " Hey I'm Karmaa, and this my best friend Jazlynn " I reply. He looked at me with his big smile and I knew I wanted him. From that little conversation, we began to talk more and more daily until he wanted me to be his girlfriend. At that age, I was pretty excited. Looking back now I wish I would've stopped myself from the heartache to come. 

Shortly after he asked me, the news goes out into the school and I went from being the " IT girl " to being the " IT couple ". Eventually, after middle school, we were still together for highschool. We had our challenges during that time but I still manage to love him unconditionally. Yea I said love. A word I never took lightly, but he did. I was so stupid to ever think he actually loved me, we were young but I trusted him completely. He was my first. My first kiss, first love, and my first heartbreak. 

" Karma! Let's go its time! " says Jazlynn. I hurry off the gym bleachers and prepare to go on the field for the pep-rally.

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