Chapter 12

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I followed father Monara to his back office where he asked me to take a seat. He sat down in his office chair across from me and folded his hands on his desk.

"I'm sorry if I made you unhappy earlier but I do what I can to protect my people." He said watching my every move.

"Oh of course Father Monara. I understand now how foolish I was. I couldn't believe I almost let that monster take me." I said, pretending to physically shudder.

"I'm glad you have come to your senses. It's okay to make mistakes as long as you repent them." He smiled.

"I actually wanted to come speak to you about that. I wanted to ask for your help in asking god for forgiveness. I realize that I have let him down deeply." My heart tinged as I spoke. It hurt me knowing I was speaking poorly about Roman.

I'm so sorry Roman.

It's okay, I know you don't mean it. Do what you can to stay on his good side.

"Yes, yes, let's bow our heads and pray." I followed his lead and bowed my head but I refused to close my eyes around him. I kept my eyes on him as he began the prayer.

"Dear Lord Jesus, We acknowledge that Adalyn has sinned, and I ask for Your forgiveness. We believe You died for her sins and rose from the dead. She turns from her sins and invites You to come into her heart and life. Amen."

"Amen." I repeated.

I found it funny how he was praying for forgiveness for me when in reality he should be on his knees begging for himself.

"Thank you Adalyn for repenting you're sins. I know myself and god appreciate it." I nodded my head and stood up.

I left his office and walked along the side of the church, staying out of eyesight. I saw Berlin and Mark at the end of the church and they both waved me over.

I quickly walked over to them but before I could reach them someone grabbed onto my wrist.

"Adalyn!" My heart dropped as Elijah pulled me back towards the front and away from the exit.

"Father Monara just told me that our house is ready and that there was a car outside for us." He smiled, still holding on to my wrist.

I nodded my head and forced a smile as I felt like I couldn't breath. You have to be kidding me, I was so close!

I swear to god if he doesn't let you go I will kill him. He will ruin our whole plan.

Roman growled.

I mindlessly followed Elijah as he pulled me outside, past Mark and Berlin who I silently pleaded for help with my eyes.

Berlin nodded her head and mouthed to me that it was okay.

We will follow you to the house and from there we will take you home.

Her words allowed me to relax a little bit but I was still freaking out. I couldn't help it as my hand continued to shake as he opened the passenger door for me. I got in giving him a polite smile before I watched him get in drivers side, putting the key in and starting the engine.

A part of me knew exactly why he wanted to go home right away. For the quote on quote, real bonding ceremony. But there was no way I was going to even allow him to touch me, let alone have sex with me.

"You know when I first saw you I knew that I was going to choose you. I already saw two other guys looking at you so I may or may not have switched our numbers so that I would go before them." He chuckled, reaching his hand over to put on my thigh. I stared at him in disgust as i pushed myself closer to the door, pushing his hand down as far as I could so that it was settled on my knee.

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