
By Zack_Senpai7

380 32 8

"Your life, as you know, will change forever". Follow middle aged, Anesthesiologist Joss McCain as he is sudd... More

New Beginnings: Rhindelm
The Adventure STARTS!!!
Welcome to Rhindelm
The Best Tailor in the World
Author's note
Mellow Infusions
Four is a party, five is a crowd
All in a day's work
Demon Mode
In the brink of death
Clash of Steel
Path Finder
Melody of Gore and Death
Ties of Destiny
Preparations for the Unknown
Flames of War
Super Training
The Girl called Anastacya
Memories Undone
The Road to an Adventure
Crossing Paths
Sailing into Dangers
I'm Shipping Up To Syrila!
Whale Away!
Whereabouts of the Old
Captain Flint
Dragon Bone Ruins
Danger is One Step Away
From Master to Slave
Warrior of the Underworld
Luna and Helios
City of Thieves
What. Is. That?!
Alongside You
Spider Dance
Spider? Spider!
Victor and Vector
The New Queen of Rhindelm
Harder than Steel
Believe in yourself
Rulers of the Underworld
I Will Become The Madame Of Aerilon
I am a Deadman
Primal Form
Know My Name
Let's go on a Date
Murderous Intent
He Belongs to Me
For You
The Forgotten One
Hunting Grounds
A1: Lacie
The Whisper of Death
I Need to Protect Them!

Master and Servant

2 1 0
By Zack_Senpai7

Arabella: 'Hope you like it everyone! Mine will have to be to go. I still need to head to the shopping center for a new stock of books. Will you come with me, Malfestio?'

(Malfestio was sleeping behind one of the sofas in Arabella's room. When he hears his name, he wakes up and replies in a sleepy voice)

Malfestio: I'm hungry. I want raspberries...

(Marie snaps her fingers and makes just one Raspberry appear in front of him)

U: Uuuhh, why .. Why yes... - chuckles-

(Marie giggles and everyone begins to eat. All thanks Arabella.)

Marie: Ima be outside. If anything, ask Lucy for me.

(She opens the door for Arabella)

(Malfestio grabs the raspberry quickly and eats it)

Malfestio: Can you give me more?

Marie: I can make an unlimited supply of them, but not until you do all of your duties with Arabella. Now, chop chop!

Arabella: 'Don't worry, Malfestio. After we are done with the shopping we will be going to the grocery store, so don't worry. And thank you Marie.'

(Malfestio inflates his cheeks)

Malfestio: Ok...Soooo where are we going? (Says while ignoring the place Arabella just said)

(Marie heads outside and flies into the sky and remains hovering above the house and she just remains there, as in peace from the chatter)

Marie: Don't worry Mother Oamni. I remain to my Oath. To the code, my will shall not shatter or be compromised. I will guard my new acquaintances, till my last dying breath.

(She places on the mask)

Now, to rest.

(The mask seals onto her face and she remains a float.)

Arabella: 'Well, Malfestio, I need to go get some new experimental robes, new cauldrons and mixing wands. Then I need to get food. We are running low on that.'

(Then she remembers she needs to meet with someone outside of the capital, but she can't bring anyone along.)

'After we are done, I'll leave everything here, let you to your raspberries and have Andromeda put everything in it's place. Will you be coming along Mr. U and Lucy?'

Malfestio: Well, you just point the place and the wind, and I will do the work! (Says with a puff and a little punch in his chest)

(Arabella then points out the places she needs to go to Malfestio, and they are off. After three hours, they are done, and they arrived back to the tower with a crate full of Raspberries.)

Arabella: 'Thank you, Malfestio. I hope that crate lasts a full day. If not, there is some money in the cupboard over there. Behind the newt tails. I'll be off then!'

Malfestio: Ok! Have a safe trip! (The little guy says with his mouth full of food)

Arabella: (Starts to summon her dragon mount.)

'Sixth dimension, sixth world, sixth door. I ask for your guidance and help, oh great King. I ask for your protection on this day, Paarthurnax!'

(Then the sky begins to darken, the world commences to vibrate with the power of the summon, and a window shattering roar is heard in the heavens. She hears this, grins, and through the shattered window, leaps through it and lands on the back of the King of Dragons. Then they take off into the horizon.)

Andromeda: 'Well..........that's my cue to start cleaning.'

(Then she summons a broom and starts cleaning up the crystals on the floor. And then she trips, gets up and continues cleaning.)

(She continues on her way, flying on Paarthurnaxs back. Through a mind link, she talks to Paarthurnax.)

Arabella: 'Hey, Paarthurnax, how long will it take to get to the Cave of Illusion?'

Paarthurnax: 'Well, my lady luck, I hope to arrive within the next five joor hours. Even with my flying you are asking to go halfway across the continent.'

Arabella: (She sweat drops) 'It's not that bad. You know we are both being called there by our link to the Aether. So, don't try to come rub it in my face that you are annoyed at this. You are the one that told me yesterday about this.'

Paarthurnax: 'Yeah yeah. So, I might be a bit curious. Sue me. I feel a descendant of my species in that cave, so that's why I am so curious.'

Arabella: 'Alright, alright. giggles Let us concentrate on the skies ahead, just in case. We'll talk more once we land.'

Paarthurnax: 'Sounds good to me, Lady Luck.'

(After a daunting six-hour flight, where they both landed two times, to eat and for bathroom breaks, they arrived at the general location of the Cave.)

Arabella: 'Wellllllll, I guess this will take a while, unless you can track down the cave?'

Paarthurnax: 'I can. Assuming my descendant is in the cave, I'll be able to use a shout to locate them.'

(Paarthurnax, still in the air, rises far above the ground, at cloud level and uses Aura Whisper, to locate the entrance.)

Paarthurnax: 'LOK VAH KOOR!'

(They wait a total of three minutes before the shout gives back a signal. They both see he purple mist at the very center of the jungle they were on top of, and then begin their descent.)

(After they arrive at the entrance, Arabella gets off and they begin their descent into the cave. It takes about two more hours to get to where the real entrance of the Cave of Illusion is in.)

Arabella: (Wide eyed, looks at her surroundings and like a giddy child, begins to winder the cave. Obviously not touching anything.) 'This is so amazing! The magikal aura here, the magikal imprints of mages coming here in the distant past. For that to still be here.......not many humans or anything must have come here for millennia.........(She keeps examining the crystals around the cave, touching each and every one of them, getting a look at the past, at the beings that once inhabited this place. Then she touches one particular crystal and she gets sucked into its memories, not seeing the knowing look in Paarthurnaxs eyes.)

Paarthurnax: "This will be the time where I will see her for the first time........I hope she doesn't think any differently off me after her return."

(After three hours, the day had turned to night and Arabella was still inside the memories held with in the crystals. Then a voice is heard around the cave, and a resounding giant footsteps. Paarthurnax is on high alert, to protect his Lady Luck from any harm that may befall her, but once he sees the beings approaching, he knows nothing will happen and relaxes. Although, he still curls protectively around Arabella.)

Paarthurnax: 'What brings you to this place, Saarthal? I would have thought you and your enslaved Basilisk, would be doing something productive.'

Saarthal: 'We ARE doing something, you overgrown iguana. We are here to meet our destined Master. You know I took control of him for this purpose. So that the day we found our Master, or Mistress as is the case, he wouldn't hurt them in his misguided attempt at freedom. It is not our way. That is why we are here. I thought it would take longer to find them, but I can feel our connection to her. Our vitality is growing by the minute.'

Paarthurnax: 'You may release him then. He will feel the same connection to her as you do. No need for mind control, Saarthal.'

Saarthal: 'I shall release him, once the pacts are done. I can feel she will be done any moment.'

(After those words where said Arabella gave a gasp, and a surge of power went through the crystal and through her. The silhouette of a dragon came out and started being absorbed into her. After that one soul came, it was like the flood gates opened, soul after soul came through. First every soul could be seen, could be heard, until there where so many that they all turned into white noise.)

Arabella: (She started to scream, all of the dragon souls being absorbed through her, they hurt. All of their feelings, thoughts, memories, knowledge, and instincts flowed through her. It was overwhelming. After what felt like an eternity she blacked out, but her body kept moving, until the transfer was done. Then in a ethereal voice and glowing ayes and tattoos, she started to speak.) 'I am not the Arabella you know, I am the one you will know. With these words, our pacts are complete. Saarthal and Magnus, the Demon and the Basilisk, will be taken under our wing. We shall care for you both, and in exchange you shall never hurt us, never betray us, for we are the Masters, you the servants.'

(At that moment, with every word spoken, the ground shook, with every breath taken, the ground cracked.)

Arabella: 'With these spoken words, the pact will remain. No lies, no plots, no plans. Just the spoken word and truth.'

(Then she collapsed, and the air remained still. Saarthal caught her before her fall and Magnus caught them both with his tail.)

Magnus: (With the lowest, most gravelly voice said.) 'Thank you for releasing me Mistress. I shall happily serve such a powerful being. And Saarthal, thank you.'

(After their Mistress collapsed, they all understood that they should all head back into town to take her home. And so, they were off. She was out for two weeks after that.)

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