Winter Rose.

By imintheblackparade

581K 24K 5.3K

There were two babes in the Tower of Joy. Two babes tied so closely to their parents, Ned had to make the de... More

Part ii.
Part iii.
Part iv.
Part v.
A/N about the book
Part vi.
Part vii.
Part viii.
Part ix.
Ending A.i.
Ending A. ii.
Ending A. iii.
Ending A. iv.
Ending B.i.
Ending B. ii.
Ending B. iv.
Ending c.
A/N and bloopers.

Ending B. iii.

1.6K 78 22
By imintheblackparade

It's not letting me reply to the comments, I'm so sorry! I'll try when I can!


Visenya's hands found Oberyn's back as she spotted him standing on the balcony, gazing over the wide expanse that was King's Landing; his breathing soft, and his face contemplative. They were slow to wind along the bronze skin, drawing across the orange soaked scented skin and around to the front where she placed her cheek to the flesh of the blade. "What are you thinking about?" She questioned softly, her head not reaching his shoulder to peek at where his gaze was focused most.

"Nothing," He whispered, urging her around as his hand locked around hers, tugging her before him where he could gaze upon her face. It was the quiet of the morning, where only the merchants would be readying stores in the streets, and where men were slow to walk from a lovers embrace to their posts along the wall. The damage was almost invisible, but the weight of those who had died felt across the city.

Visenya let it settle as she reached forward, cupping at his cheek, his head nuzzling into the palm. "How did you sleep?" She asked, a softness to her tone.

He shook his head. "The same dream, just different people. I watched my girls, and I could do nothing to save them." He had confided in her, told her how he witnessed the wights swamp the girls as they struggled to protect Alleras who was desperate to save Harry; he just couldn't get there in time. "I worry for the little ones."

Vis sighed gently, bringing him into her arms as she wrapped him tight into her grip. "They'll be here with us, they'll grow alongside the other children, and there will be men crawling this place." She promised, feeling Oberyn tighten around her. "The Dead won't march south again." A nod was felt against her, but the weight hadn't left him. "What? Tell me, my love."

"And what if an army marches on us? Sacks the city like they did with my sister." He feared the capital.

Vis was careful to turn him, pointing out to the pits she had visited often. Even from here, she could see the three figures of the dragons. Leirion in the air as he circled above them, Rhaegal and Rhaenys still fast asleep below. "Three dragons continue to stand between us and them, they are no threat - not while we hold favour." He didn't relax completely, but his shoulders did fall slightly; Vis taking his hand as she wrapped it around her once again. "Tell me about them, about your girls."

It always made Oberyn happy. "They'll be your girls too, don't forget." And Gods, was Vis excited. Four young girls to tear around the place, terrorising the staff, and most likely run her ragged. "Loreza and Dorea are very excited to see you; they're smashing oranges in the Water Gardens from boredom, they wish to see the dragons." He teased, the grin returning as his dark hues swam in mirth.

"Obella is practicing hard to make the Queensguard, just like Meria did; she's requesting a Water Dancer to teach her to fight once she arrives." Vis smiled, her heart filling with warmth as she settled back into his arms; content. "And Elia is worried for the horses, she requires me to travel them all from Dorne to King's Landing so she may continue to care for them." A caring soul, Elia sounded like.

"Make sure that all the girls have what they need, I don't want them feeling as though this isn't their home, because it will be - for as long as they live." She vowed, feeling his hand tighten on her hip.

Oberyn's chin rested on her shoulder, nodding as their eyes darted to the sun rise at the west. "I know you can't have children, but I-"

Vis shook her head, cutting him off. "I think my luck has changed." She uttered, thinking back to the soiled sheets she had changed since her time being here.

A brow rose, curious. "Your luck has changed?" She nodded, leaning forward to run her nose against the strap of his beard.

"Children are very much an option for us." The hand tightened further, pressing her closer to him as he smiled. Children, their children; they could have children. It was a far forgotten thought, a passing dream once upon a time. "I don't want the girls to feel left out, however, if we have children. Whether that's not having your time, or a claim to the throne, or anything they need. I hope to see them as my children, as I will having birthed our own."

His brow rose. "What do you mean?"

"They're not mine, which means they can't inherit their Throne, but I hope to still make them princesses if needs be - Princesses of Dorne." Visenya would never replace Ellaria, who had died in the cells of the Red Keep; but she would act as a mother figure, helping them when they needed it.

Oberyn nodded. "I would never ask that of you." He uttered, almost confused.

"I know you wouldn't, but I want to do that for you." Vis urged, grasping his hands. "They're your girls, and I'm marrying into your family. They've had enough upset without me messing everything up further, I just want them happy." Oberyn's hands were quick to grasp her cheeks, pulling her to him as he pressed his lips against hers. Such a simple statement, meant the world to him; one he didn't think Vis understood as he left a flurry of kisses to her lips before pulling back, watching her flushed cheeks.

