Chapter 4

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"Tomorrow night will be an important moment for some of you. The beginning of the rest of your life will begin." My teacher Mr. Frank was in front of the class talking about the bonding ceremony. I didn't pay attention as I continued to doodle in my notebook.

I was in my senior year of high school and was close to being done and graduating. I looked down at what I was drawing and my eyes widened as they saw the familiar pair of fierce eyes. I was drawing him and I didn't even know it.

I sighed and closed my notebook setting it to the side. After class today I had planned on going to the local library and researching werewolves and Mates. I wanted to try and understand, it for him.

I looked at the corner of the room and saw the poster of the rabid beast on his hind legs, fangs out and saliva covering his mouth. Eyes red as blood with fur covering him from head to toe. If only the people knew the beauty that these men possess. At the bottom it said 'In Gods name we grace the people with protection from the devils beast'

I scoffed slightly and shook my head. I think I was beginning to trust Roman. Everything he has said made sense. There's no way I should feel the way I do around him, the butterflies and the tingles, but I just can't help it. Every time I see him I just melt into his embrace.

The bell rang and I stood up packing my stuff and walking out to the hallway.

"Adalyn!" I turned around and gently smiled as Travis came to walk beside me.

"Hey." He smiled. I said hi back and we awkwardly walked next to each other until he broke the silence.

"I'm excited for tomorrow." He said looking at me. I nodded my head and smiled.

"Yeah me too." I lied. If I was being honest I felt like puking. The thought of touching any other man disgusted me and I don't know why, I barely know Roman.

"So how does it feel to be 18?" He grinned. I could feel him move closer to me as he tried to brush his hand against mine.

Oh yeah, it was my 18th birthday today.

I brought my hand up and crossed my arms as I tried to create some distance between us.

"Feels the same as yesterday." I smiled.

He nodded and was about to open his mouth but before he could I interrupted him.

"Hey I have to go to the library, I hope you don't mind but I was kind of hoping to get some alone time." I sighed turning towards him. I tried to not be rude but I really needed to study. I saw his smile fall and he nodded his head. I can't lie, I did feel bad saying that.

"Yeah of course, I'll see you around." He smiled walking the opposite direction as me.

I let out a sigh of relief and opened the door to the library. I haven't been in here much, I think only once or twice. I know that we have a section on werewolves in the back. I don't know how useful it would be but we can always see.

I walked down the isle scanning the titles, 'Gods Will Vs The Devils Creatures', 'How to Avoid the Devils Worshippers', 'The Truth About Werewolves', etc.

My finger tip skimmed the last one as I picked it up from the shelf, it looked to be the least menacing book out of all of them. I hummed and sat down at the table near the end of the isle and began flipping through the pages.

'Werewolves: a human blessed by the moon goddess with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction.

Werewolves live in Packs with the leader being the Alpha, next the beta, gamma etc. Werewolves cause no harm to people who oppose no threat. When provoked they may attacked depending on how feral the wolf is.

Rogues: a werewolf with no pack, most feral of all werewolves. STAY AWAY FROM ROGUE AT ALL COSTS. They act unpredictable and attack with no warning. Most Alphas turn rogues away or kill them.


All werewolves are born with half of a soul and around 17-18 werewolves are able to find their other half, their mate. The moon goddess blesses each wolf with a mate but some do not find their mate in one lifetime, it may take several life times to find their mate.

The mate bond occurs between the mates. They will feel desire for the other one up until the mating. Then the bond will become even stronger. The desires may be extremely sexual as the female begins to go through heat, her hormones go in over drive as a way to get them to mate.'

Heat?! What the fuck was heat, desires will be extremely sexual?

I thought back to the moment in the forest when I was practically dripping down my legs and suddenly everything made sense.

He is my mate.

There are no tricks, he's telling the truth. I let out a breathy sigh as I squeezed my thighs. Just thinking of him made me wet.

'The females heat will increasingly get worse and the only way to satisfy the hunger is to fully mate. After the 18th birthday, the females heat may become unbearable without her mate.'

You're kidding me.

I closed the book and went back to the shelf. My eyebrows scrunched, there was a small book in the back of the shelf where I pulled this book out of. I grabbed it and ran my fingers over it. It obviously had not been touched in a while, dust was almost covering the whole thing.

I went back to the table and sat down opening the book.

'May 11th 1739

To whom this may concerns,
You mustn't allow Alexander Monara to build the walls. The peace among the wolfs and humans must remain. He plans to punish them for something he had chosen to do. I'm quite concerned for the future of the world if he allows this to happen. There is a prophecy, the Alpha of wolves will find...'

I scrunched my eyebrows as the bottom half of the page is ripped out of the book. I turn the page and continue to read

'He plans to take every first born child to protect his agenda. He will feast on the blood and heart of the newborn baby, allowing him to remain alive for as long as he pleases and kill his potential threat. You must stop him or else all of humanity is in danger.'

By the end of the page my hands were shaking in fear. I felt bile rise up my throat but I willed myself to hold it down. My heart beat sped up and I quickly grabbed the book, stuffing it in the pocket of my jacket.

I had to find Roman.

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