By Bloodsuckingfairy

449K 14.3K 11.4K

nyc•to•phil•ia | nik-tō-fil'ē-a - love of darkness or night;finding relaxation or comfort in darkness. ⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓⛓... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 29

6.1K 208 164
By Bloodsuckingfairy

1 month later

Celeste's POV:
It's been one month since Elijah's party, one month since Megan was murdered, and one month since Asher hit me. Again.

Megans murderer hasn't been found yet. They took in Jamie for questioning as he was the last person with her and her boyfriend, so obviously he's the main suspect, but they had no evidence against him.

I didn't think it would be him anyway.

I still haven't spoken to Toni, and now I don't even speak to Carter in secret. People at school where still being weird around me, but I didn't care. I had my new friends now!

Sam, Lilly and I grew super close together, and they're much nicer than Toni. I don't think they're using me either, and they call me their new best friend! We hang out all the time, and go to parties, but only if Asher is there.

Asher apologised for what he did. He said he wouldn't of had to do it if it weren't for me. I believe him, I understand why he would be upset about it... but it still didn't stop me from seeing Callum.

Weeks earlier...

I sighed as I laid on my bed, staring at the white ceiling.

Asher had left minutes before, after he apologised about last night.

I forgave him, it was my fault anyway, I was acting like a slut. I shouldn't have been so stupid.

I agreed that I wouldn't speak to Callum again, even after I told him he was the same guy from the other night... but that just seemed to piss him off more.

Knocking on my window pulled my out of my thoughts, and I looked over to the curtain, covered window.

Asher had just left, and dad wasn't even back yet... so he wouldn't need to use the window.

Salem was barking like mad as she ran over to the window, and I looked towards it anxiously.

Ambrose was downstairs, I'd be okay.

I hesitantly made my way over to the window, and took a deep breath, before quickly opening my curtains.

There hanging off of the rails of my balcony was Callum.

Oh no!

"Shut up, Salem!" I hissed as I quickly opened the doors, and moved out of the way for him to climb in.

"Zip it, you ugly, little thing." He muttered to Salem, and picked her up from the floor.

I looked at his face covered in cuts, and bruises as my eyes began to tear up.

This was all my fault.

I wrapped my arms around him, and squeezed him tightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry, Callum, he shouldn't have done th-"

"Hey, hey it's okay, you didn't ruin my pretty face." He joked as he stroked my back, but I didn't find it funny.

I pulled away, and wiped my eyes with the back of hand as he placed Salem back on the floor.

"You need to leave, Callum, you can't be here! If Asher found out he said he'd-" I cut myself off after realising I said too much, and turned around. "Just leave."

I walked over to my bed, and sat on the edge with my head resting on my knees, and arms wrapped around my legs.

"He said he'd do what?" He questioned sternly as he walked over to me, and kneeled down in front of me, so we were at the same level.

I didn't answer him, and just looked away.

"Please, just go..."

"No!" He growled harshly and I flinched, looking at his green eyes. His face softened, and he reached out to take a hold of my hand. "Did he threaten you Celeste?... did he hurt yo-"

"No, you don't know anything Callum!" I snapped at him as I pulled my hand away

Why couldn't he just drop it?

"You don't know Asher, he'd never hurt me, unless I deserved it okay? You need to leave right now."

He just furrowed his brows, and took a hold of my hand again, this time grabbing the other too.

"Is that what he tells you... that you deserve it?" He asked quietly, and I looked away, ignoring him.

I should've just kept my stupid mouth shut... I don't even know what Asher would do if anyone found out... especially Callum.

"No..." I said, but contradicted myself as my voice cracked. "Please- you can't tell anyone, okay? It was just an accident!" I rushed as he stared at me with sympathy written all over his face, before sighing and taking a seat next to me.

"It was my fault anyway... I shouldn't have other boys in my room when I have a boyfriend... I was acting like a slut, so obviously he's gonna be angry." I muttered, hoping he'd at least understand, but he didn't say anything.

He just sat next to me, in silence, staring at the grey floorboards.

"Please say something." I begged as I looked at his face, which looked deep in thought.

"So he's emotionally, verbally AND physically abusive towards you?" He finally said. and I shook my head.

