Master and Servant

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Arabella: 'Hope you like it everyone! Mine will have to be to go. I still need to head to the shopping center for a new stock of books. Will you come with me, Malfestio?'

(Malfestio was sleeping behind one of the sofas in Arabella's room. When he hears his name, he wakes up and replies in a sleepy voice)

Malfestio: I'm hungry. I want raspberries...

(Marie snaps her fingers and makes just one Raspberry appear in front of him)

U: Uuuhh, why .. Why yes... - chuckles-

(Marie giggles and everyone begins to eat. All thanks Arabella.)

Marie: Ima be outside. If anything, ask Lucy for me.

(She opens the door for Arabella)

(Malfestio grabs the raspberry quickly and eats it)

Malfestio: Can you give me more?

Marie: I can make an unlimited supply of them, but not until you do all of your duties with Arabella. Now, chop chop!

Arabella: 'Don't worry, Malfestio. After we are done with the shopping we will be going to the grocery store, so don't worry. And thank you Marie.'

(Malfestio inflates his cheeks)

Malfestio: Ok...Soooo where are we going? (Says while ignoring the place Arabella just said)

(Marie heads outside and flies into the sky and remains hovering above the house and she just remains there, as in peace from the chatter)

Marie: Don't worry Mother Oamni. I remain to my Oath. To the code, my will shall not shatter or be compromised. I will guard my new acquaintances, till my last dying breath.

(She places on the mask)

Now, to rest.

(The mask seals onto her face and she remains a float.)

Arabella: 'Well, Malfestio, I need to go get some new experimental robes, new cauldrons and mixing wands. Then I need to get food. We are running low on that.'

(Then she remembers she needs to meet with someone outside of the capital, but she can't bring anyone along.)

'After we are done, I'll leave everything here, let you to your raspberries and have Andromeda put everything in it's place. Will you be coming along Mr. U and Lucy?'

Malfestio: Well, you just point the place and the wind, and I will do the work! (Says with a puff and a little punch in his chest)

(Arabella then points out the places she needs to go to Malfestio, and they are off. After three hours, they are done, and they arrived back to the tower with a crate full of Raspberries.)

Arabella: 'Thank you, Malfestio. I hope that crate lasts a full day. If not, there is some money in the cupboard over there. Behind the newt tails. I'll be off then!'

Malfestio: Ok! Have a safe trip! (The little guy says with his mouth full of food)

Arabella: (Starts to summon her dragon mount.)

'Sixth dimension, sixth world, sixth door. I ask for your guidance and help, oh great King. I ask for your protection on this day, Paarthurnax!'

(Then the sky begins to darken, the world commences to vibrate with the power of the summon, and a window shattering roar is heard in the heavens. She hears this, grins, and through the shattered window, leaps through it and lands on the back of the King of Dragons. Then they take off into the horizon.)

RhindelmOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora