Secrets: The Blood and the Ch...

Por lucidality

11.5K 213 16

*This book was once considered finished but I'm now realizing a book could never be finished. So I'm doing so... Más

Chapter 1 done
Chapter 2 done
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 15

233 5 0
Por lucidality

After spending hours of lifting boxes and helping Shawn put things in boxes and putting the boxes in the big moving truck- how they got it here, I have no idea- I feel like I will scream the next time I see the color brown.

Now I feel pretty happy though because I'm currently sitting on a nice leather seat in a private jet with Shawn on my lap, snoring slightly as she sleeps with her head on my shoulder. I just sit with a cell phone in my hand as I play with it.

My phone got destroyed in the river so my dad got me a new one and I love it. I had the same iPhone for years and now I have an iPhone 5. I honestly have no idea how he got a hold of one. But I love this phone.

"Hey," I hear Dad say. He walks over and sits in the seat in front of me. "I got you an ice pack in case your ankle was sore," he says.

"Thanks," I say and set it on the table next to me. I turn off my phone and get it in my pocket without waking Shawn. She's so beautiful when she's sleeping. Not that she isn't when she's awake. I love her all the time.

"How's the flight treating you?" he asks. I shrug.

"I'm tired but hyper at the same time. Those pills make me all funny," I say. He nods with a slight chuckle.

"So, what made you change your mind?" he asks.

"Shawn did, she told me I can move in with her," I say with a nice smile. I realize this is the first time I actually, genuinely smiled at him. Wow, I'm a dick.

"That's nice of her," he says with a small smile.

"Did you know... we're mates..." I let my voice trail off as I put the phone on the table next me and wrap my arms around Shawn tighter.

"Really? Wow, I'm so happy for you," he says with a kind smile.

"Thanks," I say.

"How can I not be proud of my boy," he says. "Have you guys... you know... yet?" he asks. I feel my face heat up then I nod. "Like I said, how can I not be proud," he says. I hold back my laugh to keep from waking up Shawn.

"Get some sleep, we have a long day ahead of us," he says and pats my shoulder then walks out. I hug Shawn closer to my chest and close my eyes. Sleep comes sooner than expected and I fall into a dark dream with a crash.

I'm sitting in a restaurant with Darwin on my right, my dad on my left, and mum in front of me. We're all laughing and smiling and having a good time. After a while of enjoying the food, we decide it's time to leave. We stand up to go after paying for the delicious food and I realize Darwin and I are younger again. Me thirteen, him fourteen.

We walk out of the place and the scene changes to all of us in the village again. We're walking up to the cabin that was recently their living area. Just before we get inside, my mind completely replays everything that happened leading up to their 'deaths'. I watch in horror as my dad got mauled by wolves and Darwin and I hold each other as we sit in a tree shaking and trying to keep quiet. Then the scene goes to my mum stabbing me then Darwin stabs her. Then it goes to when I get that letter from Darwin and me trying to kill myself. Then my dream goes to just before walking in the door again but everything is frozen and silent.

I take this chance to marvel at the happy smiles on every ones face. I feel my face starting to become wet and I open my eyes, pulling myself from the dream.

I look around and realize Shawn woke me up.

"Siva, are you okay?" she asks. I hold in a sob and wipe away the wet from my face as I nod quietly. "What's wrong?" she asks as she pulls me into a tight hug.

"I-I'm fine," I mumble. She rubs my back soothingly as I hide my face in her shoulder. We sit like that for a minute then I pull away first.

"What happened?" she asks as she looks into my eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it," I mumble as I look down at our intertwined fingers. She nods.

"Maybe another time," she offers. I nod once.

"Good morning!" I hear someone shout as they walk in, making me jump a little. I look up and see a well rested and quite hyper Darwin walking over with a huge smile on his face. "Feels good to be home again, huh baby bro," he says to me brightly.

"Don't call me that," I growl. He rolls his eyes.

"Get ready, we're going out to breakfast, and if your not ready in ten minutes we're leaving," he says. I sigh as I take in Darwin's already ready and awake look.

"You're ready, why didn't you wake us when you got up?" I ask.

"Dad wanted you to get as much rest as you can. Shawn here got your clothes and stuff for you," he says. I nod and get up.

"Alright, I'll be ready in a minute," I say as I go to the bathroom. Since it's a private jet, the bathroom is much bigger than on most planes. I take my glasses off and splash some water on my face and get a little in my hair then I slide my glasses back on. I brush my teeth and change into the clothes that were sitting on the counter and I walk back out.

