
By CygnusMutai

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Technoblade has social anxiety. Need I say more? Hello! This is the continuation. Please remember to vot... More

Wk 1 Pt 1: Well, this is awkward
Wk 1 Pt 2: Coping
Wk 1 Pt 3: Overstimulation
Wk 1 Pt 4: Manhunt pog?
Wk 1 Pt 5: Waow lookit the mall
Wk 2 pt 1: Monty Hall problem
Wk 2 pt 2: "Double update"
Wk 2 pt 3: No one is around
Wk 2 pt 4: High-five flashbacks
Wk 2 pt 5: Sick
Wk 3 (x'mas) pt 1: Gifts
Wk 3 (x'mas) pt 3: Nightmare
Wk 3 (x'mas) pt 4: Stream flashback
Wk 3 (x'mas) pt 5: Merry Christmas
Wk 4 (New Years) pt 1: Rain
Wk 4 (New Years) pt 2: Escape
Wk 4 (New Years) pt 3: You need help
Wk 4 (New Years) pt 4: Court Case
Wk 4 (New Years) pt 5: Fireworks
Week 5: Pt 1: Glitter Bombs
Wk 5 Part 2: Casual
Wk 5 pt 3: Recognized
Wk 5 part 4: Struggling
Wk 5 pt 5: Royal Shenanigans
Wk 6 (Youth AU) pt 1: Dadza, Brobur and BrotherInnit to the rescue!
Wk 6 (Youth AU) Pt 2: Ordering [food.]
Wk 6 (Youth AU) Pt 3: Can we PLEASE have a normal conversation for once?!
Wk 6 (Youth AU) Pt 4: Who?
Wk 6 (Youth AU) Pt 5: Dad
Wk 7 Pt 1: Run away
Wk 7 Pt 2: Talking
Wk 7 (Power AU) Pt 3: Training
Wk 7 (Power AU) Pt 4: Yelling
Wk 7 (Power AU) Pt 5: Take care of yourself.
Week 8 pt 1: Earthquake
Wk 8 pt 2: Back to School
Wk 8 pt 3: Hallucinations
Wk 8 pt 4: VC
Wk 8 pt 5: Kitten
Wk 9 pt 1: Introducing the family
Wk 9 pt 2: Ghosts can sleep
Wk 9 pt 3: Up late
Wk 9 pt 4: Tests
Wk 9 pt 5: fire
Wk 10 pt 1: Order
Wk 10 pt 2: school
Wk 10 pt 3: Catch up
Wk 10 pt 4: Paying
Wk 10 pt 5: Carnival
Week 11
Week 11 Part 2 flashback
Wk 11 pt 3: Store
Wk 11 pt 4: Lore
Wk 11 pt 5: Messing around
Wk 12 pt 1: The Owl Laments
Wk 12 pt 2: woot woot
wk 12 pt 3: shortest chapter
wk 12 pt4 name
Wk 12 of this bullshit
Wk 13 pt 1: ded
Wk 13 pt 2: uh.. title pog
Wk 13 pt 3: this is why furries should have rights
Wk 13 pt 4: j xbpv vr eh letud
hi guys im not dead

Wk 3 (x'mas) pt 2: Shopping

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By CygnusMutai

Week 3; Christmas Week: Part 2


Part 1: Gifts

Part 2: Shopping

(First Person: Techno's POV)

I rolled over in bed. It was the day after I decided on Christmas presents, in other words... the 22nd of December. I will admit I was cutting it a bit close, but that's what master procrastinators do. And I am a master procrastinator.

I got out of my bed, even though it was extremely comfy, and outside it was cold, extremely cold.

But hey, I needed to get up early to beat the crowds who were also doing late Christmas shopping.

I looked at my phone; 5:45AM. I grabbed it, shoved a coat on and put it in my pocket, and pulled on some winter boots, before sighing.

Locking the front door, I walk down to the shops. As long as I don't have to actually talk to anyone on the way to the shops, I should be fine. I know that interaction is unavoidable once I reach there, but I can try to avoid it for now.

Halfway to the shops, I curse. I forgot to leave a note.

Eh, it's fine, they won't be up anyway.So I continue.

Once I reach the shops, it's extraordinarily quiet. Guess that's what happens when you get to the shops at quarter past six in the morning.

Consulting my list, I frown. First up was Wil's guitar amplifier with his orca plushie. Also, his sketchbook and hairbrush. The last three I could get from a craft store, easily.

So I headed towards the craft store. Once inside the doors, I get distracted by the colors. Darting around, I look at all the paints, before meticulously re-arranging the colors in rainbow order.

I hear a giggle behind me, and I turn to look at a young girl with shoulder-length black hair. She laughs again, and I shrink further into my coat.

"You'd make a good shop assistant, dude." She laughs.

