Chapter 38

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I blew out a breath as I shook my hands, getting rid of the nerves. I stood outside Roman's room and I grabbed the doorknob, gently turning it.

The room was pitch black, the only light emitting from the small lamp in the corner of the room on Roman's desk.

Even from over here I could see his sharp features enhanced by the warm glow of the lamp. He sat in his leather chair and sat completely still, staring at his desk.

I could see his chest move up and down steadily, every time he took a breath in and out. My footsteps sounded like bolts of lightening compared to the silence that enveloped the room in a thick sheet.

I slowly made my way to him and the closer I got the more it hurt my heart to see the shape he was in.

"Roman..." I mumbled, reaching out and touching his desk.

He didn't move or acknowledge me in any way as he still had his eyes trained on his desk.

"Roman, please talk to me." I whispered.

I took another step forward so that my thighs gently pressed against the arm of his chair. I reached out and cupped his jaw, turning his head so he would be forced to look at me. My plan didn't work as he closed his eyes, refusing to look at me.

I bit my lip at the shocks and tingles that flew all across my skin and I know he felt it too.

"Roman." I sighed, tilting my head at him.

He stood his ground, keeping his eyes closed. I let go of his jaw and he looked back at the desk, opening up his beautiful eyes.

I huffed and pushed his chair back and away from his desk, creating room for me to stand in between them. I grabbed onto his shoulders and climbed on to his lap, pressing myself up against his chest.

His breathing became more erratic as his hands stayed pinned to the arm rests of his chair, his knuckles turning white from the deadly grip on the leather.

"Roman." I cooed moving my face closer to his until my lips barely skimmed his.

His hot breath fanned mine and my body relaxed against his. He would still not make eye contact with me and I sighed against his lips.

"Roman, I promise I only left to protect you. It was torture without you. Ever since I was old enough to understand my world, I thought all I had in store for the future was to get married, have children and die. I thought my life would be as meaningless as a cloud in the sky. The day you walked into my life, you changed it and just with your eyes alone you showed me there was a whole other future that I wasn't prepared for. I couldn't let someone take you away from me so if I just had to go back and live in the city, I would if it meant I could protect you forever. I love you Roman, so so much. More than you will ever know." I said, whispering the last part.

His eyes slowly moved up until they met mine and I let out a sigh of relief, a tear or two falling from my eyes. He reached up, gently caressing my face as he wiped away my tears with his thumb.

"I love you, so fucking much that is scares me." He whispered.

"I'm so sorry." I sobbed, sucking in my bottom lip.

"Shhh." He said wrapping his arms around me and leaning closer to me until his lips were gently placed on to mine.

I sighed and calmed my breathing as sparks floated all through out my body due to his soft lips planted firmly on mine.

His hands moved up my back until he was able to run his fingers gently through my hair, combing out the small knots.

We separated for air and I leaned forward so my forehead was pressed against his.

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