Addicted Book 3: Life And Dea...

By FfreaksonlyY

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Chapter 1: "Nice girl talk?"
Chapter 2: "Don't Call Me Sir though, Just Jordan"
Chapter 3: "You Are More Than Enough In My Book"
Chapter 4: "You're the Only One, Like Always"
Chapter 5: "I'd Guessed That You Wanted To Fuck Me Like A Slut"
Chapter 6: "When Will You Understand?!"
Chapter 7: "We Don't Speak Of This, Okay?"
Chapter 8: "His Dad Was In Prison For Raping A Woman"
Chapter 9: "I Knew This Wasn't A Good Idea"
Chapter 10: "Who Does She Think She Is?!"
Chapter 11: "Hopefully I Was Able To Help"
Chapter 12: "You Could've Stopped This!"
Chapter 13: "I Don't Know What This Is"
Chapter 14: "Uh.. d--done."
Chapter 15: "Okay, Kyjuan."
Chapter 16: "Well, Just Don't Take Too Long..."
Chapter 17: "Better Watch Your Nuts Little Squirrel"
Chapter 18: "I Can't Hurt Her Like This Anymore!"
Chapter 19: "Leave, And Don't Be Here Whenever I Get Back."
Chapter 20: "I Gotta Go Now!"
Chapter 21: "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 22: "An Interest?"
Chapter 23: "I Guess I'll Catch You."
Chapter 24: "I Think I Might Like This Place."
Chapter 25: "Fuck Her."
Chapter 26: "What's There To Talk About?"
Chapter 27: "I Personally Decided Not To Be Stuck On This."
Chapter 28: "Temper, Temper."
Chapter 29: "She's Not What You Think."
Chapter 30: "So, What Did You Do Before You Came Here?"
Chapter 31: "And It Is...?"
Chapter 32: "Oh Who Am I Kidding?"
Chapter 33: "What Do You Mean?"
Chapter 34: "Weak? I Know."
Chapter 36: "Perfect? It's Freezing."
Chapter 37: "Shut Up and Drive."
Chapter 38: "Finally, You're Awake."
Chapter 39: "Goodnight."
Chapter 40: "It's Time You Knew The Truth."
Chapter 41: Make Your Own Happiness

Chapter 35: "Every Detail."

12 4 0
By FfreaksonlyY


"Want anymore juice lil' sis?" I called from the kitchen.

"No, I'm okay." Malaiyah said. She had came over with Iris and Miles.

"How about you, Miles?" I asked. He shook his head. I brought Iris back a glass of apple juice and sat right next to her. She rested her legs over my lap as we began to watch a movie. I couldn't stop thinking of Calvin, and being like peanut butter and jelly with Malaiyah when she was little. We were unable to have one without the other. Thinking of her would sometimes keep me out of trouble.

Around the first movie break, I asked to speak with her privately, and we both went out on the porch. She shut the door behind her and joined me on the porch chairs outside.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"I...nothing. Nothing is wrong per se. I just didn't realize how much I missed you until I was able to see you again."

"I missed you too. I honestly thought you got a life sentence or something after the whole ordeal."

"No, just enough years to sort of wash away my past and miss out on a big chunk of what would be my future." I mumbled.

"So what...what happened that night?"

"No one's ever told you?" I asked.

"Mom told me a little. She never got into the whole story because she would break dowb every time." She said, putting a section of hair behind her ear. Should I have even told her then?

"Well...I...I don't know how he got ahold of them...." I started.

"How who got ahold of who?"

"Our former boss...he was aiming to get at mostly me through them; Calvin and Angelique. Profits were down for a while and it wasn't able to be picked back up and----" I paused, reliving the moment in my head. Hearing the gunshot, seeing Calvin's body drop, and hearing his last gasps for air. I sighed. "He just killed him. He was going to kill Angelique too...which was how I ended up getting shot. The first time. I pushed her out of the way."

"Why didn't you save Calvin?" She gasped as she quietly began to cry. I locked my glare at her.