I wince. Social interaction. "Y-yeah, thanks."

I wait for her to say something, and she waits for me to say something. It morphs into an awkward silence. I turn back and continue sorting the colours, but turn back as she says something. "Were you going to buy something, or were you going to continue sorting the paints?"

I facepalm. Of course. I forgot to take my ADHD meds. Hearing another giggle, I look up. I was mortified. Placing my hands together, I stammer out "Ah, sorry, was that too rude? I didn't mean for that to be offensive, was I-"

She waves her hands around. "No no, you're fine. I just found it funny- I do that a lot as well. So, did you need any help?"

I sigh. It was good to know I didn't completely mess that up. "No thanks, I'm fine, I just needed to be reminded that I needed to do things. So uh, yeah, thanks, but not really."

She smiles. "Well, if you need any help, just call me! My name is Sam, by the way."

I nod, and walk off towards the plushie part of the store. There was a specific criteria- It needed to be soft, something he could cry into when he messes up one of those notes. It also needed to be the right size for him to bury his face in.

Which already narrowed it down a lot.

I narrowed my eyes at the selection. All of them had a great tactile feel to it. I just wanted to just bury myself in them, and just sleep.

Hey, I had gotten up at quarter to five, can you really blame me?

But I resisted the urge, as hard as it was. Blinking, I try to find what I was looking for. You see, there wasn't many varieties. But I did notice there was a whale. Which is close enough to an orca, right? He likes any animal like that.


Yeah. I grabbed it, put it in m bag, and went to the sketchbook section.

He doesn't really sketch much in real life, preferring to transition to digital, but this will have to do. I muse, grabbing an A5 sized 160 page sketchbook. He has more than sufficient supplies, though.

Wilbur is generally creative, while I'm very analytical, and Tommy is quite focused on digital things while Phil prefers to get his hands messy in real life.

I go to the checkout and pay for those items, yawning. Luckily there was no one there, so I didn't have to deal with anyone else.

That's about half of Wilbur's presents finished, I thought, Which means that I have finished roughly two out of nine presents.

Damn, I hate thought trains.

I walk out of the store, bag in my backpack. I looked at the time. 6:35. People should start coming in about 10 minutes.

Rethinking my strategies to avoid people, I realize that all the gag gifts I can get at the same store, so that meant I would have 5 our of 9 presents.

The technology store would make 6 out of 9, and the clothing 7 out of 9, the book store 8 of 9... I shook my head. I had gotten to sleep at about 3 in the morning, so I hadn't gotten much sleep, which means I tended to overthink things.

I walked across to the technology shop, where I was immediately assualted by sound, coming from everywhere I could sense.

I gulped. Phil had given me these precise tools for this reason. I put in earplugs.

But what happens if someone tries to talk to me? I asked myself. I'd just pull them out. I decide.

I look around. What section with a guitar amplifier even be in? there are many sections it could be in- Acoustics, Microphones, guitars, strings...

I mentally sighed. I'd have to ask a human, because otherwise I would spend the rest of our time here and people would flood in, and I wouldn't be able to deal with that.

I walked over to the help desk. The one who noticed me first was a young man with sandy hair. "Hi, darling. How can I help you?" He asks, eyeing me over.

I squirmed, uncomfortable under his gaze. I wasn't quite sure how to respond, so I just asked what I needed. "Uh..Where are the guitar amplifiers..?"

He laughs, eyes sparkling. "Did you not read the directions, mon ami?" (I may or may not have based this character off of Aoyama..)I swallow. "N-no?""That's ok, hon." He smirks. "Just go to the second path on the left, and take a right, and it should be there." He points to a pathway behind him, and I sigh. Thanking him, I proceed.

Was I to harsh?

I look around the room to find multiple amplifiers.

Feeling myself starting to get distracted, I curse myself, taking out a dose of short acting Ritalin.

Opening up my phone, I realize it's already 6:40. I quickly look at the screenshot I wanted to get Wilbur, and grab it before checking it out and paying for it.

I sigh. Almost everything for Wilbur done.

Walking out of the shop, I take out my earplugs, surveying the area. The photo shop I could ask to print the pictures and frame it for Tommy and Phil while I go to get the gag gifts for them, pick the photos up after, go to the clothing store then get food.

I shake my head. Overthinking yet again.. Looking at the photo shop, I stride in and ring the bell.

A tired-looking black haired man comes out from a door in the side. "Hello, how can I help you..."

I put two photos of our little family onto the table. "Could you please put these in frames?" I ask. He doesn't respond, just sweeping the photos to himself and walking back to the room.

"Wait," I stutter, reaching out to him. Pausing, he turns back. "Could you- uh.."

"What, kid?" he asks.

