Chapter 58

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I felt my blood run cold as Roman's voice rang through my head, but I wasted no time in swinging my legs over the edge of our bed, my feet touching the floor for the first time in a few months.

A pained cry left my lips as I stood up, bearing all my weight for the first time by myself in what feels like eternity. I gasped out and quickly grasped onto the side table as my knees buckled underneath my weight. I took a shaky breath while I took a step forward, grinding my teeth down as I sucked it up and continued to walk steadily to the door. One hand was on my stomach, supporting the pups while I used the other one to lean on objects around me until I got to the large oak door.

I opened it and peered down our hallway noticing how it was eerily quiet. I didn't give it a second thought as my number one priority was to try to find Roman. Small pants huffed past my lips with each step I took as I tried my best to pick up my pace in order to get out of here as fast as I could.

I didn't know exactly where I was going or why but all I knew was that I trusted Roman with my whole heart and if he said to run, best believe I'm fucking running.

I made it to the landing of the stairs and looked down at the empty house, the sun shining in through the window behind me as it casted a warm glow on every object before the sound of a door slamming caused me to jump in fear as I tried to look for the source of the noise.

"Adalyn!" A familiar voice yelled out before the familiar blonde appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Berlin!" I cried out, immediately attempting to go down the stairs as fast as I could in order to reach her. She climbed two steps at a time until she reached me halfway up the stairs and pulled me into her arms in a protective embrace.

"What is going on?" I asked as panic began to run through every vein in my body.

She looked at me with a dreaded look as she shook her head, "They're coming from every direction. We need to go now!"

I allowed her to grab my hand as she guided me down the stairs as fast as she could before I attempted to wrap my brain around what she meant, "Who Berlin?"

She stopped and turned towards me once we reached the bottom of the stairs, "Everyone Adalyn, we don't have time. I need to get you out of here."

She turned around once again and led me through the kitchen and to the backdoor as she practically ushered me out into the yard, the grass tickling the bottom of my bare feet. She pushed me in front of her before she turned around to scan the back of the house while we walked towards the forest.

"I don't under-" I was cut off as I turned around to immediately face a man with blood red eyes, his facial features curling into one of glee as we locked eyes.

"Look what I found." He taunted as my eyes widened in fear, Berlin immediately letting out a low protective growl before the sickening sound of bones cracking echoed in my hearing. I turned to see a white wolf as it circled around me protectively while growling at the man in front of us.

The man tilted his head to the side, his lips curling up in a smile as two sharp fangs caught my attention as he stared at Berlin, "You think you can stop me? You weak little wolf?" He taunted.

That was all it took for Berlin to pounce on him, her large frame jumping in the air as her sharp teeth caught his flesh and began to dig into the tender skin. The man hissed in pain before throwing her off of him, his eyes immediately finding mine before he attempted to take a step closer to me.

I let out a soft sob as Berlin jumped up and caught his neck in her mouth before crunching down, blood immediately beginning to leak from his body as she ripped his throat out. She shyly looked up at me before she walked forward and used her nose to push against my hip, getting me to continue to walk forward.

It wasn't long until more men began to circle us, Berlin doing her best to fend off each one.

Adalyn you need to run now, I don't know how much longer I can fend them off.

She yelled into our mind link as I watched her bite into a mans thigh, him crying out until another person came behind her and threw her off of him a pained howl crawling from the wolfs throat.

I can't leave you Berlin!

I stood with my arms wrapped around my stomach a few feet away, watching as she looked at me with a deep stare,

Go, now!

I gave her one last look before I bolted into the forest to my left, paying no mind to the pain rushing throughout my whole body as I solely focused on running. My lungs burned with each breath I took as the cold forest air infiltrated into my lungs and left a burning feeling.

My feet were burning with each step I took on the uneven and rugged terrain below me.

After running for what felt like forever, I finally slowed down and allowed myself to catch my breath as I panted out and scanned the forest around me. It was eerily quiet while I tried to listen for any unnatural noises coming from within the seemingly never-ending forest.

I could feel the babies inside of me kicking like crazy, almost like they were protesting my actions, scolding me for breaking the one rule I had been given. I bet if I listened closely, I could hear them begin to yell at me as the sudden rush of adrenaline probably shocked them.

"It's okay," I softly cooed, looking down at my stomach as I gently caressed it while I continued to walk through the maze of oak trees.

My eyes practically fell out of my head when suddenly a rippling pain scattered throughout my body, starting at my womb. It began to pulse as I doubled over in pain, using a tree to hold myself up before I noticed the clear liquid that began to run down my leg.

You have got to be kidding me.

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