Remnant's System

By IOnlyDrinkJesusMilk

111K 2.3K 770

[RWBY x Solo Leveling] Male Reader's POV as a solo leveler in the world of Remnant. After having a near death... More

An Awakening
The Dungeon Clearer
A Weird Date
I've Grown, Haven't I?
A Bully | A Mistake
A Fateful Stroll
Job Change
Penalty Quest | Preparation
The Shadow Ruler
A Surprise Visitor
The Assassins' Duel
The Grimm Tamer
The Angered Monarch
Interrogation (x2?)
Angry Goldilocks | Teasing Sister
This Isn't Some Story
Practice Match
The Vytal Festival Begins
The Festival's Festivities
Well, Hello
The Finals First?
Dance Partners
Hidden Quest Brings Truth
Where I Stand
Vytal Gala
Go Out With a Yang
The Puzzle's Pieces
What's to Come?
Finally Time For a Break?
Reunited Before the Storm
Good Morning
My Nightmare
Our Dates' Patterns
End Times


16.3K 242 103
By IOnlyDrinkJesusMilk

Obligatory (Y/N) means "your name," and Last name is (L/N).

I will be posting pics from the Webnovel as the chapter head, mostly of Sung Jin-Woo (Solo Leveling's MC), so just mentally insert your own character in these images, if you imagine him looking different, haha.


I stand alone for a moment to compose myself... It's finally time! The entrance exam for Beacon, the school I've been hoping to get into since childhood, has finally begun! I just have to give it my all! Deep breaths... Now Go!!

I begin running in the direction I feel is correct. Who will I run into? We'll end up being partners, after all!

I admire your spunk, but... You were branded as the weakest hunter for a reason. It's not because you're inexperienced... It's because your potential is barely above that of a powerless human. It doesn't matter whether you try or not, you'll never be strong. No one will stop you from taking the exam, but... Don't be too bummed when you go back home.

It hasn't been easy... But that just means I can't relent. I will fight for this. With everything I have!

I happen upon a cave entrance before being rammed into a tree.

I put a hand to where my head hurts and I see a young girl in red and black clothes before me. We are both sitting, her on my lap as she recovers from her apparent dizziness.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" I ask, confused. The young girl looks up at me before quickly standing up, offering me a hand. "Ah, sorry! I was looking for my sister, and I guess I looked away for a second too long..."

I take her hand, standing up. "I'm fine, so there's no need to apologize. The name's (Y/N)! Nice to meet you."

She smiles. "My name is Ruby! It's nice to meet you as well! I guess we're partners from here on out!" She seems to be hiding a slight sense of disappointment. She must have been hoping to partner up with this sister of hers...

I nod. "I get the feeling you and I will get along well. Please be patient with me, though, I'm not as strong as most of the applicants here..."

"Really? Then why are you trying so hard?" She asks.

"That's just it. I try so hard to make up for what I lack in natural talent..."

"You seem strong enough... What gives?"

"It's just that everyone has a semblance that helps form their own fighting style, and they're able to create weapons to help fight with said ability, creating their own unique way of battling. I can only heal a little faster than most people."

Ruby thinks for a moment. "Well, I suppose I understand... But I don't really care if you have less natural talent! You seem like a nice partner, and as long as we get along well, there's no fight we can't lose!" She gives a thumbs up as she says this, clearly attempting to cheer me up.

I am silent for a moment before chuckling slightly. "I like your optimism, Ruby... You didn't have to say that."

Ruby smiles. "Well, it's how I truly feel! Now c'mon, let's go find that relic!"

I nod, turning to the cave entrance I stumbled upon. "I assumed it was in here, since it took a while of running to get here... Should we check?"

"Hm... It's no harm to try!" She says, following me as I lead us in.

"I usually don't sense anything when fighting Grimm, but..." I begin speaking quietly to my new partner. "Even I can tell this place isn't right. Something about it is off."

Ruby nods. "Yeah, it has a weird vibe."

I could tell what was emanating this weird feeling was right ahead. And when I got there, it was too late.

Blue flames appear around a tall cylindrical room, lighting up what I thought was just a dark cave. Two large doors close behind me and Ruby. "Shit..." Is all I'm able to let out before some stone Golems swing a sword at the two of us. Ruby uses her semblance to pull me out of the way.