"Is it too early to begin practicing making the baby?" He teased, the indigo hooded as she gazed up through thick lashes.

She nodded. "Unfortunately I have a meeting to make, and we have the celebration tonight to celebrate our betrothal - you need to get the girls settled in." He groaned, drawing a laugh from her lips.

"Not even quickly?" He begged.

Her head shook. "I'm afraid not." Standing on tippy toes, she pressed her lips to his before breaking away. "I will see you after, you might want to sort out this." Brushing her hand daringly along the front of his breeches, Visenya broke away with a cheeky look to her eyes and a daring swing to her hips as she returned to their room; feeling the weight of the dark eyes on her behind.

"Come back here!" He called out, his feet quickening on the stone as a loud giggle escaped her, her own desperate to flee as she escaped into the room. There was a fleeting chance before his arms hooked around her waist, tugging her back, the ground disappearing around them. A cry escaped Visenya as more laughter took her, desperate to grasp onto Oberyn as he swung her around, throwing her to the bed before stalking over.

"You're honestly telling me, you don't have enough time for your future husband." He hushed as he crawled over, Oberyn locking her beneath him as indigo shined up.

Visenya shook her head, the wide grin still settling on her lips. "I told you no, I have to meet-" Oberyn was quick to cut her off, lips pressing to hers as his hands found her knees, pushing them up and wrapping them around his waist. "Ty-" She managed before being cut off again.

She didn't mind, but she really was going to be late to a meeting she needed to get to. Visenya pushed against him, breaking them as she clutched his face, holding Oberyn back who was desperate in his attempt to grasp her, his hands wandering down her sides before hooking beneath. "I mean it." Vis told him, breathing heavy. "I have to go, but I promise you, there will be plenty of times to practice." She teased.

He sighed, body still before gently sitting up, pulling her up with him. "Alright, duty first, I understand." Oberyn groaned, but not out of malicious intent.

Vis nodded. "Duty first, Mr King. But, I do mean it, tonight, I promise; after all the celebrations." And the dark ink lit up; Vis slipping out of the bed. 

Pulling a quick coat, breeches, and boots onto her body; she hid the necklace she had always worn, the ring now swinging on the chain with it as Visenya tucked them away. Her hair left free, and her face glowing as she slipped from the room, leaving Oberyn to himself.

Passing through busy corridors, she walked down to the council chamber, crossing the room to her seat as she already found those waiting in there for her. Varys, Tyrion, Torgo, and Harry to one side, as the Lords of Westeros took to the other, their backs raising as she flounced in. Vis smiled at them before sitting, crossing one leg over the other. "Shall we begin? Tell me what's new with the Kingdom."

"Grain stores are up by 130% this quarter from the previous thanks to the addition of elephants in the reach, their..." Harry's eyes lit up at the mention of his elephants, practically buzzing in his seat as his brows danced at Vis. "Makes for excellent fertiliser, and donations made by House Strickland with land, men, and money will be put forward to ensure suitable housing, care, and facilities are in place for them. And business opportunities are now booming with the elephant..." Varys glanced to Harry, Visenya only grinning at her friend. "Trade, export, and refining are the new rage - rendering unemployment in the Reach to nearly nill."

She grinned widely. "It seems we owe House Strickland a large debt, do you require more elephants?" Vis questioned as she leaned forward onto her arms, the indigo twinkling to the commander of the Targaryen Army.

He blushed. "We do not, Your Grace, the generosity you show is enough." But Vis wasn't going to take that.

"Varys, I want an order of 50 dwarf elephants from Volantis, if possible as thanks to House Strickland for their work in the Reach." She muttered as though it was nothing.

His eyes bugged. "50 dwarf elephants?" They were hard to come across, only acquired from Volantis and the Isle of Elephants. Vis nodded, smiling as he grinned. Harry couldn't turn that down.

"Anything else?" She asked, turning from him to Tyrion next.

"The upcoming celebration of your marriage with Oberyn has caused a rise in popularity for the crown amongst the smallfolk who eagerly await to watch, which hide the lowering stock of grain and food coming into the city - but with the increase from the Reach, this issue should be resolved." He urged, glancing down at the stacks of parchment in front of him. "Also, a visitor should be here to see you after this meeting - he said you would be expecting him." Vis frowned, unsure on who exactly that could be.

"He left this in his letter." A silver pin slid across the side, her eyes falling to it as an unsettling feeling settled within her stomach at the sight. Her fingers reached out, plucking it delicately before weighing the metal in hand and closing it in a clenched fist. Every man in her army wore this. "You don't seem..." His head cocked slightly. "Thrilled at this news."