Abuse? No way!

"No! No, you're getting the wrong idea, you don't un-"

"I don't understand? Because you deserved it right?" He snapped as he looked at me with his intense green eyes.
"You bring a boy up to your room to show him your dog, and somehow that equates to you being a slut. Don't you see how fucked up this is Celeste?"

I kept my mouth shut, and looked to the floor, not really knowing what to say.

When he says it like that, he kinda makes a good point...

"And even if you were acting like a slut, that doesn't give him a right to hit you! Didn't your dad ever tell you what's wrong, and what's right?"

He did... and that's why no one could find out. He'd be so disappointed, and he'd stop me from seeing Asher.

Asher did a lot of bad things, but he also did a lot of good things.

"It's not his fault... I don't know too much, but he has some sort of condition... mentally." I informed him, hoping that it may convince him Asher didn't mean it.

"What condition?"

"I- I don't know, Mateo, his best friend, told me he has to take medication, but sometimes they react badly if he drinks too much, or takes too many drugs..."

He paused for a few moments just staring at me in shock.

"Celeste, how did someone like you even end up with this guy?" He asked in disbelief, and I shrugged.

"I love him... and he loves me." I muttered and Callum scoffed.

"No, he do-"

"Yes he does!" I snapped at him, and folded my arms looking away.

"Let me guess, he's your first boyfriend? First person to ever make you feel special? Treats you like you the most important thing to him, only to knock you about when you do something that he doesn't like?"

I closed my eyes, and shook my head, clenching my fists as I tried to block out his words.

"Just shut up okay?... you- you don't know anything..." I mumbled.

"You're crazy, Celeste... you can leave him, you know?" He sighed as he looked at me.

Leave Asher?... no way. I love him, and it's not like I could ever do better.

"No... just leave Callum, you can't come back here."

"You think you're gonna get rid of me after what you've just told me?" He laughed humourlessly, and shook his head. "Your stuck with me now."

Present day...

Now Callum and I saw each other all the time! Only in secret though... if Asher ever found out... I don't even want to think about it.

It was Friday evening, and Asher had left me to go out with his friends after he dropped me off. I asked if I could come, but I wasn't allowed... I don't mind though! I might even ring Ca-

Knocking on my window pulled me out of my thoughts, and a smile grew on my face.


I ran over to my window, and opened it, watching him as he climbed in, but tripped, and landed face first on the ground, letting out a groan.

"Hi Cal!" I greeted him as I giggled at his clumsiness.

He's so lanky!

He picked himself up off the floor, and dusted off imaginary dust as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"I literally could've just died then, and you're laughing about it? Wow... some friend you are, huh?" He scoffed sarcastically causing me to roll my eyes.

Callum loved sarcasm, and sometimes it was funny, but most of the time it was very annoying.

"Shut up you baby! Why are you in such a bad mood?"

He huffed and pulled out a blunt from his bag and laid down on my bed, before lighting it.


Olivia was Callum's kinda-girlfriend.

He said he's in love with her, and she knows, but doesn't love him back.

Poor cal...

I told him he deserved way better, and should try finding someone else, but he got angry and brought up Asher... so I didn't suggest that again.

"Aww, Callum." I cooed as I walked over to him,and laid beside him, my back resting against the headboard. "What did she do this time?"

He puffed out a cloud of smoke then passed it to me and clenched his fist.

"I don't wanna talk about it." He muttered.

"What! We tell each other everything, and I thought you went to see her yesterday?" I pouted, then took a drag of the blunt.

"I did."

"Then tell me what happened!"

He narrowed his eyes at me then huffed.

"So she asks me to come over yesterday, she was upset about some asshole who was just using her, then we ended up fucking, and she kicked me out, again!" He groaned in frustration. "It's like the second I cum, she's already kicking me out the door... god I fucking hate her!"

He glared at nothing with his fists clenched, then let out another dramatic groan, and covered his eyes with his forearm.

"But I love her more."

How can you hate, and love someone at the same time?

I offered the blunt back to him, not really knowing what to say, but that's okay. It was nice having Callum around, we both had someone to vent to.