Shawn comes over to me and gives me a tight hug. "Let's go eat and we can talk tonight or whenever we have time," she whispers calmingly. I nod as I wrap my arms around her in a tight embrace.

"Now let's go have a good time," she says. I let go of her and we walk off the plane hand-in-hand.

Shawn and I get in a black SUV and my parents get in the one behind with Darwin. I sit in the middle with a big buff guy on my left who is my guard, and Shawn on my right. I keep my mouth from spilling the complaints of being squished in the middle and we leave.

At the first time we turn right, I let out a small high pitched yelp when the big guy leans on me accidentally.

"Siva, are you okay?" Shawn asks me. I nod as I rub my butt.

"I'm fine, the seat belt just pinched me," I say to try and keep from embarrassing the big guy. I wouldn't want to be on his bad side, that's for sure.

"You sure its not just Greg's diet. The dude eats a whole fridge in a day," the guard in the front seat says.

"No, it was the seat belt," I say and add a nervous chuckle at the end. I chance a glance at Greg and I see him snarl so I quickly turn to Shawn and cuddle up to her shoulder. She chuckles and pats my hand.

After around twenty more minutes we finally get to an Ihop. We file out of the car, including the guards.

"Yes, Ihop!" I scream as I do a little victory dance. Shawn laughs at me.

"Siva, its just an Ihop," she says. I roll my eyes.

"Just an Ihop? How could you say that? It's the best restaurant in the world!" I almost shout as I shake her by her shoulders. She laughs and I grab her hand and run into the restaurant. We walk up to the lady.

"Table for two!" I almost yell as I practically jump up and down.

"Siva, calm down, people are starting to stare," Shawn says. I stop jumping and my smile wipes off my face and I look her dead in the eye.

"I don't give a damn if people stare at us. Its fucking Ihop, bitches!" I yell as I show the middle finger to all the people in the restaurant. I hear a collective gasp run through the people in the restaurant and Shawn quickly grabs my arm and forces me to sit on the waiting couch thingy on the wall.

"What the hell are you doing? Where did you get this much energy from?" she whisper yells.

"This is how I always get when I come to Ihop," I shrug. "Because this is-!" I get interrupted when she puts her hand over my mouth. I smirk and lick her hand.

"Ew!" she shrieks and rubs my own saliva on my chest.

"Baby, you know you love it," I tease and bite the air seductively as I wiggle my brows at her jokingly. She pushes on my chest as she walks away. "Aw, baby, don't be like that," I say as I follow her to the table the waitress showed our family. Shawn ignores me and sits between Darwin and my mother.

I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and I lift her up. I take her over to an empty booth.

"I got a table for two, remember?" I ask. She rolls her eyes but I just grin at her.

A waitress comes over and pulls out a notepad.

"Have you decided what to drink yet?" she asks.

"I'll have a diet Pepsi," Shawn says.

"And I'll have a Mountain Dew-"

"He'll have water," Shawn says for me with a smile toward the waitress. The waitress nods and walks away.

"Why can't I have a Mountain Dew?" I ask with disappointment in my voice. "Am I getting fat? Is that what it is?" I ask with a horrified look on my face. I stand up and lift my shirt up. Shawn shoots me a dirty look. "That is it! I'm getting fat! To think I'm not self conscious enough?!" I shout.

"Siva, get your ass back in that chair and put your shirt down," she whisper yells at me. I take my seat reluctantly. "Sorry people, severe ADHD. I promise he won't act up again," Shawn assures everyone. I roll my eyes and put my head down, suddenly feeling kind of sleepy. Now I need a Mountain Dew to keep me awake.

I move my head so I'm resting with my chin on the table and I give her my amazing puppy dog eyes. She looks at me and groans. "Siva, stop it," she says. I keep doing it, not even blinking. She looks away but she ends up turning back to me anyway. She then sighs and crosses her arms. "Alright, fine, you can have a stupid Mountain Dew," she mumbles quietly.

I grow a huge grin and I move next to her and give her a tight hug.

"As long as you stay quiet and calm," she adds. I sigh.

"It's so worth it. I think that pain medicine hasn't quite worn off," I chuckle. She nods.

A minute later the waitress comes back with our drinks and she sets the water in front of me. I glare at the clear liquid.