After gathering my thoughts, I look up. "Thanks Ruby, but... Look there." I say, pointing to a stone tablet. Ruby begins to read it.

"First, worship the lord. Second, praise the lord. Third, prove your faith... What does this mean?" She asks, turning to me.

These are referred to as "commandments" on the stone tablet... I let these words sink into my head before finally deciding on what I believe it says.

"Bow to this giant statue... Then praise it... Then... I need to figure out what the third one is..."

Ruby looks to the door. By activating her semblance, she quickly appears in front of the doors, pulling with all her might in the hopes of opening them. Two golems begin swinging their weapons at her, so I quickly grab her by the hood and pull her out of the way in just the nick of time.

"Ruby... You're not hurt, are you?" I ask, helping her up. She coughs a couple times from the dust that collected in the air before nodding. "I'm okay..."

I glance back up to see a towering stone statue. If this one moves just like the others, then there's no way we could survive through force...

As I examine the room more, a couple ideas pop into my head. As said idea formulates, I suddenly see the eyes of the giant glowing. A sense of urgency pulses through my body, so I'm left to quickly yell out my idea.

"Ruby, if you're religious, I'm sorry I have to demand this of you; but we need to worship this statue!" I say this as I approach the tall statue, getting on my knees and bowing to it. Ruby gulps once nervously, but sees its eyes slowly dim in color, the glowing starting to stop.

"It clearly has some kind of strength it hasn't revealed yet, but (Y/N) isn't being harmed... I have to trust him." She thinks to herself, before joining me in the worship of this scary being.

"Thank you, God, for all you've given us... We don't deserve any of your humility..." I spout off the most genuine prayers I can think of on the fly, so Ruby follows suit. The statue's unnaturally large grin only grows. [When the imposter is sus]

"Ruby... Stand on this platform with me, now..." I suddenly say, standing with her.

"Why? What's going to happen?" She asks, clearly a bit fearful.

"We should be fine... I hope... Just trust me." I say, standing on the circular platform, followed by the nervous girl. The doors suddenly open widely. Ruby smiles slightly. "So... We can escape!" She says, running off. "Come on!" She adds, clearly not going to leave me behind.

I look to the statue and its lack of resistance, assuming it's okay for me to run as well. So we both begin running for the doors. However, the moment I step off of the platform, the doors begin closing, causing Ruby to stop. She turns and has a horrified look on her face before activating her semblance and moving me and herself as fast as possible back to the platform. I see nothing but a bright and powerful beam of light that obliterates the ground it hits.

"The statue... Can do that...?" I ask aloud, horrified at the strength of this being. I look up at it to see it no longer intends on hurting us.

"Why...? Is there some missing piece of the puzzle...?" Ruby asks herself.

I take Ruby's hand. "Please go, Ruby."

She looks at me confused. "What?"

"The doors are back open... “Prove your faith.” Don't you see? One of us is going to be a sacrifice... And it's going to be me." I say.

Ruby begins shaking her head. "No... No, I'm not leaving you behind, okay? We just met! My new partner... You're going to be safe!"

I take what appears to be a chess piece and put it into Ruby's hand. "Wh-what?"

"Ruby... This wasn't avoidable... There was a relic in here. This place isn't where Ozpin wanted us to go, but there was still one here... That means someone was going to die here. And since I was able to figure the puzzle out and sacrifice only my own life, it means that the minimum number of lives lost has been achieved." I smile at Ruby as I finish this.

"I... (Y/N), I'll get help! I promise! Please just survive here as long as you can!" She says, in reference to the fact that stone golems have been slowly approaching the platform for a while now.

I chuckle slightly. "I'm sure you will. See you then, Ruby." I say, before seeing her zoom off.

"Heh... I don't think I'll be seeing her again... All I have is my pistol and my dagger..." I mumble to myself.

"God..." I begin to tear up. "I don't want to die... I'm not ready for this..." I'm unable to restrain myself, and begin crying.

Crying alone.

As death approaches.

At least I saved someone.

But in the end I'm still a coward.

The sound of a golem above me confirms that I will, indeed, die today.

"Please live for me, new partner..."

"... Goodbye, Cecilia."

The golem swings a sword down at me, and–

Secret quest completed: Courage of the Weak

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