He took the blunt, then looked over to me as he put it against his lips.

"How have you and Asher been?"

How have Asher and I been?... great.

"Really good." I smiled, and he rolled his eyes.

"Don't lie, Celeste, you know you can tell me."

I sighed and took the blunt from him, then inhaled deeply.

"He's just been more... possessive since that night he got mad, and I- I used to like it, but it's just... too much?" I explained, feeling relieved that I had someone to get this off my chest to. "Like, he even gets jealous if Mateo and I are talking, and that's his best friend!"

"Sounds like an asshol- oh wait, we know." He smiled sarcastically at me, and I rolled my eyes.

Asher was an asshole sometimes, but not all the time... he's really good to me.

But I guess there's been something else in my mind too.

"There's something else too..."

He took the blunt from me and rolled onto his stomach looking up at me.

"Go on."

My cheeks reddened, already embarrassed about what I was gonna say.

"I told you Asher had that piercing, right?"

He rolled his eyes, and let out a groan.

"Ugh, yeah what about it?"

"Well, it's healed now, so Asher can do things again, which means I have to make him feel good now, but I'm too scared." I admitted, and his lips curved up into a smirk as he began to laugh.

I blushed more as I furrowed my brows, and crossed my arms.

"Don't laugh, Cal!" I shouted as I hit his arm, hard this time.

"Ow!" He screamed dramatically, so I whacked it again.

"Can you just help me?"

"Help you? What do you want me to do, teach you how to suck a dick? I personally have not done that..." a smirk grew more on his face as he wiggled his eyes brows. "But I've got the tools to help you practice."


"Shut up, don't say things like that!" I whined then sighed. "I just need some of your... wise words to encourage me... please Cal?"

"Wise words?" He scoffed, and sat up against the headboard to relight the blunt. "I am NOT encouraging a minor to engage in sexual acts with someone who's not a minor- oh, and is abusive."

I wish he would stop saying that...

"But... if I don't do it, he'll find someone else that will, and I don't want that!"

"Did he tell you that?" He asked with raised brows, then shook his head as his face hardened. "I don't even know why I'm surprised, that guy's a-"

"He didn't say it, Toni told me!" I interrupted, before he started to say mean things about Asher.

He really didn't like Asher.

"That bitch," he mumbled, then picked up Salem and placed her on his stomach as he stroked her. "Don't listen to her, she doesn't know shit. If Asher 'loves you' like he said he does, he won't be sleeping with other girls."

Well he sleeps with other girls whilst he's in love with Olivia.

"So you're not actually in love with Olivia then?"

He paused as he blinked at me, then looked down to Salem.

"I- yes, but... it's different okay? I can't explain it..." he sighed, then passed me the blunt. "Look I do not condone this relationship, I think it's gonna ruin you..."

Ruin me? What's that supposed to mean?

He rubbed the back of his neck then looked away, and sighed again.

"But if you really need the advice... just do whatever it is you normally do?... maybe just... bring it up?"

Of course! That's a good idea... or maybe not.

That would be so awkward, I already feel embarrassed enough after we do anything... intimate... and what if he doesn't even want to?

"That's a good idea." I smiled at him, even though I was doubting it, but he was still looking away.

"Do you wanna go get some food, or something? I could eat about five burgers right now."

Mmm a burger! I don't think I could eat that many, but maybe one? I haven't had burger for weeks... oh yeah...

I've been cutting back on the unhealthy food, and using the gym more often. I think it might be working, but I can't tell yet... it should do because I'm doing it properly now. It's just kinda hard.

"I'm good, but you can go eat, and come back if you want?" I suggested.

I had to be strong. It's just food, I've been without food for ages before, I can do without just a few.

He looked over at me, and examined me up and down.

"One burger won't do anything Celeste."

I wrapped my arms around my waist trying to cover what I could and shifted away, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"I- I know, I just don't want it. Honestly." I shrugged as I stood up, and walked over to my desk chair, where Asher's hoodie sat neatly folded up.

I put it on, and enjoyed as it engulfed my body, showing nothing.

That feels better.

I turned around, and saw Cal sat on the edge of my bed, looking at me cautiously.

"It's just that... you know, you used to like not eat?"