But Vis forced a smile. "It's fine." And it would be. The pair didn't seem convinced, but they refused to push her any further as she tucked it away in her pocket, and raised her indigo eyes up. "Is that all?"

"Cersei." Tywin muttered, his voice slightly hoarse as the pale green flickered up, and settled on her. "She's ready to give birth, it won't be long before an heir is produced, and I am happy to begin the trial if you are."

It fell silent. "Are you sure Tywin that you can face that? It is likely that Cersei is to face death for what she's done to the Kingdom, and you may have to watch." Visenya could tell that Tywin was putting up a brave face, that despite all he said, there was part of him that still cared.

"My loyalties lie with the crown, and the crown's decision has been made." He said cooly, their eyes meeting. "We'll just set a date, and everything will be arranged." They glanced at Tyrion and Varys. "King's Landing will give a better public view to this matter, the crimes will be answered for with the crown sitting at the head. The way it has always been done."

Tyrion fumbled, keeping silent but nodding. "If that is all, I would like to return to the Westerlands before my heir is born."

"And what about Jaime and Brienne? What is to happen to them? He is the father." Tyrion uttered, glancing over, hurt swirling in the emerald hues.

Tywin simply raised his chin, barely meeting anyones eyes but Visenya's as she too looked on in concern. She thought he would name Jaime heir at least, not this newest born Lannister. "They will do as they please, they are two Knights of the Seven Kingdoms, and I believe both Brienne and Jaime wish to join the Queensguard." The Queensguard. She thought, biting down on her lip. There were still many places to fill, only Barristan and Sandor having taken positions yet; and many more viable candidates still to rise.

"Queensguard will be a slow process, and it is unclear the Queen's decision on letting former Knights return back to their positions." Tyrion uttered, looking at Visenya also.

She nodded. "Tyrion's right. I may have forgiven Jaime for what he did to my Grandfather but that doesn't mean that I'm sure about having him take his position again, it's rather..." Difficult of a decision to make so quickly. Brienne, she would accept in an instant, but Jaime... Especially if technically he was heir to Casterly Rock. Tywin nodded, keeping silent.

"We will resume these matters tomorrow, if I'm to meet someone shortly. Forgive me." Vis uttered before standing, needing to clear her mind as she rose from her seat; everyone instantly standing with her. With quick nods, Visenya departed and left them behind, already knowing where it was she needed to meet them.

The stairs up felt like a lifetime, the hallways unusually quiet as she stepped in, the oat dusting her ankles as she passed. With quick succession, her feet took her to the second solar and up through another set into a private courtyard overlooking the large map of Westeros.

It was empty but she knew it wouldn't be long, as Visenya slipped in, her hands resting on the bannister as she glanced out over it. The entirety of that map was almost hers - bar the North, but come the wedding, there was no territory that wouldn't answer to Vis' wishes, or her word if a dispute was to arise.

Even now, watching it, it amazed her. "My, my, Miss Waters. You have done well, haven't you." A snake-like hiss erupted from behind her, her back straightening as she gazed over the map, the indigo not lifting as she refused to turn; keeping her feet like steel to the ground. "I almost thought you wouldn't, you'd left it this long."

"Yes, well, I had to make it seem natural." She uttered, glancing down to her hands. "There were complications, after all." The Long Night. Losing half of her men, her advisors, those she cared about.

"You had to make it seem as though you didn't want to kill her, after all Kinslaying is frowned upon in Westeros." Kinslaying. Her tongue flickered across her lips, her head lowering by just a touch.

Visenya frowned, turning to him. "What do you want, Tycho? I've done my part, I took the Iron Throne, I became Queen of Westeros."

"And in return, I shall wipe away the debt of the Kingdom. You did what was best, eliminating the richest house, killing a Mad Queen, and becoming a full blooded heir to the Throne in the process. This is better than any of us could hope for." He paused, looking to her. "The worse part is you have no remorse in killing her, do you?"

No. Visenya didn't. In the time since Braavos, she had learned to become ruthless. She had protected her heart well, perfected being the perfect manipulator. All for the Throne. "It's what needed to be done, my only regret is not doing it sooner." Now, that was a lie. She had some remorse over killing Daenerys, over stripping her of a life with her son, and her son of his mother. Daemon was in the castle, he was cared for like the daughter of Shaqafi.

"You made the right decision accepting my deal that day." He urged, his eyes hardening as he watched her from the side of his eyes.

But, Visenya still felt as she did. How she didn't want the Throne, how she hadn't ever wanted it before Oberyn had urged her to, and so had her advisors. "I don't want the Throne, do well to remember that?"

"How many times must you say that a day to make even you believe it. Why else would you have embarked on such a journey? If you didn't want it, you wouldn't have come back to me in Braavos." Her brows quirked, but she didn't turn; she refused to give him the satisfaction. "Want it or not, it is now yours."

And he was right, it was hers now. 

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