Chapter 24

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Her name left his lips like he had been practicing saying it for years. He stared at her completely stunned as she gently smiled at him. I looked her up and down and examined the tight black fitting dress that showed off the curves of her body.

She wore five inch black heels and her black hair looked just as dark as it did in his memories. The only thing different about her was the bright red lipstick that adorned her thick lips. Her eyes were only trained on him as his were only on her.

I felt a tinge in my heart as Roman took a deep breath, I could practically see the hearts in his eyes.

He still loved her.

I gulped lightly and looked back and forth between the two.

"I thought you died." Roman croaked.

"Yeah, so does most of the world." She responded with a smile.

"Well, come here I haven't seen you in forever!" She smiled holding out her arms. She began to walk towards him with her arms open and I swear the scenes from earlier were replaying in my head but this time I didn't stand in front of him.

She wrapped her delicate looking arms around his body as he tensed.

Don't do it Roman, don't do it.

I pleaded to god that he wouldn't hug her back but my worst nightmares became a reality when his muscles relaxed into her and he wrapped his arms around her body, like she was made for him and he for her.

I bit my lip so hard that I could begin to taste blood and Evelyn opened her eyes looking towards me.

"Oh, who is this cute little thing?" She asked backing away from Roman. She came over to me and gently grabbed a piece of my hair and twirled it around her thin finger.

"That's, um that's..." Roman stuttered staring at the back of her head.

"Adalyn." I finished for him, glaring daggers at his face. Not like he would even notice with all of his attention on her.

"It's so lovely to meet you Adalyn, now how do you know Roman here?" She asked while walking towards him, grabbing on to his bicep.

"He's my mate." I angrily murmured.

"What was that dear?" She asked turning towards me, tilting her head with a smile. Her eyes darkening lightly with amusement as they narrowed at me.

"Okay you know what, dinner's almost ready. Evelyn why don't I show you our kitchen?" Rene asked grabbing onto her arm.

I gasped out as Roman let out a growl when Rene touched her. I felt my heart break in two.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

Roman immediately turned towards me with wide eyes. I glared at him before I turned around and made my way to the bedroom. I could hear his feet padding on the floor behind me.


Before he could even finish I slammed the door in his face, locking it. He banged on the door pleading for me to let him in.

"Fuck you Roman!" I growled.

If he wanted to play this game I will make sure I not only win but have him begging on his knees.

I angrily stripped from my clothes before going through the dresses that I had brought with me. After going through all the dresses I had I settled on a grey-green floral dress that went mid-thigh barely covering my butt. It had an open back and if I moved a certain way you could see the side of my boobs and I knew if I played my cards right I could tease Roman all night long.

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