1. Introduction

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An Author's Note.

Good day!
I know myself I'm still working one story. But my mind can't stop thinking this new idea. So starting this month I will write weekly. It maybe long or short story. I can't decide for now. So I wish you give me a long time while I'm working on this.

Warning some place and name are from my imagination. So be hold. Buckle up.

Let's start!

Jack's Pov

I'm Jack, Just Jack, I don't know why my Mom change my name after we left the mansion. She give me a phrase when I'm asking her about who am i. ' Crumbling faith is a Fate for People who will soar to be Strong. So stay Strong '

Kenneth and I living together, she's one of my childhood friends. The Most Loyal one. When I was seven year old my mother took me away from a huge mansion. She take me with her and travel away from that place. I didn't know why I was born there. No friends to see. All I can witness are Bodyguards securing the Mansion. My mom was there too,but It's different to live in that.

I met Kenneth when living in some suburban area. We become compatible to each other. So on I make friends too. But they went away and live in other continent. Until we lost contacts. An accident happened quickly. My mom Died from accident, I didn't know why she died that day. Im busy on my study, Can't answered her. I received her message for me saying ' I love you my Jack' . So on, the news came to me and Hit me.

The police investigation said ' It was a Hit and Run ' then the case closed. Never find the owner of the car. It was my Great Lost, I mourned her every single Day of my life. Kenneth stayed ,giving me a pep talk about everything. Until I beared it all. Creating a whole new life for 15 years. I follow my mother's maiden name after a week of her burial.

" Hey Mom, I follow your Maiden's name. Don't angry okay. I just want you to know that I missed you. Kenneth is on my back so you don't have to worry about me. By the way I want to inform you that we're leaving. I don't know how long I will be gone. Guide me in my path Mom. Until we meet again. I love you "

That's what I said when I visited her for the last time. I prison my weak emotions and start to take my own strong , firm step for myself.

Back that time I promised to myself that if I will know who killed my Mother. They will pay as long as Im alive. I work in many different field to find who killed my mom. But I got nothing. I got the car photo,not the plate number. All research about that is unfounded.

I'm not an agent also I'm not a police too ahhahaha funny right. I work in Art Museum. I paint. I work as traffic officer for weekends, restaurant waitress, Building cleaner and last I'm... I don't know who I am. Just Kidding. I still can't recognized Where I'm from. It was a long time ago so I didn't know where that place.

A Good moments didn't Happened with a Good Plan

Third Person Pov

" Jack It's time to wake up!! " Kenneth shouted knocking on her door.

No one answering " Come on! Mrs Jenkins will be angry if we both late!! JACCCCCK! " the door suddenly opened. Kenneth look at her
" You Noisy Bitch " Jack stated then walk out.

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