"It's not like that anymore, I'm doing it properly!" I yelled defensively, and crossed my arms. "I just eat healthy food..."

I hate how everyone always assumes the worse... I'm just a burden to everyone.

He sighed, and stood up.

"Fine, let's go and get some 'healthy food' then." He grimaced as he rolled his eyes, then walked over to the window. "I'll meet you outside."

I smiled and nodded, then ran over to my closet to get some shoes.


I huffed as I dropped my phone onto my stomach, and flung my arms out to the side of me.

Asher still wasn't answering his phone and it was nearly 1 o'clock... and, a Saturday.

Maybe he's still sleeping... or really hungover, but he should've messaged me so that I know he's okay. I don't want him to get hurt again.

My phone started ringing, and I quickly sat up, answering it once I saw It was Asher.


"Hey, baby." He husked, sounding like he had just woken up

"Did you have a good time?"

I heard him moving about, probably getting out of bed, before he replied.

"It was okay... wish I would've just stayed with you though."

So why didn't you!

"What were you doing yesterday?"

Shit... think, think think, Celeste!

"I was just hanging out with Sam and lily."

That was a good excuse!... So why wasn't Asher saying anything?

"No you weren't, I saw them last night. Why are you lying to me?" He asked nonchalantly, but I could still hear the anger in his voice.

Oh no.

No no no no, no, I forgot! They were going out last night too.

"I- I just..." I paused as I got an idea. "I didn't want to make you feel bad or anything... but I was just on my own last night."


"I was feeling pretty down, and I really wanted to be with you, but... you wanted to go out."

Another lie.

I felt my stomach twist as I heard nothing but silence, hoping he would believe me. I felt horrible lying to Asher, but I want Callum to be my friend, and he won't let me...

"Aww baby why didn't you just say so, hmm?" He cooed, and I sighed in relief.
"I'll book you an Uber now, and you can come over, it's Saturday right?"

"Yeah! Can we have a sleepover?" I asked excitedly as I already ran to my closet to get dressed.

"Mhm, I'll book it now, and message you when it's outside."

"Okay!" I beamed and he ended the call so I put my phone down.

I grabbed a pair of baggy jeans, a white crop top, and Asher's big jacket.

Celeste's outfit

But before I put that on, some red lingerie caught my eye, and I quickly threw that on first.

Hopefully this will help me.


I sat on his lap, and adjusted myself so that I was comfortable, but he groaned and gripped my ass as he sat on his bed.

"Stop it."

I smirked as an idea popped up in my head.

I shuffled again, and looked down with a smirk when I felt him grow hard.

"Celeste... not now." He growled.

I did it again, but this time his hardness brushed against my core making me furrow my brows, and let out a low moan.

He stood up, and threw me onto the bed, him now smirking.

"Looks like I've turned my baby into a needy little slut... haven't I?" He growled as he started to pull my jeans down aggressively.

"My slut..." he muttered under his breath

My core began to throb, and I knew I was already wet.

Even though that was a bad word... I loved it when he said it to me.

"You want daddy to make you feel good..." He grinned as he saw the little, red thong I was wearing, then trailed his fingertips up my thighs til they reached the thin straps before pulling them so that they would snap against my skin, and looked up at me.

"You spoil me."

I blushed and sat up, quickly taking his jacket and my top off, to reveal the rest.

"Do you like it daddy?"

He examined my body til his eyes stopped at my face, then he leaned down, and started to pepper kissed from my jaw to my lips as he slowly pushed me back onto my back. "Like isn't even the word... what did I do to get so lucky to have you?"

I blushed, and looked away from his face, his words making my heart skip a beat.

It was more like the other way round...

"Hey," he said getting my attention as he took a hold of my chin, forcing me to look at him. "I mean it, Celeste. You are the most precious, and important thing I've ever had in my life... you're mine forever."

I smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me as I looked into his soft, amber eyes.

This is the Asher I love... the real Asher, who would never hurt me.

"You mean everything to me Asher... only you."

I kissed him softly, and he gently moved his lips against mine, until it began to get more heated as he placed himself between my legs, and started to grind against me.

