Intermediate {K/DA X Maleread...

By KilliosKorosu

333K 6.7K 3.4K

Y/n L/n or known as Shirone the White Fox in Heavens Arena. A well known fighter throughout the city of (C/n... More

Biography (Update)
Chapter 1: Enter Y/n.
Chapter 2: Tournament
Chapter 3: Tournament 2
Chapter 4: Tournament 3
Chapter 5: Tournament end
Chapter 6: K/DA
Chapter 7: Friends huh?
Chapter 8: Next day.
Chapter 9: Behind a Concert
Chapter 10: Unforseen events
Chapter 11: Contract!?
Chapter 12: The Other Side🎡
Chapter 13: Moved in
Chapter 14: 'Normal' day for Y/n
Chapter 15: A day with Seraphine
Chapter 16: Looking over Memories
Chapter 17: Opening up
Chapter 18: Grocery with Kai'sa.
Chapter 19: K/DA's Game Night
Chapter 20: Candy Shop
Chapter 21: Sudden change
Chapter 23: Shopping with Ahri
Chapter 24: Mending the pieces
Chapter 25: Odd Monstrosity
Chapter 26: Aftermath
Chapter 27: Exposed
Chapter 28: Secrets
Chapter 29: A Day with the Diva
Chapter 30: A pretty much normal day.
Chapter 31: Date with the Ninja
Chapter 32: TRUE DAMAGE
Chapter 33: Back to the Tower
Chapter 34: Shirone Vs Strife
Chapter 35: An Eventful day
Chapter 36: How they met.
Chapter 37: Secrets that needs to be told
Chapter 38: Troublesome
Chapter 39: Incoming..........
Chapter 40: Magic Lessons
Chapter 41: Within K/DA
Chapter 42: Unexpectedness
Chapter 43: Kingdom of Demacia
Chapter 44: Troublesome Problems
Chapter 45: One's Journey
Chapter 46: The Calm before the Storm
Chapter 47: Ancient Fear
Chapter 48: The Demons inside

Chapter 22: Discord

4.7K 110 47
By KilliosKorosu


That's all Y/n sees....

As he slowly sinks in a dark murky deep water, blankly staring upwards as he stretches out his hand.

He hears voices around him but all were muffled but it sounded like multiple people talking to each other, some sounded like we're arguing each other while some were nothing but filled with sobbing with sadness evident on it.

Nonetheless, he was confused.

Confused to where he was..

Confused in why he was sinking, in underwater nonetheless.

So many questions but no answers.

Fortunately, the sinking didn't last long as when Y/n just close his eyes for a second, he found himself standing back on water instead of sinking but...

Instead of water...

It was a sea of blood instead.

This made Y/n panic seeing a lot of blood as sweats trickles down on his forehead as he tries to calm himself down.

His Fox features all came out, using his tails to cover himself a he starts to have a panic attack.




A loud clanking noise of metal was heard as Y/n quickly looks around him, trying to find it's source until his eyes landed on a figure in the distance.

It was some kind of scarecrow, as creepy as it was, standing there in the middle of the sea of blood.

But when Y/n looks closer, he couldn't help but widen his eyes seeing it as the scarecrow figure had it's eyes glow menacingly red as it screeches out loud making Y/n cover all of his ears from the painful screeching sound.

It then stops screeching as it starts to speak in a very raspy and creepy way.


Y/n widens his eyes as black mist erupted from the creepy figure as the mist took on the form of a large beast as it's eyes glares down at him making him step back in fear.

Behind the large beast was a large purple eye gazing down on him as well as the beast then raise it's claw's in the air.


It loudly roars as it slams it down on him...


Y/n is seen now on the dark void once more, standing in the murky water atree what had transpired.

He was sweating profusely as he tries to calm down his heavy breathing from that..

Hellish Nightmare that occured.

He looks up in front as there he came face to face with someone.

And that someone was the mysterious figure.

Y/n: .... This..... That was your doing wasn't it?.... Another method to weakened me... Is this another challenge?

???: .....Yes and this time.. I'll take over.

Y/n: Tsk... Good luck with that.

He only got his response by dodging Dark F/c knives thrown at him.

The murky water their standing suddenly turns into that of an ocean of blood as this made Y/n a bit scared of it.

???: Aww.. Afraid of losing?

Y/n: ......

Y/n didn't answer as a large Knife manifested in his hand.

And they did the same.

Both suddenly disappeared from their spot as their.