"You think I didn't try to save him? He was my brother, it all happened so fast and the gun was sitting right at his head. He pulled the trigger in less than a second." I began to get anxious, feeling useless at the thought of not saving him. "I--I'd give anything to have him here Malaiyah. I did everything I could I--I c--c--" I began to breathe harder and grabbed her by her arms, staring at her intensely. Tears ran down her cheeks. "I couldn't." I managed to choke out as my nerves got the best of me, causing me to shake. "I couldn't save my family." My voice shook. I released her. "Are you upset with me?" After a moment, she answered.

"No, Kyjuan. I'm not. What happened? You know, in his last moments?" She whispered. The memory of his blood pouring from his body and staining my t-shirt and covering my hands flashed through my mind. The memory of hot, angry tears streaming down my cheeks. Angelique's shrieks, the loud, fire-cracker like noises.

"Are you sure you want to hear about all of that?" I winced.

"Every detail." She said with a cold stare. I sighed.

"Ok, well was a little after Angelique and I had broken up. A lot of what we were making was going missing and we had no idea what the issue was. We were given 24 hours to make up the lost profits and of course, nothing. Shortly after, Angelique and Calvin were used as some kind of bait to lure me to him. They had beaten her and had a gun to his head.

"Long story short, he killed Calvin first. I remember him just shaking and spilling blood over me and finally...just gone. I was in shock, but I noticed he pointed his gun toward her and I jumped in front of her just in the nick of time." I said, voice shaking again. Her eyes were red and full of tears.

"Sheridan...she wasn't at his funeral. You were in prison but you were still able to go." She said softly. I couldn't help but let out a breath as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"She...she died that night." I covered my face.

"Did he get her too?"

"No she--she had a heart attack when she heard I had gotten shot and she didn't make it." I clenched fists hard and bit my lip, trying to hold back more tears but nothing helped. We both sat there and cried. I grabbed her and put he head to my chest, controlling my emotions.

"Look...that was almost 20 years ago. Everything is alright." I said, clearing throat.

"My mother would never be able to explain anything because to this day she still gets choked up." She wiped her face.

"I don't blame her. At least she tried but you've gotta realize, that was her baby. I know you wouldn't understand just yet but that is the most horrific thing any parent could have to go through. I'd lose my shit if any of my kids were killed." I explained.

"Speaking did that whole situation happen? After Calvin and being in prison for so long, we kind of drifted."

"It was...weird. Angelique was already pregnant when we broke up and after we broke up, Symphony and I slept together one night and...yeah."

"You and Symphony? Really? I thought you guys were strictly best friends." She squinted.

"Were. There was something brewing within us from the day we met, we just constantly ignored it." I smirked. "Was."

"You guys ended things...obviously recently."

"Yeah. Things happened. Unforgivable things."

"Let me guess, you slept with someone?" She raised an eyebrow. I looked at her. "Knew it. I might've been young but you were always such a hound. It was obvious." My mouth gaped. "Plus, you hung out with my brother. It was a given."

"Shit Malaiyah, you're beating a dead corpse here." I scratched my head.

"Sorry." She chuckled. "I'm so sorry all of that happened."

"It's like people keep dying because of me."

"Why would you say that?"

"Calvin died because my fiend of a mother was stealing our profits. Gram died because of some shit I got caught up in and was worried about me."

"Kyjuan, stop." Malaiyah said abruptly.

"I'm telling the truth." I put base behind my voice.

"Shit happens!" She replied loudly. I was silent. "You know? Sometimes you just have to live with the way life plays out. Maybe it was meant to be that way. At the end of the day, you know what? It is what it is! Life still goes on. We move based on our life's decisions or what we've been dealt. We will waste time beating ourselves up over it instead of using that time to recover and move better and smarter." She explained. I smirked.

"You're right." I hugged her again. The front door opened.

"You guys okay?" Iris asked.

"Yeah." Malaiyah smiled and looked at me.

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