Moaning against his lips, I wrapped my legs around his waist, pushing myself towards him.

He always knew how to make me feel so good...

My chest rose and fell quickly as I watched him start to kiss down my neck and chest. Sucking and biting harshly, leaving his marks, the ache between my legs getting worse.

It was only when he started to pull the straps of my bra down, did I remember what I wanted to do.

"Wait." I whispered breathlessly, and pushed him away from me, into his back. I straddled his hips as I held into his bare chest.


I looked down to the waistband of his grey sweatpants, and slowly slid my hands toward it.

"You know your piercing..." I began, a blush growing on my cheeks, and a smirk growing on his as he raised his eyebrow. "It- it's healed now right?"

He shook his head slowly, and let out a deep, sexy chuckle as he placed his hands on my ass.


"Can I," I took a deep breath as played with the waistband, avoiding eye contact. "Can I try to make you feel good now?"

He didn't say anything, and I looked up at him to see him staring at me, now with a grin on his face.

"You wanna make me feel good baby?" I nodded my head, and he ran his hands from my ass up to my waist, then sighed. "You're gonna have to be more specific than that..."

I huffed and looked away from him, knowing that he wanted me to say the dirty words.

"I... I wanna touch your dick daddy..." I mumbled quickly.

He smiled at me, then held my waist with one hand as he used his other hand to shuffle his sweatpants down.

I had to hold back my excitement of seeing it again, and actually being able to touch it!

Once he had finished, I sat on his thighs as I looked at the thick appendage laying against his stomach.

How was that even supposed to fit inside me?

I glanced up at him, before reaching out towards it, but he stopped my hand making me look up at his smirking face.

"Did I give you permission to do that?" He asked sternly, in a way that made me wanna clench my thighs, and I shook my head with flushed cheeks.


I thought he wanted me touch it?

He hummed in agreement, watching me as I avoided eye contact.

"Who's in control here babygirl?"

I blushed deeper, then looked back at him.

"You are, daddy." I whispered and he brought his hand up to my cheek, and stroked it gently.

"Good girl... now say 'please can I touch your dick, daddy'." My eyes widened at what he wanted me to say as he looked at me seriously, with a grin on his face, and lust in his eyes. "Say it..."

"...Please can I- can I touch your dick daddy?"

He watched me, amusement all over his face, whereas I felt extremely embarrassed, but still turned on.

"Aww you wanna touch daddy's dick?" He teased, causing me to huff, and cross my arms.

Why does he always have to embarrass me.

"Asher!" I whined and he grabbed my hand.

"Okay, okay, go ahead..." he said as he place my hand onto his dick.

I took a hold of it, and began to squeeze it slightly, watching the way he sucked in some air between his teeth, encouraging me to squeeze it harder.

"Not so hard, baby." He said holding my hand with a strained look, and I loosened my grip.

"Im sorry..." I muttered, embarrassed, and pulled my hand away.

I don't even know how to do this... this was a bad idea.

"It's okay," he reassured, then took a hold of my hand. "I'll show you how to do it."

I hesitantly smiled at him, and nodded as he placed my hand back on his shaft.

"You wanna hold it tight, but not to tight, like this." He tightened my hand around it and I watched, listening carefully. "Then you move your hand up and down, like this,"

I watched as he slowly started to slide my hand up and down, then let out a groan.

Yay, I'm doing it!

He released my hand, and let me do it on my own.

"Am I doing it right?" I asked looking up at him to see his eyes glued to me.

"Yeah, you're- fuck- you're doing great."

I smiled, and looked back down at it.

After getting the hang of it I realised that the top was the most important bit, it's probably like... the male version of a clit? Oh- and near the piercing! I thought it would hurt, but he seemed to like it.

I looked back up at his face as my hand moved faster, to see his head threw back, eyes closed and mouth slightly parted. He looked so hot, and knowing that I was making him feel good, boosted my ego a lot.

I saw the head start to leak something and I looked closer, rubbing my thumb over it, causing Asher to hiss. He was getting wet too!

I should probably put it in my mouth now, right?

I took a deep breath, then leaned down to put it in my mouth, but Asher took a hold of my hair and stopped me.

