Chapter 20: Somebody Help!

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     A loud ringing in my ear is all I hear right now. Blood fills my ear and I just know I may have slammed my ear against the gym floor. My body hurts but my mind manages to worry more about Zane, and only Zane. He's laying next to me so I crawl to him to see the damage but I panic."ZANE...ZANE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! LOOK AT ME! KEEP YOUR EYES ON ME!" I scream. Blood streams from his body quickly and I can't help but cry. I hold his head to my chest and rock him back and forth as if he's a baby. I take a moment to look around and I see a few more bodies on the ground and I completely break down. My life will not be the same without him and I can't even imagine how I would be. My dad's security detail runs inside to find me and I wave them in our direction. Esteban comes to pick me up while the other two guards quickly grab Zane as we rush to the car.  While I'm in Esteban's arms, I examine the bodies on the floor, most were minor injuries but, Ms. Smith was the last person I found with a gunshot wound to the head. As I see her lying there lifeless, my heart breaks completely, she didn't deserve this.

     We make it to the parking lot and I see students and faculty running rapidly. Esteban calls my name to get my attention to give me orders on what we need to do to save Zane from dying in the car. I listen closely and agree. I feel so much like shit, no one would be hurt if I just listened to Zane and not show up. Poor Ms. Smith didn't have to die like this, all of this is completely my fault!

        Inside the car,  Esteban and I try to make sure Zane is still steady while the other two guards quickly speed to the hospital. " Karmaa I need you to keep talking to him okay? " he says. As I try to get Zane to remain focused on my words I suddenly get a wave of pain in my left arm and left thigh, so I tell Esteban about it. He notices that something is wrong but doesn't show any worry in his facial expressions. We make it to the front of the hospital and the pain grows bigger, my vision starts to blur and my attention span slowly drifted away. "I need two stretchers, now! He is losing a lot of blood and so is she" he screams. Doctors swarm around us and put us both on stretchers and direct us in two different ways. " NO! I NEED TO BE WITH HIM! LET ME GO! "I demand. Doctors hold my body down from fighting but I just want to make sure he's okay. " Sweetie I need you to calm down! You have two bullet wounds right now, the other doctors will take care of your friend " she adds. I instantly calm down after I realize the flood of pain that has been shooting through my body. He used himself to shield the bullets from me and I feel super guilty about it all. Zane literally risked his life to save me and I'm grateful for him.

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 I wake up and see flowers all over my room with my dad sleeping on the chair to the right of me. I know I put him through so much stress and I just wish I could take it all away. I notice bandages on my left arm and my left thigh, which means while Zane guarded me, 2 bullets when through him and into me. " Hi, Bebe! You're finally awake " he says. He sits near my bed and wipes my hair from my face as I cry a little. " How's Zane dad? And the other students? " I asked scarily. He takes a deep breath and begins to talk. " Only one person died, Ms.Smith. The rest of the kids are good. And as of Zane, he is in good condition right now and he's been wanting to see you since he woke up- ". He stops and puts his head down and I can't help but pop up a little with worry, " Mr. and Mrs. Young basically guard the door to make sure no one, including you, comes in the room. I'm so sorry Karmaa" says Dad. My heart sinks because I can't believe this, Mrs. Young doesn't want me around Zane? She can't tell me that I cannot see my boyfriend. I jump out of my bed to leave but dad holds me down. "Karmaa you need to stay here!" he yells but I break free of his grip and hurry out of the room. 

    In my hospital gown, I run to find Zane but I'm not moving as fast as I normally would. I make it to the hallway where his room is and I see Mr. and Mrs. Young leave the room and I know it's my perfect opportunity. I dart inside the room and lock the door behind me so no one can interrupt us. Zane then calls my name emotionally, " Zane baby I'm here! I'm here! " I say softly. He grabs me and his energy is different than normal, I have never seen Zane like this before. He hugs me but as I pull away he hugs me tighter and whispers in my ear, "Karmaa, you need to leave. The room is bugged with cameras and they now know that you are alive, Mr. White knows you aren't safe so you need to listen to him. I know who shot at you Karmaa... well us" he whispers. I noticed he's been hugging me too long and if he's right about the cameras in the room then they will think this is suspicious. I release from the hug and act like I'm crying to him and signal for him to play along. He holds my head up and reaches in for a kiss, but we quickly go back into a hug so he can finish speaking. " It was them... my godparents Karmaa, They are behind this all but they don't know I got the chance to see them at prom. I have no clue why but I know what I saw. I want you to wait to tell your father until you leave this building. " he says but I'm in utter shock. Mr. and Mrs. Young plotted to kill me? That is all I can wonder but I try not to react too much. I kiss him one last time and hurry out of the room.

   I walk back in the direction of my room and I can't seem to wrap my mind around all of this news I'm just figuring out. Shortly after, I approach a room with a crying baby, and when I say loud, I mean it. I peeked inside of the room and see mom holding a baby and my heart leaps, it's my new baby brother! I rush in the room and I get a warm smile from both of my parents and everything sort of fades away. "Karmaa what are you doing out of bed?! How are you feeling?" she asked. I walk slowly to her bedside to take a peek at him, and he looks so beautiful with his little body and pretty brown eyes. " When did this happen, mom?! How many days was I out? " I asked. " Your mom had the baby 3 days ago, the night of your prom to be exact, but more importantly, you should be getting released today, which is why your mother and I think you need to move in with us from now on... just until you graduate and want to move out" he says, which now that I think of it, it actually is a smart idea for me to move in with them since I need safety. "I would love that dad, and congratulations mom on pushing my gorgeous baby brother out into this crazy place we call a world". We laugh together and embrace the moment.

It's time for me to be signed out of the hospital and mom gets to leave as well. Esteban and Dad grab my things but to be sure, I look around the room to make sure nothing is forgotten. I feel somewhat better after the pain medication I was given but not so much about the situation. I can't believe this, I considered them family! My dad is best friends with Mrs. Young, I don't understand. There must be something deeper to it.

    Once we leave my room, we see Mrs. Young standing in front of my door and my body instantly hesitates. " Your name sure enough explains it all. Everyone who is around you is never safe! First my son and now my godson! " she screams. Esteban and Dad stand in front of me so she can't get near me. " Dad, let's just go please " I stammered. He was ready to argue her down but she's right, with her wanting to kill me for god knows what reason, no one is safe around me. 

We walk away and I can't help but look back at her. You are so right Mrs. Young... my name shall explain it all, what goes around... comes back around, bitch.

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