Loki X Reader

By serpentinejellyfish

299K 9.6K 4K

You are eighteen, antisocial, a violinist and a nerd. You thought your life was perfect. Nuh uh. Not anymore... More

Loki X Reader, Yet to be named
Why he can't
Thrift Store
Birthday party
The Fluffiness! (XD)
Magic and Music
Prisoner of S.H.E.I.L.D
What even!?
Fire and Ice
A Mother's Wisdom
Moving Away
Off to Dinner
Sleepy Cuddles
Soda and kisses
Texting Madness
Cannon Building
Changing, Part 2
His Daughter
Butt Kicking at it's finest
Coming Home
Loki's Story
Family Reunion
New Magic
Coffee Tricks
The Deal
More Pop-Tarts and Back rubs
We blew up a table...
Raphael's Return
Rude awakening
Demon's Entrance
Flames of Anger
Take a Hint
The Aftermath
I'm doing a rewrite!

Pop-Tarts and Back Rubs

2.9K 120 91
By serpentinejellyfish

So, after some wildly annoying arguments in attempting to teach your brother some magic and then making another cannon with Tony for your friend to use in case Lucifer ever attacked NYC, you were halfway to falling asleep and Loki was already there. You were sitting against the window, staring out at the city. There was a small knock on the door, and you stared up at Darcy, Ian, your brother, and best friend.

"Hey girl." Darcy said. "We're going out in an hour, so get dressed, get pretty and meet us in the lobby." She glanced across at Loki. "And if he wants to come, tell him to be more responsible than I will ever be." She added, smirking, then your friend winked at you and they all dispersed among the tower. You shut the door, then tip toed over to Loki and prodded him awake with your fingers. He grumbled, and opened his eyes slightly.

"Is the world ending?" He asked.

"No." You sighed.

"Is Thor dying? Please tell me he is. I want to watch." Loki smirked. You punched him in the arm. "Ow."

"Darcy, Ian, and the other two want to go out. Darcy was wondering if you wanted to come."

"No. I want to sleep."

"I can't blame you."

"Why don't you stay here~?" He asked, grabbing you around the waist and pulling you next to him. "You haven't slept in nearly two days~" He was teasing you. You wanted to set him on fire, and also wanted to stop thinking such violent things.

"I can last three without sleep."


"No," You grumbled. "I nearly fell asleep before."

"Then why didn't you?"

"Because I don't wanna wake up screaming again." You sighed, digging your face into his shoulder.

"Okay. Just be safe, Darling." He said, kissing you on the forehead. "If someone makes you mad, drown them or set them on fire. Either is fine by me and-"

"You don't want me to go out without you, do you?" You interrupted.

"Oh, gods no." He said. "I want you to stay here and sleep with me- and not in the innuendo way. I would much rather I got to keep my arms wrapped around you all night."

"Then come with us."

"And risk being noticed? Not a chance dear."

"You have a facade."

"You mean a glamour."

"Same difference."

"Stay anyway. You need to sleep. I will even let you run a bath and I won't join you." He was trying hard now.

"Even though you'd want to."

"Of course I would!" He shouted, pouting.

"I'll have one when I get back... And I'm wearing my swimsuit."

"Damn it." He sighed. You laughed, lifting your head up and kissing him.


"What!? Why aren't you going!?" Darcy cried.

"Because apparently I need to sleep." You answered, waiting for your pop-tart to cook.

"Who said?"

"I did." Loki mumbled, walking out of the hallway in his usual sleeping attire.

"And how would you know?"

"I'm a thousand and forty eight years old. I think I would know when someone is tired." He said to her. Darcy scowled, setting off towards the elevator.

"See ya later nerds." She laughed.

"Bye Darcy." You said to her.

"I am not a nerd." Loki snapped. "... What is a nerd?"

"Me." You answered, smiling as your pop-tart burst from the toaster. You grabbed it carefully and started marching towards your room. Loki followed behind. as you shut the door behind him, he took a bite from your pop-tart. "Hey!" You snapped.

"I was hungry."

"You ate three burgers for dinner!"

"Only because I'm not use to such greasy food, Darling."

"Jackass." You growled, walking to the bathroom. You grabbed your swimsuit from your bag on the way (Of course you brought one with you at the beginning of your marvellous adventure with Loki. You never know when you'd need one!) and changed behind the changing screen in there. Loki turned on the bath taps for you and you sat on the edge of the tub, eating your pop-tart.

"I don't have a swimsuit." Loki said.

"You have your underwear."

"That doesn't sound appealing."

"Neither does you joining me."

"Didn't you buy me some... board shorts a while ago? On your birthday?"

"Yeah. They're in my bag."

"Can you swim in them?"

"That you can." You said, looking into your eyes. He grinned, kissing you on the cheek and rushing out to get them. he put them on out there, and looked at the mass of water and soapy bubbles in the tub. Still not enough. "Can you tie up my hair?" You asked.

"Of course. I've done it before." He said, and you turned your head around for him to make a bun. "Can you tie mine?"

"That's possible?"

"Yes it is." He said, and you did a pretty shoddy looking ponytail for him. He grabbed the small mess of hair and growled. "Rude." He said.

"So was eating my pop-tart." You poked your tongue out at him, and he took another bite, swallowed it and kissed you. When he pulled back, he grinned.

"Now I taste as sweet as you." He said, giving you a seductive half-lidded stare. You kneed him in the gut and he lurched slightly, laughing. Someone opened the door to the main room and told you two to be quiet (Tony) and you didn't say anything. He stormed into the bathroom and glared at you.

"No fucking in my bathtub." He snapped.

"This is my bathtub now." You said.

"No- It is forever my bathtub and you cannot convince me otherwise."

"Get out Mommy."

"Yeah okay you little punk." He teased, and left, shutting the door behind him. Loki smiled when he was gone and kissed you again.


Loki was surprisingly good at back rubs, as you had just discovered. You had been in a vast amount of pain lately and this had helped quite a bit. He pressed his thumbs into your shoulder blades and you wanted to cry out because it felt so nice.

He had ended up stealing more than half of your pop-tart, but he was right, his kisses did taste sweeter. He also ended up making you discard the top half of your swim suit and now you were sitting in the bath, his legs on either side of you, your back facing him, topless. But it was worth it. His back rubs were like heaven, and you loved every second of it.

"So how was your day?" You asked him, tilting your head back.

"Boring. I did nothing but talk to Jareth, bully Thor and watch you teach your brother how to play with elemental magic- Which, I am very curious to know about, how did you know all that?"

"I taught myself."

"With partially my help."

"Shh don't ruin the moment." You said. He grinned, leaning forward, and resting his chin on your shoulder.

"Can you sing for me?"


"Oh please! I haven't heard your lovely singing voice in weeks!" He whined. You sighed, and started singing "The Take Over, the Breaks Over." from Fall Out Boy, all while still enjoying your amazing back-rub.

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