Chapter 23: Confess Me Something...

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            Dear Jazlynn,

        Life right now is pretty rough so far. I've been released from the hospital for a few days now and I've moved in with mom and dad to stay close and safe with them. Mom had my baby brother and she let me name him! Milo Rafael White is one fire ass name but anyway. Zane has kept his distance until today but I'm trying to piece the puzzle together. So let me fill in some blanks you had in your story. I told mom and dad about the letter and I stressed to them that something could've happened with Jace and that Jace could possibly be alive. I noticed mom was acting weird and dad was just shocked about it so I asked mom what was going on. She told me that one day Karen came to the hospital and practically begged another worker for Tetrodotoxin B, which is basically a serum to slow down your heart rate. So she was telling us about it and it's starting to make sense because it could be a possibility that he was stabbed with the serum before he woke up in the hospital. I remember Mrs. Young said at the funeral one time that he was perfectly fine talking to them when he woke up and then just suddenly stops breathing. So, what are the possible ways for someone who wants Tetrodotoxin B, unless they're trying to fake someone's death? Sounds crazy but it makes sense.

 I just want to say thank you for even telling me the full story. You didn't have to after everything that has happened between you and me and I very much appreciate it. Although we may not ever be as close as we were I'm grateful that you have my back and I still have yours. Right now we need to figure out how to get Zane and Jace out of harm's way.

 When you come back, you and I have some shit we have to do aside from everyone else. No one needs to know what I have set but you. Not my parents, Jace, or even Zane. Zane isn't particularly happy that I even mention your name but he'll have to deal with it. He came to my house today and I basically told him everything and it basically went over his head. After all the shit I just told you he didn't listen. He was pacing back-and-forth and it was annoying me to the point where I went off and kicked his ass out. I plan on just staying home until you arrive because all of this is completely overwhelming. He loves to tell me all of these things about forgiveness and trying to be positive but in this particular moment, he wasn't positive. I get his frustration but we need to end this before someone else gets hurt. But enough about that, when you land I need you to immediately come to my dad's house, we have some shit to figure out so we could put the final nail in the coffin. You won't like it but you'll understand.  I love you, be safe and see you soon.

                                                                                  Love, Karmaa 

                                                * THE DAY BEFORE GRADUATION*      

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