I'll Be Good

By Still_young

61.7K 3.1K 247

In a world where everyone is either a submissive or a dominant based on their parents Calum, Luke, and Michae... More

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Character Responses


1.9K 106 5
By Still_young

(Ashton's pov)

Seeing Luke spread out on my bed last night was hot, even hearing him scream was hotter. I hated the fact he didn't swallow but who would on their first time.

I woke up early and left the boys to go to Liam's, he wanted to see them but i left them home because they all looked so peaceful. I put Luke's door back on since i think he deserves it but i would love to hear his pretty little moans, i wonder how loud he would be if he was playing with himself.

"Hey Liam!" I called out as his maid let me into the house.

"Hold on, Ash." he responded, "I'm not going to tell you again, Zayn. Break out of that shy little thing you are in because its pissing me the fuck off."

I rocked back and forth on my heals and waited for him to finish punishing Zayn, that reminds me i have to call Louis back about Harry.

"Hey," he sighed, "Where are the boys?"

"They were asleep so i didn't wake them up." i said, walking into his kitchen and raiding his fridge.


Liam and I hung out all afternoon, then we both watched Zayn and Niall play around.

I tiredly walked towards my front door, my eyebrows furrowed as i heard screaming. I quietly opened the door to hear what was going on.

"Guys you shouldn't have done that! Ashton's going to be pissed!" Calum worriedly shouted. With that I slowly began to make my way inside, closing the door silently behind me.

"Its not my fault Luke has such a cocky attitude." Michael grunted.

"Me?" Luke aggressively said.

"Shut up before i give you another black eye!"

"Why cant you all just get along!" Harry bellowed.

"Because Luke is a little shit and doesn't deserve to be anyones submissive." Michael bluntly said, screaming as he was tackled onto the ground.

"What the hell is going on here!" I cut in, making them pause."Go to your rooms!" I scream, "Not you." i point to Luke, motioning him to come over to me.

I took a tight hold on his jaw and turned his face to examine it. He had a black eye and a cut inside his eyebrow, also a bruise resting on his jaw.

"What happened." i sternly ask, staring into his blues.

"When you left, i was a good boy i promise. But then Michael came and started saying shi-stuff" he corrected himself before i said anything."Then i got mad and hit him and one thing lead to another and yeah."

I looked around the room and it was a mess. There were a couple of broken lamps and the pillows were everywhere around the room.

"C'mon," i calmly said, letting go of his jaw and placing my hands on the back of his neck. We walked over to Michael's room, i opened his door and made Luke go up to him. "Kiss and make up." i commanded, crossing my arms over my chest.

"But-" Michael starts.

"Now." i cut him off, motioning for Luke to go and do it.

Luke groaned and sat down awkwardly next to him, turning and bringing his lips to Michael's. Michael placing his hands on his neck and deepened their kiss, sliding his tongue on the blue eyed boy's bottom lip.

I know its creepy to stand here and watch but you have to admit its pretty hot.

Luke began to moan loudly and he pushed Michael down on the bed, he straddled his waist and they continued to snog. Michael grabbed tightly on the young boys bum, making him moan again.

"Daddy can you join us?" Luke softly asked, gasping as the red head bit on his neck.

"Sure, Angel," i gushed, "Lay down next to Michael."

I looked into both of their eyes and they both had lust, especially Luke. I tugged down his boxers and took the space in between his legs, taking his length in my mouth.

"Oh my god," he shakily said, gasping as Michael placed his lips on his again.

(Lukes pov)

This was so pleasurable. Michael tugging on my lips controlled my loud moaning and Ashton's sucking wasn't helping.

My body was already tensing up and they just started.

"Michael I'm sorry," i breathed, placing my hand on Michael's bulge. I massaged him through the fabric of his black boxers, panting into his mouth as Ashton began bobbing his head.

This was all getting too much for me.

"Its okay, I'm sorry too." he yelped out, throwing his head back as he let go.

I screamed and tugged harshly on Ashton's hair as i arched my back and released into his mouth.

"Holy shit," Michael panted.

"Lets all get some rest now." Ashton said, wiping his mouth.

I blushed and walked into my room to see a sleeping Harry, he looked so adorable when he slept.

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