Oh god, I did it wrong again!

"Sorry... I thought that- that," I shook my head, finding no use in trying to explain myself as I pulled my hand away, and looked away. "Never mind, I'm sorry."

He let go of the grip he had on my hair, and turned my face back to me.

"You did amazing, baby, but you can't suck my dick if I'm still wearing the piercing." He cooed and my cheeks flushed even redder for not thinking about that before.


Can't he just take it out... then I can do it?

"Can't you take it out?" I asked him, and he smirked shaking his head as he sat up and stroked my ass.

"As much as I appreciate you wanting to pleasure me, I've been waiting too long to try this out."

What was that supposed to mean?

"What do you-" before I could even finish my sentence, I cut myself off with a small yelp as Asher threw me onto my back, then kneeled at the end of the bed.

He grabbed each of my legs, and pulled me down the bed, so that my legs were hanging off.

"Daddy..." I whispered as I looked down to see his head between my legs.

He opened my legs wider, and smirked as he saw my thong, then started to stroke up and down with his knuckle.

"Aww baby... you soaked through your pretty little thong, and I haven't even touched you yet." He mocked and I looked up at the ceiling to avoid eye contact, feeling embarrassed, but even more turned on.

He moved my thong to the side, and I shivered as I felt the cold air against my wetness.

I got my first wax a couple of months ago, Carter's sister did it for me, and have been continuing to get it done. It hurt a lot, but it looks, and feels so much better.

Instead of removing my thong like a normal person would, he ripped it, then pulled it away from my body like he usually does, before tossing it behind him.

He needs to stop doing this... I'm already starting to run out.

"Asher you need to stop doing that!" I scolded breathlessly as looked down at him.

His face was dangerously close to between my legs as he held them both open.

He slowly started to kiss, and suck up my thighs, and I let out a shaky breath, wanting to clamp my legs shut.

"I told you I'm gonna buy you more, babygirl." He muttered against my thigh, before leaving another kiss. "Don't you worry about it."

His face got closer to my core, and I shut my legs, shuffling back a bit.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked hesitantly, unsure of what he was going to do.

He smirked at me then grabbed my legs again, pulling me down and spreading them open. "I'm about to make my girlfriend cum all over my face." Using his thumbs he exposed more of my his gaze, then looked up at me as he slowly dragged his tongue up to my clit.

My eyes widened, and I let out a moan at this new feeling.

He's never done this to me before...

He pulled away as he started to circle my entrance with his finger.

"I've never ate a girl out before, so tell me if I'm not doing a good enough job."

He then started thrust two of his fingers inside me at a fast pace, as he brought his mouth down onto my clit.

I arched my back, and released a loud moan at the sudden stimulation as pleasure pulsed through my body.

"Ohh daddy..." I moaned, closing my eyes as he continued to suck and tease my clit, rolling his tongue against it, then flicking it as his fingers went deep.

"You like that baby? You like daddy eating your pussy."

His dirty words made me clamp down onto his fingers, and he started to rub my clit with his other hand.

He slapped it slightly, and I jerked forward, letting out a whimper, but could feel myself gushing more juices.

It hurt, but it felt so fucking good.

"I wanted an answer... but it looks like I don't need it, huh?" He smirked as he saw me get wetter, then removed his fingers.

"Daddies little slut." He muttered as he glanced up at me.

I could feel my legs shaking as I looked back up at his ceiling, and let out a frustrated whimper, but he soon made up for it when he replaced his fingers with his tongue, and began to slurp and suck at my entrance.

"Yes daddy, yes!"

His fingers rubbing my clit started to speed up as he continued, relentless with his sucking, causing the pressure to build up in my lower stomach.

"Daddy I'm gonna- I'm-" I cut myself off with a moan as he roughly pushed his fingers back inside me.

"No, don't cum baby, hold it for daddy." He muttered before dipping his head back down to my clit, and sucking harshly. I gripped onto his hair, trying to pull him away but he just groaned against me, sending vibrations to my clit.

How am I supposed to do that!

I shook my head as I felt my orgasm building up quickly.