Right on the middle, they clashed creating a powerful shockwave but that's not all, the shocking thing was that.

Their blades never touched.

Both were trying to overpower each other but seemingly, they were both equaled in terms of power.

Y/n then pushes them off as he jumps away and summons a multitudes of F/c knives sending it all at them.

They then did the same thing as the figure conjured up their own knives deflecting Y/n's.

Y/n then flickered right behind them as the figure quickly turns around and blocks his Knife as another shockwave occured.

Y/n then backflips as his flames burst into his hands and he sent a large ball of fire towards the mysterious figure which they responded by slicing the large fireball in half before they charge at himself and clashed once more.

Suddenly, the whole place changes into Y/n's mindscape as there, they landed in one of the crystal towers as both charges at each other again.

Y/n was now duel wielding two large knives in hand as the figure did the same.

Despite the brightness of this whole place from the vast blue sky. The figure's face was still hidden in view but in Y/n's view. It wasn't as he could see their face clearly as it brings him bad memories of it.

???: What? Having nightmares just seeing my face?

They laughed as they charge at each other again. Y/n was doing his best to win this fight as all 9 of his tails came out and stretches to attack.

But to the shocking surprised. The figure did the same but with only black tails as they clashed.

Y/n's knives splits into smaller parts and went barreling towards them as they Dodge it but though, the figure got slashed by the shoulder leaving a gash on them.

They look at their shoulder as they growled and their tails went charging at Y/n which the latter responded by dodging it as well as cutting some of it off which made the figure roar in pain before summoning more knives and sent it at Y/n.

Y/n slams his fist on the crystal floor as crystal pillars rose up and slams down on the figure as the tower was destroyed making them fall to the vast water.

Once they landed, half of the water became blood from the mysterious figure's side as both conjured up their Knife sword again and lunged at each other, engaging in a heated sword/Knives fight.

Both were quite relentless and equal in strength as both were showing the intention of winning and never giving up as well the intent of bloodlust is shown.

Lightning starts to crackle around Y/n as he disappears and flickers right behind the figure and kicks them right on the back sending them flying away as Y/n followed after them.

Y/n conjured up another large Knife in hand as he slashes at them but they block it with their own Knife.

Both again, fought in another heated battle between Giant knives as waves of F/c and Dark F/c were flying away in the air from their clashes.

But when there knives clashed once more, both shattered into pieces surprising them before both clashed with their forearms creating shockwaves as they instead engaged in close combat.

Y/n had his hands turn into claws as the figure did the same but only his nails in the color of glowing red.

Both tried to claw each other out like ferocious beasts fighting each other.

Y/n kicks them right on the gut as they went flying away and Y/n followed after them as he then slash them making them to falling to the vast half of blood ocean as they crashed on the water and Y/n landed on the other half that was clear purified water.


A pillar of water burst up followed by the sounds of cackling as Y/n seeing this got ready and had instantly blocked a powerful punch by his forearm which pain him as gust of wind were created from it..

???: You're fairing better than I thought..... But just give up already!

Y/n: Never!

Both delivered punches and kicks at each other, some landed hits as it pains them both from the force as they were relentless from giving up.

They even resulted in using their Tails as they clashed with it before they jumped away from each creating distance.

Y/n then had his tails produce light beams from the tips and the figure did the same but only black as darkness as both beams met in the middle.

Both tried to overpower each other off but Y/n's light was slowly winning before the dark beam was utterly destroyed hitting his foe point-blank as the light engulfs them whole.

Smokes covered Y/n's vision as he waited for it to clear but when he blinks.

The entire place had changed into something else.

Y/n: H-Huh?...

Instead of the world of sea and sky.

It was nothing more than a plain flourish field of white flowers.

Carnations to be exact.

Y/n widens his eyes recognizing this place as he frantically looks around him until his eyes landed on a lone tree in the distance.

The tree was quite large as there he heard the sounds of soft laughter followed by giggles as tears begins well up in his eyes.

Y/n: No.... not this....

In front of him were two people, a Woman and a child. The woman had black hair and was beautiful having Fox ears and tail while the child had white hair but he also has fox ears but the difference was that he had 9 tails instead of one.


Pain travelled throughout his body as he looks at himself to a blade was stabbed on him as the mysterious figure was right in front of him wearing a sinister smile as their mask was gone.

???: Never.. Let your guard down.

They then pulled the knife off of him before they send a dark F/c slash at him sending Y/n flying back hard, colliding with a tower before he got stabbed by another knife from behind.

