Chapter 59

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I made it my mission to try to find some type of help. I knew that one of the neighboring pacts has a truce with Roman and I knew if I found them, they would help me. The only problem is that I have no idea where I am or what direction I am going.

It would be a risky game considering the only other pack that bordered us is the Yellowstone Pack and I was sure in my mind that they had something to do with whatever was happening back home. If I somehow landed in their territory, it would be a long day for me and my pups.

I let out a groan through gritted teeth while another round of contractions hit me like a tidal wave. My whole body fell to the mercy of my womb that continuingly spasmed in waves that seemed to paralyze me in pain. I took a deep breath in and out, trying my best to focus on the intake of air before I continued to walk forward again.


I called out in hopes of reaching him. 

I harshly planted my hands on the next tree closest to me and used it to help balance my uneven weight. I let my forehead gently rest on the rough bark as I sat listening to the wind, hoping to hear from Roman.

Adalyn! Please for the love of the moon goddess tell me you're okay.

An immediate sense of relief washed over my being like a cold shot of adrenaline, and I had to bite down on my lip to stop the sob that threatened to escape at the sound of his voice before I quickly responded,

I think I'm in labor, I'm somewhere in the forest. What is going on?

I cut straight to the chase as I had no time to be messing around or sugarcoating what was currently going on, beating around the bush would not offer me any security. 

You're fucking kidding me. I need you to find somewhere safe, I'm doing everything in my fucking power to get to you. We're under attack by Monara and the Yellowstone Pack. Do not trust anyone.

I let out a grunt of anger before I grit my teeth, pushing against the tree in front of me so that I could begin to venture forward once again.

I'm trying my best Roman. I have no idea where I am.

I waited for a response with bated breath, the sound of wind whistling through the trees began to pick up as I was left with nothing but radio silence. I furrowed my eyebrows, tensing my body as if I could urge Roman to reply. 

"You know when our witch said that it was possible to jam the mind link between mates, I thought she was crazy." A voice taunted as I turned around to face my next challenge, "But I guess I should never have doubted her."

I made eye contact with the raven-haired girl as her eyes held a sense of dark twisted humor that left a sinking feeling inside of my chest. My eyes scanned over her body, stopping at her almost equally pregnant stomach. My eyes widened and I was in so much shock I almost missed the large gray wolf that circled her before sitting next to her like an obedient mutt, its dark brown eyes dangerously focused on me.

"What did you do Evelyn?" I called out warily, my eyes moving back and forth between the two as my brain couldn't decipher which one was the bigger threat.

The wolf licked its lips of any salivation that began to gather and narrowed its eyes on me in a predatory way before it's features began to twist into a snarl. I felt like a tiny rabbit in between the paws of a wolf, being played with until the wolf got bored enough to sink its teeth into my flesh. My hand instinctively reached down to possessively hold my stomach as I had to remind myself I couldn't give up so easily, it wouldn't be just me that would be caught.

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