"I can't daddy, I- ahh daddy!" I screamed, and clamped my legs around his head, tightening my grip in his hair. Feeling his fingers curl up inside me, touching a place I had never felt before, as I released all over his fingers.

"Looks like I've found your g spot baby." He chuckled, then continued to rub my clit as he removed his fingers, replacing it with his mouth as he lapped at all my juices.

My legs fell down, but continued to shake as I rode through my orgasm, and breathed heavily with my eyes shut.

That was the best orgasm I've ever had in my life!

I lazily pushed Asher's head away as I shook my head with my eyes close.

"No- no more... please." I begged, and opened my eyes as he removed himself from between my legs.

His dark curls were a mess, face was tinted red, and around his mouth was all glistening with my juices. He licked his lips then smirked at me, and I swear I could just cum again at the sight.

"How was that?" He asked and I nodded my head still out of breath.

That was sooo amazing, he must've done that before!

"It was... yeah it- it was good."

He chuckled and sat beside me as he moved his head above me, so that we were looking at each other directly.

"I can tell."

A smile grew on my face, and I slapped his bare chest, closing my eyes.


He laughed again, then pulled me onto his lap.

"Open." He said, and I looked at him funnily.


He rolled his eyes then looked at my lips.

"Open your mouth."

Ohhh right.

I listened to him, opening my mouth and watching as he brought his fingers, which were just inside me, to my mouth.

Oh my god...

"Suck them clean." He smirked, with lust still glimmering in his eyes.

I did as I was told, and started to suck my juices off his fingers as he watched me and groaned.

"Such a good girl for daddy." he cooed, and I continued sucking, enjoying his appraisal.

He removed his fingers, then stroked my lips with his thumb.

"You make me so happy when your a good girl, who listens to daddy..." his brows furrowed a bit as he looked at my lips, then back up to my eyes. "But you don't like listening to daddy, do you?"

My heart dropped, and I instantly nodded my head.

"I do! I'm a good girl!" I protested and he examined me with his golden eyes, and a slight smirk on his face as he hummed in agreement.

I always listen to Asher... he knows what's best... apart from with Callum.

"Keep it that way." He told me sternly, and I nodded vigorously.

He then leaned back on the bed and placed me so that I was directly onto his erection, my lower lips cradling it.

"Make yourself, and daddy feel good, baby."

I bit my lip and nodded, then slowly started to move my hips forward stopping once I got to his piercing, and looking up at him.

Was I supposed to go over that too? Would it hurt?

He smirked and grabbed my hips as he pulled me against it, causing me to gasp, and let out a groan himself.

That felt so good!

The head of his dick nudged my clit, then he pulled me back down again, feeling my lower region pulse as I moved past the piercing.

I got a good rhythm as I placed my hands on his chest, and bucked my hips against him, focusing on the tip and the piercing.

I was so close to cumming again.

"That's it baby... but wait," he groaned as he grabbed my hips, pulling me out of my concentration and stopping me.

"Daddy!" I whined and tried to wiggle my hips, but he just held them tighter as he smirked at me.

What did I do now?

"I forgot to tell you something else... you're not allowed to cum, until I cum, understand?"

My jaw nearly dropped as I looked at his smug face.

Why? And how am I supposed to do that? He'll definitely take longer to cum than me... this is unfair!

"But da-"

He smacked my ass hard, and I whimpered slightly from the impact.

"No, this is what you get for not following the rules... I didn't give you permission to cum, yet you came all over my face, did you not?" He said sternly, raising his voice slightly.

I blushed at his crude words, and looked away from him, furrowing my brows.

I couldn't hold it... it's not my fault!

"That's not my fault!"

His grin just widened and he sat up, before kissing my neck up to my ear then whispering, "I don't care... if you wanna cum, I'd hurry up if I was you."

I let out a mixture between a whine, and a whimper as I pushed him back down and held onto his shoulders, and began grind against him again.


Eww, this chapter made me cringe so hard, but I hope all my horny readers are satisfied 🙃

Also I want you guys to be more apart of the story, so for this chapters question,

'What is something you'd like to see happen in this story?'
(Pretty broad question, but it could literally be anything like certain scenes, events or just character development.)

I hope you guys enjoyed, please leave a like/comment if you did :)

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