A small Cartoonish Red heart appeared on Y/n which showed only half of it.

His foe had the same thing but theirs was half purple and the opposite side as Y/n's.

???: You should listen to Pen when he gives you advice.

Y/n coughs a bit as the Knife behind him disappears as he went down on his knees.

He looks at his body seeing the wound.

It was only a crack like glass as there was no blood, due to this place being only his mindscape but it doesn't mean it didn't hurt.

He got up as immediately he created a normal size knife instantly swinging it around to deflect knives aim at him as his grows larger in size and stabs it on the crystal ground and a fissure was created right under them as then a burst of light energy came out and hits the figure as they went flying away.

Y/n then used his tails and destroyed one of the crystal pillars as there he throws it right at his enemy who instantly got up and jumps, now running over the thrown pillar.

Y/n seeing this had his feet burst into flames as he propelled himself towards them with both drawing Knives floating behind them as they spin and aims for each other's necks.


In the large backyard of K/DA's mansion.

Evelyn was seen standing under the Sakura tree as the lanterns that was put on it had been lit up, illuminating the beauty of it's pink petals as the soothing sounds of chirping crickets resonate around the yard.

Evelyn was staring at the beautiful sight before sighing as her mind then went to a certain Fox and the event that had happened after the concert last night.

Evelyn: (What ominous aura he had.... It felt like.... He can't be....)

Evelyn: *Sighs* I need answers... And I just know who to get it from....


Suddenly then, her phone started ringing, making her sigh in irritation and she brought it out and to her surprise and coincidence. It was the person that she was planning to call.

Evelyn: Hello?

Pen: Hey there Evelyn! It's me Pen, of course y'know it's me. I'm calling to check up on you guys...

Evelyn: ........

Pen: I heard about what happened at your concert last night and hope you all are alright.

Evelyn: ......

Pen: Oh who am I kidding, of course you're alright haha! I mean all of you know how to fight and plus the kid is there, as there's no doubt he kept you all safe am I right? Though, what was this loud screaming I heard? It was on the news too..

Evelyn: ,.......

Again, Evelyn didn't say anything as she kept quiet, contemplating on something if she should ask.

Pen: Uh Eve? Hello.. Anybody there?

Evelyn: ..... I'm here.

Pen: Oh good, I thought I was talking to nobody.. you know it's rude not answer immediately because it can make-

Evelyn: Pen... Is Y/n a demon?.




All of a sudden, everything around them went silent, the winds had died down alongside with the crickets, nothing but ringing noise was in the air around Evelyn as well as on Pen's side.

Pen: ..... What happened?.

Evelyn was caught off guard by Pen's serious and dark tone as she quickly composed herself, though a hint of nervousness was there as if Evelyn felt whatever Y/n's hiding was big and she felt like she wasn't ready for it.

Evelyn: Well last night was pretty interesting but very concerning as well and-

Pen: Just get to the point woman.

He coldly sneered making Evelyn shocked and she did so.

Evelyn: Something strange happened to him, and it felt like it wasn't him at all... He... kinda changed...

Pen: ...... I see... How bad was it?

Now that was a strange question to Evelyn, she couldn't help but think there's more to this than she thought.

Evelyn: Well if it counts Darling~ almost killing those bastards to a beating pulp then how BAD is that?

Pen: ...........

Evelyn: ...........

Pen: *Sighs* Eve, I suggest you don't dig into it, it's for your own good.

Evelyn: What do you mean by that? Just how big of a secret are you all keeping-

Pe:n: Because this secret is the kind that shouldn't be shared to others, especially to other Demons like you.

This made Evelyn go wide eyed in shock, she was just found out for being a Demon and of all people, it was Pen who found out.

The man she saw nothing as a jokester and Y/n's boss. The man she saw as nothing but one of the many people that were attracted to their beauty.

The very man she couldn't read properly.

And now, after knowing he found out what she was, she couldn't help be wary of him now.

Evelyn: How did you know?

She calmly asked which earned a chuckle from him.

Pen: Oh come on, why is that a surprise? Even the kid knows you're a Demon.

This made Evelyn more shocked but quickly composed herself.

Evelyn: (Y/n already knows?)

Pen: I mean it isn't that hard in sensing demonic energy, you're good at masking your presence but not to us, we can still sense it, even a tiny bit of it.

Evelyn: .........

Evelyn didn't say anything for 'cause she didn't know what to say, after being found out to what she really was, she was bewildered.

