Chapter 3: Back to the Basics

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     After the so-called " family meeting" I gave my last hug to my dad as he got back in the car and drove out of the driveway. What the hell is possibly wrong with this lady? And why can't dad come back?

  Anyways, it's time to bring my bags to my room and drop Moira and Evil-lyn off. As I walk in the garage, I see my car has been covered and left like before. I remove the car cover and I get so excited to see my baby. On my 16th birthday, dad gifted me a Mercedes G-Wagon which is my absolute dream car. A black G-wagon with red interior, oh how I've missed you. I call her "Hope", every time I see her I just feel a sense of hope which helps me get through the day. " Hi Hope" I say as I run my hand on the hood of the car. I glide in the driver's seat and start the car to prepare to meet them in front of the house. As I leave the garage, Moira looks so excited for her first day of 6th grade, and I honestly couldn't be more proud of her. I roll down my window and smile at Moira and she smiles back. She climbs in the back of my seat and hugs me from behind. " I've missed you so much, things haven't been the same since you've been gone. " she says. She releases me and sits back in her seat, I watch her from my rearview mirror. " I know Moi, and I will make it up to you." She puts her head down in sadness then looks in the mirror, " promise? " I turn to face her and I take a deep breath,  "I promise" I said tearfully. She smiles and wipes my tears and sits back to fasten her seatbelt.  As I watched her do so, I can't help but feel selfish. Yea I ran from my problems and planned to forget everything here, but in the process, I left the only person that really needed me.

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  Karen finally arrives at the car and decided to sit in the back, who the fuck does she think I am? An Uber? Where in the hell is her driver? or is this apart of some sick ass punishment? Ugh, I can't stand this damn lady. " Let's go, Chanel won't run itself!" she says as she claps her hands. Oh, yea did I forget to mention she is CEO a.k.a the HBIC of the world-famous fashion brand CHANEL, yea I guess I did, only because I really don't care about it. She is a complete workaholic. Any events my sister and I have had growing up, she has never attended, which pretty much says a lot about her character. Don't get me wrong, I understand the going out and getting it for your family, but what happens when you don't have a family to go and get it for?

 Oh thank god, we have finally arrived at her headquarters where there are tons of paparazzi, and of course, she is getting off on this type of shit. She opens the car door so she can have them take pictures of her. Reporters start to come to surround the car to where I can't get out unless I hit someone, and I'm slowly on the brink of just doing it honestly. Moira screams from all the flashes that photographers start to take of us since Karen left the door wide open for them to come and see who is inside. " Oh look! It's Karmaa White, back from the dead! " says a paparazzi. I instantly get pissed off, I climb out of my seat to push the paparazzi out of my door before I slam it. "Moira, you okay? " I asked. She nods to signal that she is fine. " It hasn't been like this since you left. What's going on?". I climb back in my seat and fasten my seat belt to get ready to drive off. " Yea. well your mother has a way with getting what she wants, no matter who she hurts" I reply.

I roll my window down and show my middle finger as I beep my horn for people to move out of my way. "You want some pictures? Get the hell out of my way before I'll have pictures for your funeral!" I screamed. Before I know it everyone moved and I was free to drive away in peace. "Damn it!" I yelled. "Moira I'm so sorry you had to see all of that." She nods and smirks at me. I feel bad that she had to see me ready to damn near kill everyone. This rage I have with mom is only going to get someone hurt, and I hope it won't be her. As I pull up to Moira's school her energy rises back to how it was before all of the madness. " Okay Moira, Are you ready to crush your first day of school!" I screamed. She smiles from ear to ear, "YESSSSSSS!" she replies. I laugh at her response and reach back to kiss her on the forehead. " I love you, I'll pick you up later okay?". She smiles and nods and walks out of the car. As I watch her she ultimately turns around and mouths " I love you too " and I smile. 

I drive off ready to pick up Jazlynn for school, and I remember something that stupid paparazzi said to me... What the hell did he mean back from the damn dead?

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