Chapter 8: Read All About It!

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Before we go on the field, a rush of butterflies hit my stomach and I slowly start to panic. " Hey you ready?" asks Jazlynn. I give her a timid smile as if I'm really not sure about my answer. I can't believe that I am scared shitless right now. Me? Do I not know who I am? I'm Karmaa White, I got this! " Yea don't I look ready! " I reply as I turn in a circle and pose with my hands on my hips. Jazlynn claps and nods as we both run to the others to get ready to meet the crowd.

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As we line up, Principal Fisher prepares to call us out! " Ladies and Gentlemen,  please welcome our very own, BHHS Cheerleaders! "  Here we go! I'm super rusty, I mean it's been some time but jeez hopefully I do well. As we cheer and run to the floor I can't help but scan the crowd. Eyes are on us and we're super pumped up about it. Out of all the eyes in the crowd, I seem to spot Zane. He smiles at me with them straight pearly whites and I melt. Before I know it the music begins to start and we do our thing.

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We did it! We executed successfully and I couldn't be happier. As we finish the crowd jumps up and so do we. We embrace each other with hugs and screams. " We are no longer a train wreck, thanks to you of course" Jazlynn says. I couldn't help but smile at her and hug her. After everything that has happened to me, I was once happy. We stand back as Principal Fisher commands the football players to stand with us. A wave of football players come and I lose Jazlynn in the crowd. As I try to find her someone grabs me by my skirt and turns me to them, my heart sunk because I know exactly who this is, its Troy. He still manages to wear axe body spray after all this time. As I try to break through of his grip he pulls me closer, " Where you going, seems like you miss me " he whispers in my ear. I want to hit him, but my body seems to deny me. My body locks as he gropes my ass. Why aren't I moving right now? It's like my body is in a trance that I can't escape. 

" Karma! " Jazlynn yells. Troy immediately removes his grip and I run directly to Jazlynn. " What are you doing talking to Troy? " she asks. I look back to see him blowing me a kiss, I can't believe him! I explain that I wasn't talking to him and she redirects the conversation. " Zane wants to talk to you," she says smiling extremely hard. At the moment I don't want to talk or see anyone, I feel disgusted. My stomach feels strange as if I want to vomit, I quickly run past everyone and off the field, the bathroom was calling my name.

   I make it to the bathroom, where I vomited a few times. A knock on the door happens and I ignore it. I walk to the mirror to throw water around my mouth to get this vomit taste out and across my face to practice my breathing. A knock comes again and this time I ask who. " It's Zane " says a voice outside of the door. A sigh of relief comes from my lips because I am tired of seeing Troy. I open the door and he looks at me concerned. I can't help my feelings that pour out next, so I cried. " Hey, Karmaa talk to me. Are you okay? " he murmurs. He grabs me gently and holds me while I cry in his arms. For once, someone else than my father notices that I am not okay. I needed this and Zane, who I just met today is here. I slowly move my head from his chest and look him in the eyes tearfully. He meets my eyes and shows concern but also that he cares. As he begins to wipe my tears I put my head down in shame. " Karmaa... Look at me " he says softly. I shake my head in embarrassment but he manages to touch my chin and tilts my head up. We lock eyes and I feel at peace as if he is mine. He made me feel safe and for once, appreciated. 

    We stand together for a while and we never lose eye contact, that it is until his phone goes off. We break eye contact and I make my way to the mirror once more to freshen up. As he looks in his phone he looks at me as if something is wrong. " Zane? Are you alright? " I ask. He still looks worried but doesn't speak. I walk to him and grab his phone out of his hand, and there was a blog with my name on it; 

   Karmaa White: Back From the Dead it reads. I look at him once more and tell him to not worry about it. As I give him his phone he scrolls down and points at what really makes him worry. And there it was, an interview with the headline;

  "According to a source, Karmaa White vanished Beverly Hills due to a sex tape she made with Beverly Hills beloved quarterback Troy Evans, and let me tell you it was really bloody! "

And here is my hell on earth...

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