"Oh, I'm so sorry but we made a deal so he can have the Mountain Dew now," Shawn says to the waitress. She sighs and nods then goes to the kitchen. I pick up my menu and I look at some of the choices they have. A moment later the waitress returns with my drink. I shoot her a grin and chug half of it. The waitress gives me a weirded out look. I shrug and turn to my menu while Shawn orders her tiny meal of one pancake and bacon and hash browns.

"I would like the Santa pancake thingy, chocolate pancakes, and lots of bacon and sausage and a big pile of hot hash browns and I would like some scrambled eggs, lightly salted and peppered. And can I get a refill on my drink? Oh, and I would like some cheesecake for when I finish my food," I say. The waitress finally finishes scribbling down the order and looks at me with a raised brow. She looks me up and down then furrows her brows and walks away without a word.

"Holy fudge, Siva. How are you going to eat all that?" Shawn asks me.

"With my mouth and stomach, you should have learned this before preschool, Shawn," I say in a duh tone. She rolls her eyes.

"I mean, you're not going to be able to put all that away," she says. I raise a brow.

"The last time I went to Ihop I cleared them out of pancakes and bacon and I had been working on the eggs and my entire 'family' had to literally drag me out of the restaurant. I'm dead serious," I say. Shawn bursts out laughing.

"Haha, oh my gosh, haha, you... and you.... dragging," she laughs. I give her a confused look then shrug it off. Shawn eventually gets her composure back. The waitress comes back with a bunch of plates. She hands three plates to me and one to Shawn. Then the waitress walks off to take someone else's order.

I grab my fork and devour my food in a minute then I stop with the cheesecake. I rest my head on my fists with my elbows on the table and I watch Shawn eat. She glances up at me.

"Stop staring, its making me self conscious," she complains. I roll my eyes.

"You know I love, right?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes.

"Sure, I guess. But what does that have to do with any-?"

"It means I love you. I don't care about how you eat or what you eat. You will always be beautiful to me. There's no need to hide yourself," I say. She blushes and looks down.

I lean across the table and use my index finger to make her look up at me. I then lean in and I plant my lips right on hers. I catch her top lip between mine as she does the same to my bottom lip. I grin, making her lose hold of my lip and she bites me instead. I press my lips to hers a little softer and I linger slightly then pull away.

"I love you so much, Shawn, you don't even understand," I say. She chuckles and her face turns red but she quickly eats the rest of her food. Then I grab my fork and get a piece of the cake.

"Have you tried this cake?" I ask her. She shakes her head. "It's delicious. Here," I say and feed her a bite. She smiles.

"God, what have I been missing out on?" she says sort of loudly.

I chuckle and mutter under my breath, "Virgins," then I take a bite of the cake. Shawn rolls her eyes. Then we feed each other the cake. By the time the cake is gone, I'm surprisingly full. Shawn chuckles at me when I slouch in my chair and unbutton my jeans.

"Siva, are you getting fat?" Shawn asks me. I raise a brow and she laughs.

"Maybe a little," I mumble.

"Siva, its okay. I don't think so. It was a joke," she says. I give her a pouty lip. She gets up and comes over to me. She sits on my lap and kisses my pouty lip. It turns to a smile and she rubs circles into my lower back with her hand up my shirt. It sends chills through my body and she grins.

"Siva, Shawn, are you guys ready to leave?" Darwin interrupts. Shawn pulls away and looks up at him.

"Yeah, we were waiting on you guys," I say with a slight smirk.

"Dad's taking care of the bill. Let's go," he says. I nod and Shawn gets up. I stand up next to her and wrap my arm around her waist to keep her close to me.

"Holy shit, Siva! How do you put down all that food?!" I smirk at my dads reaction to the bill.

"Dad, its Ihop," I say. He rolls his eyes and drops some money on the table then we walk out. I keep Shawn with me and we get in the same van. This time Shawn sits in the middle since she's much smaller than me and I get the window seat.

After everyone gets situated, we leave the place.

"So what are we gonna do when we get to the hotel?" Shawn asks.

"Swimming!" I reply excitedly.

"Okay, but you can't make fun of my paleness," Shawn says. I smile. I lean closer and whisper to her.

"Don't you think I would have noticed before?" I tease. I watch in amusement as her face reddens. I chuckle.

"You have a point but whatever," she grumbles. I chuckle and kiss her hot cheek.

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