"Frame it with a certain frame?" I ask. "I picked one out before you came here."

He raises his eyebrows, and sighs. "Alright then, which one?"

I hesitate, before handing him two ornate frames. "Could you also carve the words 'Sleepy boys inc.' on them in cursive?"

He scoffs. "Sure i can, but that's going to cost you a bit."

I nod. This is for Phil and Tommy.

"That's fine, I'll pick it up in about 30 minutes."

He agrees, and I walk out of the store with a relatively emptier wallet.

I take out my phone. 6:50. I don't have much time left.

I start jogging towards the kids toy store.

Opening the doors, I smile. A relatively small store, I think, going to the section of cars. Picking out a red one, I walk over to the accessories, get a pair of wings for Phil and a hairbrush for Wilbur.

Paying for them, the cashier smiles at me. "are these for your kids?"

I stop. I don't know ow to react in this situation. "Ahaha... No, these are gifts for my friends. They're childish, but I love them." I mutter fondly.

"I can see that," The cashier says. "but how old are they?"

"old enough," I joke. Was that ok?"

The cashier laughs. "Alright, well enjoy your holidays.

"You to!" I call, walking out of the store. 6:53.

Feeling exhausted, I collapse onto a couch. Only one more shop to go. I motivate myself. Geez, why is social interaction so hard?

Rousing myself, I shuffle to the clothes store. The shop assistant smiles at me. "Hello, how can I help you?"

"uh," i say in a monotone voice. "Can I have the.." i read out the serial code from online.

She stands there, confused. "Sorry," she says politely. "Can you repeat that? I really couldn't hear that.

Tiredly, i repeat it. She nods, and goes off to the storeroom to get it. Over her shoulder, she calls "It might be a while!"

I sigh, resigning myself to wait. In the meantime, I might as well do something productive, and keep writing Tommy's book.

opening my laptop, I see that there were at least 3 people working on it at the same time.

I had taken notes on their timezones, so I typed in the document where one of them was working:

Me: Why are you still up

They pause for a bit before responding.

I've been working on this book for a while

I sigh. Another insomniac.

Me: Go to sleep, that's an order.

They pause for a bit.

But I can't sleep

Me: Have you tried getting off tech

I won't sleep

Me: Why? You need it


I sigh. Interaction is easier over tech.

Me: What of

General life, sort of abuse

Sort of? I frown, worried. Are they ok?

Yeah, it doesn't go to far, I've only passed out a few times

Me: ...


Me: That isn't ok

Yeah I know, but if I report it it's going to get worse

Me: ok, well at least talk to someone about it.


Me: Can you try to sleep?

wiritng is a way of me relaxing but i'll try

Me: Ok. If I see you on here after the next 5 minutes, I'll tell you to get off again, alright?

thank you, techno.

me: Don't mention it.

I look up as the assistant comes back, holding what I wanted.

"Is that it?" She asks.

I nod, mutely. She surveys me, and then says "Are you ok?"

I nod again. She hands me the clothing, and I pay for it before walking out.7:05

Fifteen minutes before I have to pick the photos up.

Going over to the food court, I look around, sitting in a chair. It's easier to just eat at home.

Wait, did I just call it home? I hum, accepting the word. Home.

Looking at my phone, it's 7:09. People have started to come in.

11 minutes.

I open up my laptop again, and that person is still on.

Me: I thought I told you to sleep

parents just came in, a bit shaky

Me: take deep breaths

yes thank

Me: it's ok. It's 3:09 am over there, though


Me: You need sleep

it's fine i can survive without sleeping for another day, i'm up to two

Me: not healthy


Me: I swear I will revoke access unless you sleep

ok, i'll go

Me: and i can see when you're online


Me: alright, now please sleep

ok, i will

Me: k, if you need help it's ok to ask for it

thank you, Techno. i might take you up on that.

Me: ok. Sleep well :)

I check my phone. 7:14. 6 minutes.

I continue writing, keeping an eye to make sure they're offline.

"What's the title?" I muse.

Writing the outro, I leave a space for the title. An alarm goes off on my phone and I smile, closing my laptop.

7:20, time to go.

Picking up the photos, as I leave he says "Sorry for my behavior, I was just tired."I wave, and nod.

I start walking home, finally out of the loud shopping center.

Reaching the house, I sigh, opening the door. "Technoblade."

I shake my head again. "Hi, Phil.'

"Where were you- you didn't leave a note."I smirk. "There's this thing called a phone you could message me on."Phil sighs. "Come on in, it's cold out there and you're letting all the heat out."

I step inside.

Back home.

(Wow, this one was long. Uh..Anyway, leave requests on my convo page (@CygnusMutai ) or just react to this comment. This one was sort of social anxiety...hah. 

Oh, also, tomorrow and the next comes the angst. )

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