Pen: Now my time is limited, I still got work to do-Oh and Eve, please look after Y/n.

Evelyn: Of course, I always look after my members after all and that now includes darling.

Pen: Good then goodby-

Evelyn: Wait! You didn't answer my previous question! Is Y/n a-

Pen: No...

That shut up Evelyn as Pen continues.

Pen: No, no... He's not a Demon but...... there's more to it than that.. He's still a Fox Vastaya if you're curious.

Evelyn: Hah?! What do you mean by that?!

Pen: In due time, you all will know.

Evelyn: Wait what?! I want answers now-


The call ended with Pen the to end it as Evelyn was wide eyed and couldn't help but growl.

Evelyn: (Just what is it are you hiding?!)

She couldn't help but be frustrated at the secrets Pen and Y/n was keeping, even though it shouldn't be her business, but she can't help but be curious and like Pen said.

In due time, all of them will know but..

Something inside Evelyn couldn't help but feel anxious about it, whatever it is they were hiding, she couldn't help but feel anxious.

She'll just have to wait and-


A loud explosion caught Evelyn's ears as the ground shook a bit making her eyes widen in shock.

Evelyn: What the?!

The sound of the explosion, it came from inside the house as there she looks to see light and smoke coming from a room, Evelyn wasted no time going inside.

There, she met the girls, upstairs by the corner who were out of their rooms with all of them having to be ready to fight.

Akali: Alright where's the danger?! I heard some explosion!

Ahri: Yeah!! It ruined my beauty sleep, somebody is going to pay!!!

She growls in annoyance.

Kai'sa: What was that?

Evelyn didn't say anything as she looks at them but seeing a certain Fox wasn't there. Then she remembers whose room that had smokes coming out.

Evelyn: Where's Y/n?!

This made them go wide eyed as they look to where his room was and unfortunately, all 3 of them felt a dark ominous presence from his room which made them all shiver including Evelyn.

K/DA: (W-What is this?!)

Wasting no time, both girls charges in Y/n's, worried for his safety, especially to what happened last night.

They manage to break down the door but once they did, they were greeted by the an ominous sight.

AkalI: Y-Y/n?

She stuttered out with wide eyes along with the girls.

Y/n stood in the middle of his room which by the way was utterly destroyed, walls were cracked and burned, his bed was burned to a crisp as well his glass door to his balcony had shattered into pieces, basically everything around him was destroyed.

But what was shocking was....

His 9 tails.

His tails were pure pitch black along with his ears. His eyes didn't have the same E/c as it's glowing red.

Though what was more shocking and horrifying to the girls were his arms. It was nothing but large monstrous claws that reaches all the way down to the floor.

The claws were quite pitch black as it had a black smokes coming out of it like shadows.

Y/n then had his eyes dart around his room before it landed on the girls, who all just stood there, still shock by this.

They were a bit shaken now as when he looks at them, their body's were screaming for them to run, even Evelyn felt the same.

Evelyn: (W-What is this?)

Akali: (I-Is that really Y/n?!)

Ahri: (M-My body..... W-What i-is this?....)

Kai'sa: (Y-Y/n... Is that really you.?)

Suddenly, as if their eyes were messing with them, just as they all blink at the same time, everything around the room was back to normal, even Y/n.

Nothing was destroyed as all of it were practically fine and normal before it got destroyed as Y/n was now back on his bed, sleeping peacefully while hugging his tail close.

Akali: W-What?!

Ahri: What the hell?!

They silently shouted as they look around them, everything was back to normal and they couldn't believe it.

They look at one another and all were just as shock as each other, as it also proves that all of them were not crazy for they saw it too.

They again took a quick look around to see if there was something out of the ordinary but unfortunately there wasn't, everything looks normal.

They then look at Y/n who was still sleeping as then Evelyn signalled them to leave the room whcih they nodded.

One by one they left as Evelyn was the last but she took a quick glance to the fox with look of confusion but most of all concerned, she felt it, even it as only a bit, something dark was oozing out of Y/n for a few seconds before it disappeared.

Evelyn: What was that?

She questioned before leaving the room to talk to her members about what just had transpired in their nights.

Needless to say, they were all confused but most of all worried.

What just happened right now, it wasn't normal and they would be calling themselves crazy if it weren't for them all seeing the same thing as them.

So now, this had become another mystery to Y/n.

Mysteries that they hope, they would find out soon enough...

Y/n: Phew... That was close....

To be continued....

Word Count: 3300+


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